What is Cytokinin Paste

Orchid lovers have long appreciated Cytokinin Paste for the care of this beautiful flower. You can use this tool for breeding other indoor plants. This paste can be used to grow various Saintpaulias, succulents, hibiscus, begonias, citrus fruits and other plant species.

What is Cytokinin Paste for?

The product is based on phytohormones. Promotes active stimulation of the process of cell division. Usually pasta used for capricious plantsto stimulate the growth of buds and shoots. The product helps not only the growth of formed kidneys, but also promotes the appearance of new kidneys. The effect of the paste is especially clearly seen during the reproduction of tuberous plants. The hormones that make up this product help to form new ovaries on the bulbs in the shortest possible time.

Cytokinin paste helps plants that are on the verge of death due to unfavorable conditions (when the soil is dry, when it is depleted, with abundant moisture) to revive.

Applying ointment for orchids

This product is available in packages of different sizes. Very little paste is needed with each use, so even a small tube will last for a long time.

  1. Safe use of cytokinin pasteSelect the bud on the orchid from which you want the flowering shoot to grow. Florists recommend taking the topmost or, conversely, the lowest bud.
  2. Carefully remove the scales covering the kidney. Act as clearly as possible so as not to damage the peduncle. As soon as you remove the scale with tweezers, you can see a small light green bud.
  3. Using a toothpick or needle, apply some cytokinin paste to the dot that appears. The tool should be evenly coated with the entire kidney. The paste needs to be applied very little. If you overdo it, then instead of one flowering shoot, two may appear and then they will not be able to fully develop.
  4. After about 10 days, a new shoot should hatch from the treated bud.
  5. It is best to carry out this procedure on orchids at the end of February. Or in early spring.
  6. In order for orchids to have enough nutrition, more than 3 buds should not be treated with cytokinin paste. When new shoots are formed, it is advisable to start feeding the plant with special vitamins to enhance growth and for good nutrition. Make sure that during "awakening" the flower receives enough heat and sunlight.

The use of cytokinin ointment when growing violets

One of the most capricious plants grown by lovers of indoor flowers is the violet. For propagation of the most difficult varieties, cytokinin paste is used. Many varieties hardly give children, and this tool contributes to this process. On petioles that are close to the ground, make small scratches and smear with a thin needle with cytokinin paste. After about 14 days, the result should appear. Do not be alarmed, most likely, many new shoots will form. They should be gradually planted in pots as they grow to grow new violets.

Cytokinin paste - application in the cultivation of horticultural crops

In horticulture, ointment is used to form new shoots and create a crown in plants.The remedy helps to form new buds, as well as awaken dormant buds, from which flower stalks or shoots are subsequently formed.

Often used for breeding new capricious varieties of roses.

Can process the tubers of bulbous plants for the rapid education of new children.

Safety precautions when using paste

  • How to use the ointmentYou cannot treat orchids with ointment if the plant has any damage or is currently suffering from some kind of disease.
  • They are used for processing only adult plants, as it can harm a young flower.
  • Do not forget that the paste promotes the rapid growth of flowers, but not the restoration of damaged shoots.
  • When two shoots appear from one bud, you should stop using the product for a while and remove one of the shoots.
  • When using cytokinin paste, be careful not to get on the leaves of the plant. Only the kidneys need to be processed.
  • Keep the product out of the reach of children and animals, preferably in the refrigerator.
  • The paste should not be placed near heating appliances.
  • Keep the product at room temperature for about 2 hours before use. This will soften the ointment and be ready for use.
  • The needle or toothpick used to apply the paste to the plant must be clean.
  • Try not to damage the kidney before applying the product.
  • Do not apply the ointment to the roots, this can lead to the death of the plant.
  • All procedures for processing plants with cytokinin paste should be carried out with gloves. Try not to get the product on exposed skin and on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling.
  • Do not use ointment that is past its expiration date.

Cytokinin paste. Reviews

Most often you can find positive reviews on the use of cytokinin paste. Florists who use this tool for the first time do not even expect such a positive effect and rapid growth of shoots.

My grandmother used to plant violets all the time. This beautiful flower has always reminded me of my childhood. And so I also decided to buy some plants. I wanted to make all the windowsills with these flowers, but they didn’t want to take root, and there they would give new shoots. On the Internet I came across information about cytokinin paste. Now my dream came true... I have a lot of violets grown with my hands using a miracle paste.


I am an orchid lover. I am constantly looking for new tools that will help my plants reproduce as productively as possible. In a flower shop I was advised to get a cytokinin paste. And I have not regretted it. In the spring smeared 2 buds on a peduncle and the plant soon bloomed. I also processed other orchids. Soon all my phalaenopsis came to life. I did not forget about the special feeding of orchids, so that the plant received the necessary nutrients. My phalaenopsis delighted me with their flowering for a very long time.


DIY cytokinin paste

Cytokinin paste and its applicationAt home, it is not difficult to make such an ointment yourself.

You will need: anhydrous lanolin, cytokinin and rubbing alcohol... All of these can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

To begin with, you should prepare an alcoholic infusion of cytokinin. To do this, dissolve 1 g in 96% alcohol. cytokinin. Use very little alcohol. Then, in a water bath, 100 g of anhydrous lanolin should be brought to a liquid state. Make sure that the product does not start to boil. Remove lanolin from stove and carefully move with alcoholic infusion... Leave the lid off for a few days to allow the alcohol to evaporate. The product is ready.

Cytokinin paste is a necessary remedy for the propagation of indoor flowers (orchids, violets, dracaena, etc.) and capricious garden plants. You need very little money, but you will get a quick result that will delight you.

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