Perennial vines: names of climbing plants for the garden, photo

Garden climbing plants are very popular in landscape design. With their help, you can plant greenery on a certain area of ​​the garden. They are used to decorate the wall of a building or the facade of a building. Thus, you can give a second life to withered trees. Interesting ideas for the garden can be found in the photo on the Internet.

All beautiful garden representatives are usually divided into two types - annuals and perennials. The former are pleasing to the eye during one season, while the others decorate the summer cottage from year to year.

Perennial flowers for the garden

List and description of perennial climbing garden plantsClimbing plants for the garden are also accepted distinguish by their decorative qualities... Some will captivate the hearts of gardeners with their exuberant flowering. Others draw admiring glances to their unusual shaped leaves.

As for the third, they are able to please with sweet fruits after flowering. It is also customary to distinguish the following groups of plants:

  • Those that grow with a carpet on the ground without additional support or creeping.
  • Clinging. These are vines that have certain antennae. With their help, they are fixed on supports and continue to grow upward.
  • Climbing. Plants with "air" roots. There are special suction cups at their ends, so they grow well on rough surfaces.

Perennials can also include:

Of course, this is not the whole list of perennial curly flowers. Collected here most popular plants... They require good anchorage. Often this role is played by an ordinary fence in the country. After a while, the vines turn it into a real hedge.

Types of climbing plants for the garden
Perennial climbing garden plants and their characteristicsThe virtues of girlish grapes in landscape designDescription of annual climbing plants for the gardenCharacteristic properties of the annual climbing kobei vineProperties of weaving garden honeysuckleDescription of decorative curly sweet pea

Climbing rose... Not only professionals, but also amateurs give first place to a thorny, but beautiful plant called a climbing rose. No words are enough to describe her beauty. Climbing roses are rich in color palette, have abundant long flowering and are completely undemanding to care for.

During a drought, you don't have to worry that this will somehow affect them. You can admire their flowers in the garden from late spring to late autumn. This flower is able to transform even a hut beyond recognition.

On numerous photos on the Internet, you can see a lot of ideas for a planting site. Every beginner can grow such a flower on their own. All you need to do is buy a bush, plant it and water it well. Fertilize the plant several times during one season.

In the autumn, prune the resulting shoots. If the roses are on metal supports, it is better to remove them for the winter. This is necessary in order not to damage the shoots. In a rather harsh winter, prepare a shelter in the garden for a perennial rose.


Description of the clematis plantClematis is considered another perennial plant. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off these vines during flowering in the country. If you learn how to properly cut the shoots, the flowering of the plant can last until the very frost.

A large number of flowers cover the shoots, creating a deep blue, purple or white carpet... This is a great idea for decorating gazebos, trellises or fences. All they need is an open, sunny place. The curly liana can be easily fixed to the support, forming the required shape.

For this plant need a lot of spaceso that it has room to grow. Can be planted in the ground near the house. Clematis will curl around the house, creating a floral wall. Climatis flowers can vary in size from small to large.


For honeysuckle, a shaded place in the garden in the country is suitable. The small bicolor flowers give off a sweet scent. It attracts many butterflies. Therefore, if you want your yard to be filled with a magical scent, don't forget about honeysuckle.

The flower grows at a very fast pace. Perennial honeysuckle does not require constant care and is not susceptible to many diseases. In order to get a fragrant flower wall, you just need to direct the shoots in the right direction.


Garden ivy benefitsThis plant, which can be forgotten, is completely undeserved. Thanks to its vitality and unpretentiousness, it will give odds to even the most violent flowering plant. Of course, ivy does not have fragrant flowers, however, it is loved for its other virtues.

Ivy - evergreen perennial... It doesn't matter which place you choose for him, he will feel good anyway. Its sucker roots attach stems to any surface. He is able to climb very high, entwining everything in his path.

Ivy has nothing to do with climatic conditions. From year to year he decorates the walls of buildings and hedges. It is only worth mentioning the famous Ivy Tower in Belgium. This is a confirmation of its popularity in Europe. With its help, loggias, terraces, balconies are landscaped.

Its only drawback is constant soil moisture and slow growth... Ivy-covered walls are an excellent base for early flowering plants. And how mysterious is the gazebo in the center of the garden, completely entwined with ivy. Isn't it a secluded place for a romantic date?

Maiden grapes

Girlish grapes - universal vine... The plant is a reminder of summer in the cold autumn season. An unusual liana called maiden grapes is distinguished by its palette of rich, bright colors.

The beauty of the plant fascinates and at the same time fascinates. He does not need special conditions and does not need to monitor his fixation. Its foliage grows rapidly, covering everything and creating beautiful thick carpet.

From early spring to late autumn, the plant continues decorate fences and gazebos... The plant looks great. The only thing to watch out for is the density of the creeper. But even this issue can be easily solved with a pruner.

Annual flowers for the garden

Features of the use of annuals for gardens and summer cottagesDesigners prefer to use annual flowers to decorate the garden. This allows each year to come up with new landscaping.

As you know, the life of such vines is short, but it lasts from spring until the first frost. A loach like this can easily grow up to three meters in height.

These plants include:

  • morning glory;
  • kobei;
  • sweet pea.

Some housewives prefer ornamental beans... Unlike perennials, these flowers need supports, a lot of light. They need regular feeding and serve as a beautiful garden decoration.

Morning glory

Photos planted with morning glory are striking. Once the spring weather has stabilized, you can safely plant flowers in the open ground. With the help of such vines, they create wonderful screens on balconies and terraces. Curly morning glory decorates gazebos and fences.

These plants are suitable for container planting. Due to its rapid growth, it creates a solid carpet by the middle of summer. The flower shape resembles a small gramophone.

They are blue, crimson or purple colors.Ipomoea does not need grooming. The only thing is moisture in a very dry summer.


Kobea is an annual vine perfect for vertical gardening. The photo shows that the numerous flowers resemble a real waterfall of colorful bells.

After the flowering period, there is no need to remove the inflorescences, as the petals fly off on their own. This helps keep the plant neat and tidy. As for the seed pods, they resemble small cucumbers in appearance.

Kobeya can curl well, but she is very demanding. Whimsical to the soil and requires regular feeding. If you plant it in the country, respectively need constant supervision.

Sweet peas

Sweet peas can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. This does not present any difficulties and even a novice gardener can do it. The aroma of this plant pleases in the summer.

Polka dots - favorite liana for decoration balconies and terraces of many housewives. Flowering continues for 4 months. Polka dots are rich in color palette. Resistance to frost, allows you to plant it in open ground even in the very early spring.

In the photo you can see that peas like to curl on some kind of support, and this is really so. This protects the plant from entangling the shoots.

A sufficient amount of light and the timely removal of shoots and wilted flowers guarantees the duration of the decorative function of the peas. Don't forget him too water constantly, especially in the country.

Support for climbing plants

The nuances of the device support for garden climbing plantsIf you have decided which plant to choose, an annual or a perennial, it's time to prepare for it good support... Even the appearance of the future green "rug" depends on it.

The only thing to consider when creating a support is its strength. It has to withstand the strongest gusts of wind and even heavy rain. Basic rules for the structure of a support for climbing flowers and plants:

  1. Some climbing vines do not need additional support. They adapt to any conditions. In such cases, it is customary to use brick and stone masonry. These are harmless plants: ivy, maiden grapes, kampsis.
  2. Curly flowers just felt the surface under them and immediately begin to gain height. For them, you can choose a thin lattice, mesh, or even ordinary stretched wire. These vines are sweet peas and wild cucumber.
  3. Lianas, which tend to lean, need additional construction. If you do not give them horizontal or vertical supports, they will creep all over the earth. This can be avoided by creating arches. Vines look great in hanging baskets. These climbing plants include: clematis, honeysuckle, and hops.
  4. Climbing roses need to create "decent" living conditions. They cannot curl on their own. To do this, you will also need to create additional fasteners.

Both perennial and annual flowers deserve special attention. Curly flowers in the country can make the garden more beautiful.

But they need to be constantly monitored and looked after accordingly. Do not forget about fertilizing, watering and pruning... Plants will be grateful for your care and will delight you with abundant flowering and delicate aroma.

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