Bouquets of colorful tulips are very popular. These charming flowers are presented in early spring, when there is still snow on the street, and the female soul asks for warmth and the sun. They are the first to begin to dissolve their inflorescences in natural conditions of growth - in the south of our country, already in late February-early March, you can see the first flowers in flower beds.
These plants have many colors, and the bouquets are bright, cheerful. And what can I say, even one bud, presented to a female person, is the first messenger of the arrival of warm days and the renewal of nature.
The meaning of colors
The presented compositions or one flower can help to make a declaration of love, tell about the feelings that the giver has for the lady. So, for example, yellow will tell a woman that she illuminates the light with her smile, red - about fiery love, multicolored bouquets will tell about the happiness that a woman brings to her admirer.
More about colors. Reds are usually given to older ladies, while whites and pinks are usually presented to young girls. Since ancient times, yellow have been considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity, golden glitter, and only in the modern world have they become considered a symbol of separation. Tulips can cheer up any lady, regardless of age and social status.
The design of studios for photography or halls where weddings take place looks very beautiful and fresh in spring. It is not shameful to give bouquets of tulips to a man, whether it is a business partner or a close relative, you only need take into account the color and shape, let it be strict compositions of flowers of red, yellow or purple colors.
But how, I would like the presented composition to stand as long as possible in a vase at home and delight others with its flowering.
Rules for choosing flowers in the store
What needs to be done to store a beautiful flowering plant species? Of course, I would like to know how long they stood on the counter in the store, because the freshness of a flower determines the time of its life in a vase. In addition, it is worth observe the following rules:
- you should not buy flowers with visible damage, with yellowed leaves or with buds tightened with tape or elastic band, such flowers have already outlived their life;
- ready-made compositions can also be made long ago, but with the help of improvised means and bright packaging, they look quite cheerful, but the joy will be short-lived, no more than a couple of days.
There are several basic rules for storing a bouquet for a long time, provided that quality flowers are purchased.
Basic rules for storing cut flowers
Rule one. Keeping flowers for a long time will help correct pruning and installation in a vase of inflorescences. After the bouquet is accepted, it must be immediately released from the package and checked for yellowed leaves. If there are any, they must be removed, and all crumpled leaves and decoration items are also removed. Then the ends of the stems are lowered into cold water, and the stems are trimmed one centimeter at a 45 degree angle.
Immediately it is necessary to apply small notches on the sections with a sharp knife, as if fluffing the tips.Flowers prepared in this way will be able to fully receive water and minerals into their stems and leaves.
The second rule. Top dressing... Cut flowers lose at one moment not only the ability to grow, but also to receive a set of nutrients from the bulbs, therefore it is necessary to add a 3% solution of glucose or sugar to the water intended for the bouquet. Why Sugar? The fact is that in the process of synthesis, sugar and fructose solutions accumulate in the leaves and shoots of plants, which, in turn, help the flower to live, and in cut tulips, the process of photosynthesis stops, and they can get sucrose only from the water in the vase.
Rule three. Water temperature in the vase... It should always be cold and fresh. Therefore, it must be changed at least once a day. It will be useful to add pieces of ice to the water. It is best to take water at a low temperature, and better purified through a filter or bottled. The water taken from the faucet contains many harmful impurities that have a detrimental effect on the plant. Because of this, the shelf life is significantly reduced.
To prevent the process of stem rotting and fermentation of water, it is recommended to add one of the preparations to the water. It can be crushed charcoal or its activated analogue, a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water or an aspirin tablet, or a little potassium permanganate crystals. If this condition is met, your flowers will be stored for a long time.
Rule four. The bouquet should be stored indoors in the apartment with the lowest temperature and so that direct sunlight and drafts do not fall on it, tulips do not tolerate neighborhoods with other flowers and with ripe fruits. At the same time, along with a change of water, it is necessary to cut off the stems of plants by 0.5 centimeters on a daily basis, and remove flowers with falling buds.
Using all of the above methods, the composition will certainly last for more than 10 days and will delight others with its beauty.
General rules
And now a few tips for those who grow flowers in their garden plots and use them for cutting and interior decoration. In this case, you also need to know how to keep tulips longer:
Like any plants, it is best to cut them in the morning, when dew is still on the leaves and the air temperature is quite low. It is then that the flowers are most full of moisture and nutrients. It is necessary to cut off not opened, but already brightly colored buds.
- If there is a sufficiently long distance from the place of growth to the place of setting in a vase, then the flowers must be sprayed with cold water from a sprayer, and then wrapped in wrapping paper or newspapers, and sprinkled with water again. In this state, flowers can keep their beauty for 5-6 hours. Then the flowers are placed in a vase, observing all the rules.
- If it is not possible to put tulips in water, then you need to wrap the prepared flowers in newspaper and put them in the refrigerator on a shelf for storing fruits and vegetables. Only the fruits themselves should not be there, from such a neighborhood the Dutch handsome men immediately perish.
- Another way to preserve flowers in their original form is to soak in a 10% solution of calcium nitrate. In this case, the plant stems are completely immersed in the solution, only the buds remain on the surface. In this state, the flowers should stand for 24 hours, after which the tulips are removed and rinsed under running cold water. This will keep the flowers for a very long time.
Still, do not be upset if the bouquet quickly deteriorated. Plant life is fleeting, and tulips even do not bloom on the flower bed for more than 7 days, but they are being replaced by other flowering plants with bright flowers and a unique aroma.