Growing Levkoy from seeds at home and photo

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful recreation area without fragrant flowers. Levka stands out among the many varieties of perennial and annual species. This plant is loved by many gardeners, so Levkoy flowers are often found in summer cottages. The delicate and fragrant scent of levkoy intensifies even more in the evening and gives a unique aroma. It is not difficult to grow levkoy, but you need to know some features of planting and care.

Description of the species: photo of Levkoy

The second name of Levkoy is mattiola, it is mainly annual scented plant... Its homeland is the Mediterranean, where it has been known since ancient times. Levkoy can grow in height from 30 to 80 cm, sometimes up to a meter, the height of the plant will depend on the variety of flowers. Levkoy has oblong gray-green leaves. The plant is divided according to the duration of flowering:

  • summer mattiola - it has the maximum number of shades, from white to purple, blooms from July to August and is the most common type;
  • winter levkoy is planted in autumn, it blooms next spring;
  • an autumn species is sown in spring and flowers bloom in autumn.

Depending on the grade of levkoy may differ in stem height, color and shape of inflorescences. There are bouquet matthiola, which have dense inflorescences. Treelike levkoi are ideal for planting in flower beds, they go well with other flowers, since they are distinguished by large inflorescences. Breeders managed to breed more than 500 varieties and hybrids of this flower. In the photo, you can see that the flowers of a plant can be from 3 to 7 cm in diameter, double and simple. They are collected in inflorescences of different heights and splendor.

Very popular gray levkoy... According to the shape of the inflorescences, it is divided into several groups:

  • Reproduction of levkoyshortly branched;
  • quedlindburg (completely terry) - come in different heights;
  • bouquet Victoria;
  • bomb-shaped gigantic;
  • pyramidal;
  • single-stem;
  • treelike large-flowered;
  • spreading.

Levkoy gray-haired can be grown at home from seeds, if you know how to do it correctly and what further care is needed.

Levkoy: growing from seeds

In order for the seeds to sprout together, they are soaked in water for a day, so they swell well. After that, the seeds must be wrapped in a damp cloth and put in the refrigerator for several days. Hardened seeds begin to be sown for seedlings in late March or early April. Best for this choose container or box... The substrate must be fresh and moist, the composition for it is selected from the following components;

  • sand;
  • sod land.

The ratio should be 1; 3. Seeds for cultivation are laid to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm, after which they are covered with film or glass and placed in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25aboutC. Seedlings usually appear in 4-5 days, but sometimes you have to wait about 2 weeks.

Immediately after seed germination, the container should be rearranged to a lighted place with bright diffused light. The temperature must be reduced to 10-12aboutC, so that the seedlings do not stretch up. It is best to move the container with seedlings to a balcony or veranda without heating. The first watering must be done no earlier than a couple of days after germination.Already 10-12 days after seed germination, a dive can be performed.

For diving seedlings, take separate cups or pots with a drainage hole. The soil should contain:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • leaf land - 2 parts;
  • sod land - 2 parts.

At this time, the seedlings will not yet have real leaves, therefore, a little hydrogel should be added to the ground when diving to strengthen the roots. Late varieties of Levkoy can be planted directly into the ground when diving. When the plant has two true leaves, the seedlings must be fed. Tempering is carried out 2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground. The procedure must be performed within 10-14 days, and then dropped off at the site.

Planting and leaving

Levkoy flowersWindless and sunny areas are suitable for successful cultivation of gray levkoy. It is desirable that the soil is loamy, although it grows well on other types of soil. Usually, before planting, add to the soil mineral organic fertilizersother than manure.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May. Water is poured into the prepared growing holes and then the seedlings are transferred with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root. The distance between seedlings should be at intervals of 20-30 cm. The seedlings are not afraid of spring frosts, but only if they are short-lived up to -2-3aboutC. In June, Levkoy flowers will begin to bloom.

The seeds can also be sown directly outdoors at the end of April. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they must be thinned out, leaving only the largest ones with a distance of 5 cm. The flowering of such plants can be seen at the end of summer.

For normal growth and development of Levkoy requires regular watering... Levkoy reacts negatively to drought and poor watering. Immediately after planting seedlings in open ground, it cannot be watered, and planting seedlings is best in the evening.

Timely loosening of the soil and removal of weeds will allow matthiola to develop actively. If you carry out top dressing on time, then levkoi will delight you with abundant flowering. The plant must receive the necessary nutrients for normal growth and flowering. It is best to apply mineral fertilizers, for example, add phosphorus fertilizer before planting.

Reproduction of Levkoy

Most gardeners appreciate levka with double flowers, but these varieties are sterile. Terry inflorescences do not produce seeds. The most common breeding method for levkoy is seed. Experienced flower growers sow seeds of Levkoy in open ground every two weeks so that the plant will please with its bright flowering for a long time.

Experts say that the most beautiful inflorescences are given by seedlings grown from seeds of irregular shape. Levkoi with double inflorescences grow from them. It is believed that late flower varieties are best grown in seedlings. at home or greenhouse conditions... This will allow you to admire the beauty of flowering and fragrant aroma for some time.

Diseases and pests

Levkoy plant pestsDespite the easy care of flowers, they have one drawback - Levkoi are afraid of fungal diseases. They can persist for a long time in the ground and harm flowers. It is recommended not to plant levkoi in the place where the cabbage grew or near cabbage beds.

If signs of fungal diseases appear, you should immediately treat the plant with fungicides. During the flowering period from pests, matthiola is affected by:

  • cross-flowered fleas;
  • cabbage butterflies;
  • white women.

You can protect the plant from insects solution of water with ash, spraying the leaves of the levkoy with such compositions.

Curly and delicate Levkoy flowers are always able to create a harmonious composition in the garden. The pleasant scent of flowers always intensifies with the onset of darkness. Levkoy can be grown in containers and pots. Low-growing varieties are often used in the design of alpine slides or borders. They create a great look in the design of pools and ponds.When cold weather comes, you can plant it in flowerpots and move it into the house, keep it in a cool place. At home, levkoy will also not leave anyone indifferent with its bright color range and pleasant aroma.

Levkoy flower
Levkoy appearanceLevkoy garden flowerHow to grow levkoy in the gardenLevkoy flowersGrowing levka from seedsHow Levkoy bloomsFlower variety name LevkoyWhat are the varieties of levkoyLevkoy plantLevkoy flowering bushesLevkoy garden flower

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