Fundazol: how can it be replaced and what is it

Characteristics of the foundationAmong experts, foundationol is better known as a fungicide with systemic and contact action. Representing the class of benzimidazoles, this drug contains benomyl as the main active ingredient in a proportion of 500 grams per 1 kg of weight.

It is offered commercially as a white wetting powder with a mild irritating odor.

The characteristic properties of the foundation

Description of the properties of the foundation It is necessary to use this drug with extreme caution: according to the hazard class, it belongs to the second group, which characterizes it as highly toxic substance.

The main effect of the use of this fungicide is due to the fact that as a result of the treatment, the fungi stop reproducing, since irreversible consequences arise in the cell nucleus, which is no longer able to divide.

The main applications are root watering, seed treatmentas well as stems or leaf axils.

The first three days after treatment, the drug begins to act, eliminating only the external signs of the disease. In the next 7 days, the effect persists, preventing the emergence of new pathogens.

Most buyers are unfamiliar with the ability of foundationol to exhibit acaricidal action. It manifests itself in relation to adult spider mites and their species, making it impossible for their development.

The drug demonstrates insecticidal properties when using it in the fight against aphids and leaf beetle larvae, which cannot stand it. A similar effect is provided by the fact that the larvae cannot move to the next adult stage, however, the drug does not affect the eggs.

There is unconfirmed evidence that the foundation possesses nematicidal properties... The drug does not have a toxic effect on plants, however, if the recommended doses are not observed, a depressing effect is possible.

The effectiveness of the use of the drug is maintained regardless of the air temperature. Therefore, it can be used for processing not only in spring, but also in late autumn.

It is allowed to use the fungicide as part of other preparations that have a neutral aqueous solution. At the same time, it is unacceptable to add it to solutions where lime and alkaline components are present.

Where is foundationol applied

Fundazole has a wide range of applications, demonstrating effectiveness in the fight against various pathogens of fungal infections:

  • Scopes of foundationmoldy seeds;
  • infectious lodging of conifer seedlings;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • spotting;
  • wilting and rot.

Foundation action

The principle of operation of the foundationAfter treatment, the foundation enters the vascular system of the plant, moving along it exclusively in the acropetal direction. Its movement occurs only vertically along the xylem.

In other words, in order to achieve the effect, it is necessary to water and root fertilize. Also an effective measure is spraying methodhowever, in this case, changes are observed only at the sites of drug absorption. The effect of the foundation treatment does not apply to neighboring leaves.

Experts say that this fungicide is not able to effectively resist bacteria. At the same time, there is evidence that foundation treatment is effective preventive measure bacteriosis on vegetables, legumes and grains. And therefore, it is difficult to say which version is true.

There are many controversial opinions regarding the foundation. First of all, flower growers who specialize in growing indoor plants speak differently about him.

Quite often it is used by fans of orchids and bulbs, because this is a remedy perfectly fights fungi... But at the same time, there is a version about the high toxicity of the drug, so it is undesirable to use it at home.

Features of the drug

Description of the features of the pesticide foundazolThere is also information that the foundation available in the retail network is an unofficial product and cannot ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, since the original has not been released for a long time.

Based on the latest data, the foundation is included in the list of pesticides presented in the “State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation ". This was the information for July 4, 2014.

The registration of the foundation was supposed to end in December 2014. In the meantime, the situation with the drug has not changed, and it can still be purchased in stores from old purchases. However, it is still not included in the new list of permitted pesticides of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, so it is not yet clear how the situation with the drug will change in the future.

It should be noted that, nevertheless, foundazol is a common pesticide, so it can be used only in certain situations. Moreover, it is imperative that adhere to safety rules.

Frequent use of the same fungicide increases the resistance of fungal spores tenfold. Therefore, if with repeated use you have not achieved positive results, then this is not a basis for claiming that you were sold a fake.

Do not use this fungicide in the fight against rust fungi, downy mildew and fungi of the genera Peronospora (peronosporosis), Prytophtora (late blight), Pthium (soft rot, black leg).

The fact is that these phytoparasites at the genetic level demonstrate high resistance to such drugs. The experience of forestry specialists shows that in recent years, foundationol has little help in protecting conifers from traditional diseases.

Foundation consumption rates

This fungicide can be used before planting tuberous. Its main method of application is to pickle them. The solution is prepared according to the following scheme: you need to take 10 gr. preparation and dilute in 0.5 l of water. The resulting mixture is enough to process 10 seed tubers.

The processing of the bulbs of gladioli and amaryllis is carried out in a slightly different way. The essence of the method is to keep the bulbs in solution for 3 hours. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams. substances and diluted in 2 liters of water.

To pickle garlic, make a solution of 10 grams. foundation, which are diluted in 0.5 liters of water. In this mixture, the planting material withstands for 24 hours.

Also, foundation is often used in the fight against powdery mildew and other diseases that can affect indoor and garden plants. The treatment is carried out during the growing season using a 0.1% working solution.

  1. For its preparation, take 10 grams. preparation and mixed with 10 liters of water.
  2. The recommended consumption rate is 1.5 liters per 10 sq. m.
  3. For effective pest control, it is recommended to carry out treatment before flowering or after fruiting in horticultural farms. With regard to indoor plants, there are no such restrictions, so they can be sprayed at the first signs of a disease.

Foundation toxicity and safety measures

Safety rules when using foundationAs a result of treating plants with foundation, bees and birds may not suffer much.However, you need to be especially careful when using the drug near a reservoir, since it is very toxic to fish.

It also poses a danger to humans and warm-blooded animals. Allergic reactions occur when interacting with the skin and getting into the oral cavity. Frequent contact with the drug can provoke the development of dermatitis.

It is allowed to process plants with foundation only in protective clothing: respirator and gloves. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to prepare the working solution outdoors before using it in the apartment.

You should be careful not to let the drug come into contact with the eyes and skin. After using the foundation, it is advisable to refrain from eating, drinking and smoking for some time. Upon completion of spraying, be sure to wash hands and face.

First aid for poisoning

If a small amount of the drug gets on the skin, then immediately wash it with plenty of water. If the drug gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water.

When inhaling the drug, you must immediately take 3-4 glasses of water and induce a gag reflex. In the future, to eliminate possible side effects, you need to drink water with several tablets of activated carbon and see a doctor.

Fundazol is one of all the known fungicides that are often used to fight diseases not only in horticultural conditions, but also by ordinary growers to protect indoor plants.

However, it must be used with caution, since it is important not only to suppress diseases, but also avoid negative impact on the environment. As a result of spraying, a person can harm himself if he exceeds the permissible doses for using the foundation.

In order to avoid such negative phenomena, it is recommended to spray with this fungicide only in protective clothing, and after treatment, thoroughly wash your hands and face. However, the easiest way to minimize the risk of using foundationol is to replace it with a safer drug.

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