In what water to put primroses tulips and how to revive the bouquet?

Tulips in a bouquet can last a long timeWhen warm spring days come, nature awakens and pleases with its rich colors. So, one of the first flowers to appear are delicate tulips. It is difficult to resist the buds of these primroses, admiring their beauty and various colors. And what an amazing aroma!

During this wonderful period, every lady wants to decorate her own interior of an apartment or house with these beautiful sophisticated colors. And in order to prolong this extraordinary beauty, the question arises: how should you care for cut spring tulips? But first, which is important, you need to figure out how to choose the right these elegant primroses.

Purchasing and cutting spring tulips

If you decide to transform your room with a beautiful bouquet, you should pfamiliarize yourself with the requirements and rules that will help keep beautiful primroses fresh for a long time... There are several options for purchasing a bouquet of delicate flowers:

  • buy a ready-made bouquet or single tulips;
  • cut beautiful flowers in your own summer cottage or garden area.

When you have to purchase sophisticated flowers in specialty stores or street vendors, you should carefully and competently approach the choice of cut primroses... Rules for buying tulip bouquets:

  • Bouquet of tulips in a vase on the tableyou need to look so that the bud of the flower is elastic and ripe;
  • you cannot buy unripe tulips with green buds, because those cut at home will no longer ripen;
  • it is better to choose the buds of primroses are large and relatively heavy;
  • you should not buy flowers covered with an elastic band. They are tight-fitting so that the bud does not crumble, but after you acquire such a tulip, removing the elastic, unfortunately, it will fall apart.

In the case when beautiful spring flowers grow in their own garden area, here too you must adhere to certain rulesthat will help prolong the life of cut tulips from their own production. Conditions for cutting tulips in your own area:

  • It is recommended to cut flowers in the morning (preferably before 7 am). During this period of time, dew collects on the tulip and it will be fresh and elastic.
  • Stop your choice on a plant in the bud coloring phase and begin to bloom a little. Because mature, fully opened flower buds will not please you with their attractiveness for long.
  • It should be cut carefully, without spoiling the leaves or breaking the stem. To do this, it is better to take a knife with a sharp blade and prepare boiling water. When you cut one flower, lower the blade into the water in order to avoid the transfer of various diseases, then only cut the next one.

Following all these conditions and rules, you can significantly extend the vitality of delicate tulips in a home bouquet.

How to care for cut tulips?

Much attention must be paid to the water in which the primroses will stand. First of all, it should be well-kept and cool. Fragrant tulips will feel great in water with a temperature of +4 degrees... Unfortunately, this is difficult to achieve in indoor conditions.But experienced flower growers put ice prepared in advance between the leaves of these plants, so they are provided with the necessary coolness. The liquid in the vase should be changed daily.

Storing tulips - methods and tricks.Having decided on the choice of tulips, preparing water for them and bringing them home, you should choose a vase for primroses. But first you need to cut off the extra leaves on the flower, leaving 2 on each branch. Because with a large number of leaves, the water in the vase can quickly deteriorate.

In the case of proper care of cut tulips, their lifespan can be increased to 8 or even 10 days. Separately I must say about the vaseso that the tulip stem does not bend, it must be high enough, so the container can hold the stems of the primroses. Also, the container in which the fragrant bouquet will stand should be completely clean; it would be useful to additionally rinse it with cool water.

Having put beautiful primroses in a home vase, you need to pay attention to the place where the acquired fragrant bouquet will stand. Delicate tulips cannot be next to other flowers such as roses, daffodils, orchids, lilies of the valley, poppies.

You also need to know that to ensure the longevity of a bouquet of primroses, you should choose the right room. First of all, it should be well ventilated, but at the same time without drafts, it should also be quite light, although it is necessary must be protected from direct exposure to sunlight cut flowers. In order for the tulips to acquire a brighter juicy color of flowers, you can put a cypress branch in a vase with a fragrant bouquet, or thuja... An experienced grower also has a couple of secrets to help keep the flowers fresh.

Special additives that can prolong the life of a delicate fragrant tulip:

  • sugar should be added to the liquid, while taking into account that if the primroses are cut off with unopened buds, then such flowers require more sugar.
  • to protect against bacteria, an antiseptic should be added to the water, for example, potassium permanganate crystals, charcoal.
  • there are also additives in specialized stores that must be dissolved in a small amount of liquid and then poured into the water for the bouquet.

How to save wilting primroses?

There are situations when you can still save the cut primroses, it is important not to miss the moment and provide help in time. Problems in the care of cut spring tulips:

  • How to store tulips in a vase - we extend the life of a bouquet.When the process of wilting of tulips occurs, you should use one secret: you need to get the flowers out of the water, cut the stem obliquely under a stream of cool water and then put the stems completely in the water before the flowers begin. Cover the top with a damp cloth and leave in this state for a couple of hours.
  • If the process of rotting stems in a vase of water occurs, then you can add a piece of charcoal, aspirin (1 tablet) or a vinegar solution there.

It often happens when you need to preserve a beautiful bouquet you have already bought, without allowing the buds to open. In this case, it is necessary to store the bouquet in a dimly lit or completely dark cool place, even storage in the refrigerator is allowed. The main thing is to prevent hypothermia of the bouquet.... Condensation from tulips stored in the refrigerator should be carefully removed with a napkin or paper towel.

If a situation has arisen when, on the contrary, it is necessary to allow the early blooming of unripe tulip buds, then in such cases it is necessary to place flowers in a well-lit place... In this case, it is imperative to avoid direct sunlight and put in a vase with warm water, after cutting off the ends of the stems.

These are not very complicated recommendations that will be required to extend the life of cut tulips at home.

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