Star anise and anise in cooking and medicine - what's the difference?

People who often cook from cookbooks know firsthand that anise or star anise are often present in the recipe for many dishes. And often any of these spices can be used as a substitute for another. Naturally, if the recipe refers to any drug, then the decision to use anise instead of star anise can lead to irreparable consequences. However, when it comes to dishes, is it right to replace these plants?

Description of star anise

Badian perennial, which is home to the tropics of Southeast Asia and North America. In an adult state, the tree can have a height of up to 10 m. It is distinguished by a spreading crown, dark green leaves of large sizes, as well as inflorescences represented by white flowers. Quite interesting fruits of star anise, which resemble stars, containing round seeds of bright brown color inside.

It should be mentioned that a lot of time must pass before flowering - at least four years. Even more patience will have to be reserved for those who want to wait for the fruits, since this phase begins only after 15 years. The propagation of this tree occurs by means of seeds that fall next to the plant, which subsequently leads to the appearance of difficult-to-pass thickets.

Features of anise

Unlike star anise, anise is an annual that grows no higher than 70 cm... The plant has a straight stem and an umbrella-shaped apex. It has an oblong root that goes deep into the ground, is able to withstand adverse weather conditions, so it can be grown throughout our country.

In the process of development, it forms small white flowers, which are collected in inflorescences. As for the seeds, they are very small, have an oblong shape and are very similar to caraway seeds due to their dark green color. When they reach the stage of maturity, the seeds enter the soil, and if conditions are favorable, young anise seedlings will soon grow.

A bit of history

How anise and star anise seeds are usedThere is a version that for the first time the Chinese got acquainted with the beneficial properties of star anise, who, before others, were able to learn that this spice can be useful not only in cooking, but also in the fight against various ailments... Subsequently, the inhabitants of European countries also met with the star anise, as a result, it quickly gained high popularity in this region. Therefore, at first, one ounce of seeds of this plant was worth fantastic money.

When our country got acquainted with this spice, they began to use it not only in cooking. They also found use for it as a means of combating respiratory diseases.

If we talk about the history of the emergence of anise, then the first to know about it inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean. For many centuries, this plant was used as a raw material from which essential oil was made, which has healing properties. Avicenna himself spoke excellently about it, paying attention to how well it improves digestion.

At that time, it was believed that the seeds of this plant have anti-aging effects and can protect against nightmares. To do this, it is enough to fix a bunch of seeds at the head of the bed. In our country, this plant was first cultivated in the nineteenth century. And subsequently, hundreds of hectares were allocated for plantations of anise, which allowed our country to become the largest exporter of this spice.


Due to the fact that the beneficial properties of star anise were well known many centuries ago, today interest in this plant remains high. Therefore its often include in many drugs... The most pronounced therapeutic effect of the plant is in the root, the seeds show themselves much less. Consumption of fresh star anise root allows you to restore the menstrual cycle, and it also has a good lactogonic effect.

In addition, the star anise has other advantages: with its help, the protective properties of the body can be increased and the toxic compounds formed as a result of poisoning can be removed from it. The star anise extract is very rich in antibacterial agents, flavonoids and essential oils. Because of this, preparations and extracts that are made on its basis recommended for the following conditions:

  • inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, provoked by the ingress of a bacterial infection into the organs. He also has a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • catarrhal phenomena observed in the upper respiratory tract, as well as tonsillitis and tonsillitis. In such conditions, rinsing with an infusion of star anise is effective;
  • fever triggered by inflammatory processes. The use of the drug stimulates the production of perspiration;
  • nausea and stomach diseases occurring against the background of atony. The benefits of the drug are associated with its effect on the gastric mucosa, which has a positive effect on digestion;
  • various types of cough, with the exception of allergic. Reception of star anise allows you to better liquefy phlegm in the bronchi, which is associated with its slight irritating effect. The result of its intake is the formation of a large amount of phlegm, which is easily removed during coughing;
  • a tincture from this plant is able to help cope with internal parasites. To do this, take a dry star anise root, fill it with a glass of hot boiled water and take it on an empty stomach.


Who is contraindicated anise and star aniseHowever, not all people can take this plant. First of all, you should stop using the root, seeds and essential oil of star anise for women at the stage of bearing a child... Otherwise, there is a possibility of bleeding and even miscarriage. Also, an infusion of star anise should be excluded from drugs for patients who are worried about allergies.

Anise is widely used in medicine due to the beneficial properties of its essential oil and seeds. The difference between star anise and it is that it has a milder effect. First of all it recommended under the following conditions:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, flatulence, spasms and colic observed in adults and children;
  • cough triggered by the progression of colds or viral respiratory diseases;
  • painful menstruation, pathologies observed during the menstrual cycle;
  • neuroses and insomnia. The drug has a calming effect, promotes restful sleep;
  • can help those who have an inflamed conjunctiva. It is also effective for any inflammatory eye diseases, as it has a strengthening effect.

If we talk about the general properties that anise and star anise have, then they can be explained by the presence of anethole in the composition of these plants, which is one of the main components of essential oils. The presence of this substance in anise and star anise is the reason why these plants have such a similar taste and smell, as well as show similar healing properties... Most cough mixtures often contain anethole. Its presence provides an expectorant effect, and it itself imparts the taste and smell of licorice. Many who managed to catch the past era probably saw licorice candies and even tried them. However, not everyone knows that anethole was also present among the components that were used to make these lozenges.

Use in cooking and cosmetology

Anise in cosmetologyDue to the fact that anise is widely available, and its essential oil and seeds are among the least inexpensive components, today this plant is often used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. This plant has mild, refreshing scent and delicate taste, therefore it is great for pickles and pickles, and also gives an amazing taste to baked goods.

Many chefs in large restaurants often use this spice when they are faced with the task of preparing meat dishes and vegetable side dishes. Also, many housewives are well aware of the taste of this spice, and therefore keep a bag or jar of this spice in the kitchen.

In cosmetology, extract and anise essential oil... As a rule, they are included in the composition of fragrances for creams, used in the preparation of toothpaste and soap to give them a characteristic odor. Anise contains antibacterial ingredients that effectively eliminate skin problems. Because of this characteristic, the extract of this plant is often used in the preparation of lotions and facial toners.

In contrast to anise, star anise has received less widespread use. Chefs who cook Chinese dishes are well acquainted with this spice, since it is one of the must-have preparations that bring longevity.

  • star anise has a more delicate aroma and taste, therefore it is often used as an additive in soups and broths;
  • the plant is used in the preparation of jam and gingerbread;
  • This spice will be useful in marinades and preserves, because thanks to them, finished products not only become more tasty, but also remain aromatic and beautiful longer.


Star anise and aniseSophisticated culinary experts are probably familiar with such popular spices as star anise and anise. Most likely, they know that these spices are often can be replaced with each other... However, it should be borne in mind that these plants are used not only as spices, but also for medicinal purposes. Therefore, in this appointment, it is extremely incorrect to apply a similar approach to them.

Even though they are very similar to each other, these plants differ in properties that must be considered before using them to treat a particular disease. The situation is similar in cooking, where it is not always possible to achieve an equivalent effect if anise is used instead of star anise.

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