70 best examples of using spruce in landscape design

Spruce is a symbol of eternal life and immortality, in addition, it is believed that this tree protects from evil forces. Planting a coniferous beauty near the house is very useful for health, since phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the human body and purify the air.

In landscape gardening, this plant is used everywhere because of its high decorative effect, both in summer and winter. Fluffy Christmas trees will find a place in absolutely all styles of garden design of varying complexity, and the variety of species and varieties of this coniferous plant allows you to choose planting options for plots of almost any size, be it a small flower bed or a huge natural garden.

Spruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape design

In the design of gardens, about 20 varieties of spruce are most often used, among which there are both tall and low-growing plants. Some spruce trees have very beautiful cones, which adds decorativeness to these amazing thorny trees.

Spruce with conesSpruce with conesSpruce with conesSpruce with cones

Tall trees will look good in large parks and squares as tapeworms with a lush crown. The most famous spruce, suitable for these purposes, is the prickly spruce Koster, which grows up to 15 meters in height with bluish-green needles. And the extraordinary weeping Inversa spruce has branches hanging to the ground, which gives this tree a very decorative look, both in a single planting and in combination with other plants.

Spruce specimenSpruce specimenSpruce specimen

Spruce inversion solitaire

Spruce weeping Inversion

Spruce inversion solitaireSpruce inversion solitaire

Dwarf Christmas trees are very effective in contrasting landscape compositions, where conifers and deciduous plants with different foliage colors are well combined. Plants with yellow, orange and pale green foliage, which stand out brightly against the background of dark needles (barberry, spirea, maple, thuja, juniper), are especially beautiful.

Spruce with shrubsSpruce with shrubsSpruce with shrubsSpruce with shrubsSpruce with shrubs

Spruce with shrubs

Spruce and barberry

Breeders have bred miniature varieties of spruce with surprisingly elegant needles and a creeping crown structure, spherical, conical, cushion-shaped and prostrate. Such mini-Christmas trees will look attractive between stones on alpine slides and rockeries or against the background of a stone wall. A low-growing common spruce Formanek with creeping branches can form a beautiful shaggy carpet that covers the ground.

Spruce on the alpine slidesSpruce on the alpine slidesSpruce on the alpine slides

Norway spruce Formanek

Norway spruce Formanek

Spruce against a stone wall

Spruce against a stone wall

Spruce on the alpine slides

Norway spruce Formanek

Dwarf varieties look organically in containers that can be placed on the terrace, at the entrance to the house or in flowerpots on city streets.

Dwarf spruce in containersDwarf spruce in containersDwarf spruce in containersDwarf spruce in containersDwarf spruce in containers

Spruce tolerates pruning well, which allows you to create spectacular hedges or whole green walls. Fir-trees with contrasting needles will look beautiful, for example, ordinary spruce with a dark green crown and spiny spruce Hoopsii of a rich silver-blue hue. In addition, such thorny hedges, planted around the perimeter of the site, will eventually turn into reliable, irresistible guards.

Spruce hedgeSpruce hedgeSpruce hedgeSpruce hedgeSpruce hedgeSpruce hedge

Norway spruce and Hoopsie

Norway spruce and blue Hoopsie spruce

In mixborders, spruce with dark green or blue needles can serve as a background for brightly flowering plants.

Spruce in mixbordersSpruce in mixbordersSpruce in mixbordersSpruce in mixbordersSpruce in mixborders

Little Christmas trees look spectacular on the "banks" of dry streams in the company of ground cover perennials and herbaceous plants.

Spruce by a dry streamSpruce by a dry streamSpruce by a dry stream

Spruce by a dry stream

Conifers near the dry stream cascade

Spruce by a dry stream

In curbs and ridges, low-growing spruces also found their use, combined with other evergreens and bright flowers.The slow-growing Tompa spruce is perfect for long-term landscape projects, and the dwarf Nidiformis with light green spherical needles is very effective in group plantings.

Spruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape design

Near recreation areas, majestic conifers will always be welcome. The spectacular Serbian spruce Pendula looks very beautiful near small architectural forms: arbors and pergolas.

Spruce near small architectural formsSpruce near small architectural formsSpruce near small architectural formsSpruce near small architectural formsSpruce near small architectural forms

Spruce near small architectural forms

Serbian spruce Pendula Bruns

Near artificial reservoirs, the unpretentious glaucous spruce, which loves moist soil, will look organic. Together with colorful perennial plants and flowers, this blue beauty looks especially beautiful.

Spruce near the reservoirSpruce near the reservoirSpruce near the reservoirSpruce near the reservoirSpruce near the reservoir

Along the garden paths, it is good to plant the low-growing Konik spruce, so named because of its conical shape.

Spruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape designSpruce in landscape design

Spruce in landscape design

Conic spruce has a crown shape in the form of a cone

It must be remembered that spruce trees love partial shade and acidic soil, so it will not be so easy to find suitable companions for them who can withstand such a prickly neighborhood. Astilba, fern, lily of the valley and oxalis may well come to terms with such difficult living conditions.

Spruce in landscape design

Spruce in landscape design

Spruce and astilba

The coniferous queen will decorate any home plot with its lush crown and create a pleasant atmosphere, exuding a fresh healing aroma.

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