Surfinia and petunia flowers - varieties, what is the difference and a photo

Petunia needs no special introduction, as every gardener knows her. Every spring, the owners of balconies, summer cottages and country houses purchase this bright plant in large quantities. Petunias come in a variety of colors, are easy to care for and are inexpensive. However, surfiniya is gaining more and more popularity - a hybrid of ampelous petunia.

Description of surfinia flowers

Characteristics of hybrid colors of surfiniThe difference between these two flowers is insignificant at first glance. However, surfiniya has such a remarkable quality as the presence of strong long stems, thanks to which she is higher its traditional cousin and gives landscape designers the opportunity not to limit themselves in creativity.

At one time, this variety was bred by Japanese breeders. Surfinia - profusely flowering plant, as you can see by looking at the photo. Bright flowers, collected in a lush bunch, will decorate any flower bed.

The color scheme includes different shades:

  1. White.
  2. Red.
  3. Pink.
  4. Burgundy.
  5. Yellow.
  6. Two-color.
  7. Purple and others.

Thanks to the large number of long stems collected in a bunch, the plant quickly forms a large cap, covered with large beautiful flowers. The lower stems tilt towards the ground, forming a flowery waterfall.

Surfinia varieties and their difference from ordinary petunias
Description of petunia flowersFeatures of the appearance of hybrid colors of surfiniHybrid variety of surfinii Hot PinkDifferences between surfinia and petunia colorsCharacteristic properties of the variety of ampelous surfinia Giant Parple

Today there is more than twenty species hybrid ampelous petunia. Among gardeners and summer residents, the following varieties of ampelous surfinia are especially popular:

  • Surfiniya Burgundy.
  • Hot Pink.
  • Table White.
  • Ylow.
  • Giant Parple.
  • Surfinia Red and other varieties.

The Burgundy variety is distinguished by the presence wine-colored flowers, the bush itself is very large and dense. Hot Pink has pink flowers with raspberry veins, which looks very impressive.

Table White is popular with ornamental growers because of its long flowering and beautiful white flowersthat look like bells.

Elo is a petunia hybrid that was one of the first to win the love of gardeners. Him pale yellow flowers... Giant Parple has powerful stems up to one meter in length. It has bright purple-red flowers.

What is the difference between ampelous surfiniya and petunia can be seen in the photo. Petunia is a small plant with several flowers and usually grows on lawns or in boxes on balconies. Surfinia has more lush bloom, it is often planted in baskets and outdoor flowerpots.

Reproduction of surfinia and petunias

Breeding methods of surfinia and petunias, and their featuresReproduction of surfinia can occur and vegetatively and by seeds... However, the second method presents a certain difficulty, since the result usually grows a small bush with little flowering.

The Russian climate is not very suitable for these heat-loving plants. The process of growing seedlings from seeds will very time consuming, and the result is not guaranteed.

The seeds themselves are quite small. Before planting, they must be mixed with sand or bought special seeds in a shell from the store. Then they are sown on the ground, but not buried. The soil must be moistened; a spray bottle is suitable for this.

After that, the ground is covered with a film. Spray with water regularly. The sprouts will appear in a week. When the leaves begin to grow, they are transplanted into separate pots. This is the disadvantage of surfinia: growing from seeds will require a lot of attention from the gardener.

Petunia like this has no shortcomingsas it can be planted in February and is guaranteed to delight with bright blooms. Petunia is not afraid of cold weather, and short frosts will not destroy the buds.

At the same time, it blooms almost all summer and September. In order for the petunia to be comfortable, it only needs good soil, regular watering and feeding.

For ordinary amateur gardeners, the ideal breeding method for surfinia would be use of cuttings... It is enough to cut a stalk from a bush and transplant it into the ground. This should be done as quickly as possible so that the stalk takes root.

The planted stalk must be covered with a jar or foil and placed in a warm place. Watering is required. When an escape appears, the jar can be removed. Care must be taken to keep it warm at all times. In spring it can be planted, and in summer it will turn into a large, brightly blooming bush.

Despite all the beauty of surfinias, petunias should not be discounted. New mini-varieties will also delight you with their flowering. The species with amber flowers is gaining popularity. In combination with the ease of care, petunia will easily compete with surfinia.

How to care for surfinia

Rules for the care of petunias and surfiniaSurfinia and petunias are very fond of sunlight, so it is advisable to plant them in a well-lit place. At the same time they should be protect from rain... The presence of a canopy does not hurt at all.

A feature of planting surfinias is the need to prepare the plant for the cold. To do this, he is taken out in pots for several hours outside. As soon as the weather is warm, the plants can be placed in a flower bed or flowerpot.

For petunias and its ampelous hybrid, special soil mixes sold in stores are well suited. Flowers need daily watering and sunlight. Desirable regular feeding plants.

Surfinia is a more delicate flower than petunia, so you need to feed and water it more often. At the end of summer, the bush must be pruned. Since surfiniya is a perennial plant, it is worth it for the winter move to a warm room... Frost will not kill her there, and in the summer she will decorate the garden again.

Petunias and ampelny surfiniia hybrid are used differently in landscape design due to their size and flowering characteristics. However, one cannot say that any of them are worse.

On the side of petunias, ease of care, resistance to cold, great opportunities in the design of lawns. Surfinia softer, but more magnificent blooms... However, each is beautiful in its own way.

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