Among flower growers there are many fans of roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, gladioli, etc. However, handsome Dutchmen occupy a special place in this list, who can give odds to any flower. Usually in stores they are offered without special packaging, using ordinary cellophane as it. However, if you correctly approach the design of a bouquet of tulips, then it can be turned into an exclusive gift. Moreover, it is more important here not even how beautiful it will look, but what kind of joy it will give a person.
Making fresh flowers
For the formation of gift sets it is recommended to use the freshest flowers, which have not blossomed buds. Such bouquets look especially impressive in early spring, when every person has a strong desire to enjoy the gifts of nature. Therefore, for many years now, breeders have been tirelessly working on developing new non-standard, bright varieties of these plants. Therefore, today the assortment of tulips includes not only flowers of red and yellow shades. These plants differ not only in a variety of colors, but also in shapes. Therefore, if you wish, you can purchase plants of such extravagant shades as black and purple.
The culprits of the article form fine compositions with many other plants:
- roses;
- ranunculus;
- hyacinths;
- calla lilies, etc.
Their long stems allow you to create cascading and round compositions from them. They can also be presented as a gift as part of various portbouquet holders. It is quite simple to pack the composition, because only their presence turns the bouquet into an excellent gift.
Reason for giving tulips
Usually tulips are presented for events and holidays of a romantic nature - March 8, first meeting and so on. Many people take these bouquets on dates. However, if young people have not known each other for so long, then you need to choose a gift of more gentle tones. Therefore, if this is the first meeting, then it is best to use flowers of pink, white, lilac or orange shades, which can be decorated by tying a delicate ribbon.
A feature of plants is that they have a delicate stem, so when handing it to a girl, she will not be able to hurt herself. To keep them attractive for a long time, you do not have to look for a tall and massive vase. It could be any glass vessel with water... Any person who sees a fragrant and delicate bouquet in front of him will certainly improve his mood.
If we are talking about young people who have long convinced each other of strong feelings, then as a gift for a meeting, you can present bright red buds. Compositions that are placed in a package of bright hearts or other decorative accessories will look great. After all, these flowers are perfectly combined with any background that matches their design.
Flower decoration for the bride
It is difficult to find another plant of the same kind that could so unobtrusively emphasize the delicate beauty of the bride.It looks great not only as an independent gift, but also in combination with some other plants. Using a bouquet of live buds at a wedding will make this event especially memorable, and also provide an opportunity for the donor to save a considerable amount of money. After all, not everyone is ready to spend money on the purchase of bouquets of classic roses or expensive orchids.
Usually in compositioninclude buds of the most delicate shades:
- white;
- pale pink;
- lilac.
Florists often prefer flowers with contrasting shades. For example, a bunch of white plants, complemented by buds, can become a memorable decoration. red, purple or crimson shade... This composition becomes more effective when it is presented in combination with bright green leaves. Ornaments, in which double and simple buds are used, can also become unforgettable.
Bouquet for the birthday boy
This tulip arrangement will be a great birthday present for a close friend or relative. Due to the fact that these flowers have a wide palette, you can create quite unique works from them. They can be formed in one tone or add variegation, which can be done using buds of different shades.
However, it must be remembered that decorating bouquets of several shades is a more laborious operation. After all, here you will have to use a large number of colors, but such sacrifices will not be in vain, because the finished composition will amaze the person for whom it is intended with its amazing beauty. You can also present a few bright DIY tulips as a gift. This way you will be able to pay attention to your individual taste and avoid large expenses for the purchase of a more expensive gift.
Dutch tulips
In recent years, bouquets have often begun to form from plants of Dutch selection... Compared to other plants, they differ in a variety of shapes and colors. Particularly noteworthy is their durable and stem, which can not be found in every domestic variety. Thanks to this feature, plants do not lose their attractiveness much longer.
In addition, Dutch tulips are characterized by a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. These flowers can be used to create amazingly beautiful compositions, because different varieties can be included in them, thereby creating a contrast effect.
Color selection
Often when choosing a bouquet, people pay attention to the color of its components. There are many women who do not really like yellow buds. After all, it is generally accepted that they are harbingers of imminent separation... Usually, when men who do not have knowledge of floristry choose flowers, they often prefer red buds.
This approach to buying indicates a person's conservatism. However, if the plants are intended for a formal event, then such a choice can be considered correct. Young people who are used to acting outside the box often donate compositions that have buds of positive shades, which are often complemented by buds of other flowers. Presenting such a bouquet, a person demonstrates sharpness of thinking and original taste.
If the gift is for business partners, it is best to use bright orange tulips... This can be explained by a stereotype: it is believed that they symbolize the desire for success and good luck in business.
People who tend to think outside the box can present a composition of black buds. Although in reality these do not exist: these flowers are not, since they have a dark purple hue. However, due to its excessive saturation, it gives the impression of black.It will be correct to give such plants only to those people who will help appreciate such a joke and will be able to accept them without seeing the features of "mourning" in them.
How many flowers last?
Any bouquet there is a certain periodduring which it stays fresh and attractive. Naturally, appropriate conditions must be created for this.
for tulips, it can be noted that such a set of flowers does not lose its decorative effect within 5-6 days;
- you need to ensure that every day there is fresh water in the vase, and also regularly prune the stems by 1 cm and always under running water;
- if you do not want the buds to open ahead of schedule, then they need to be placed in a cool place.
Tulips are one of the vibrant types of flowers that can be presented as a gift... However, you can always achieve a much greater effect than simply handing them to the person for whom they are intended. There are many different situations for which it is necessary to correctly make bouquets. You should know that plants can represent not only an independent set, but also be part of more complex compositions.
Naturally, in the latter case, it will not be easy for an ordinary buyer to correctly form the composition. Therefore, the help of an experienced florist may be required here. However, if you bring the matter to the end, then the result will amaze not only you, but also the person dear to you, to whom you want to give a bouquet of tulips.