Peony rose - a flower similar to a peony

The peony rose was recognized in the world quite recently, only at the end of the twentieth century. Gave the world these beautiful flowers, similar to peonies, David Austin. Since then, the number of fans of this type of roses has only increased. These flowers are actually very much like a peony. Among other colors, they stand out with a wide color palette.

Flower characteristic

Distinctive features of a peony rose:

  1. Flower shape in the form of a bowl or pump.
  2. A chic aroma that intensifies in cloudy weather. Some flowers smell like French perfume
  3. Bushes of this type of roses can form dense thickets.

Garden lovers love these bush plants for their fast growth and lack of daily care. Also the huge advantage of these flowers is disease resistance and lack of attractiveness to pests.

Positive and negative sides of a peony rose

A distinctive feature of the peony rose, for which gardeners appreciate it, is its early flowering. After that, new shoots are formed, which, in turn, create the conditions for new flowering in late summer - early autumn.

Peony roses
The peony rose hedge is very beautiful.Blooming peony roses are shown in the photo.Peony roses in a flower bed - we decorate the cottage.Peony rose bud - close-up photo.

The disadvantage of a peony rose is a great susceptibility to excess water.... This can lead to decay of flowers, especially during heavy rainfall.

How to plant a peony rose?

First of all, you need to remember a few mandatory rules:

  1. It looks like a peony rose bud.Watering is carried out mainly in the evening according to the degree of soil drying.
  2. If the goal is to grow the perfect peony rose, then pruning should be done with pruning shears before bud break.
  3. Bush branches are cut by about a third. If you have certain skills, you can grow a bush of the original shape.
  4. At the end of summer, fertilization should be stopped.
  5. Ripe shoots and leaves are cut in mid-autumn.
  6. For wintering, the stems should be covered with earth and foliage.

Any gardener who is willing to plant peony roses will need to stock up on sufficient fertilizer. The best option would be horse manure., since it does not take in nitrogen, but leaves it outside. The thickness of the fertilizer layer should not be less than 2 cm.

The place where the bush will sit should be about one meter in diameter and the planting depth should be about 50 cm. If these parameters are less, then there is a possibility that the roots will not be able to grow properly.... Useful substances for the plant are placed at the bottom of the place where the bush will sit.

Yellow peony roseThe root system of the plant must be sprayed with a special substance that stimulates growth before planting. You need to plant it to a depth of 10 cm - in this, the peony rose will feel good when the soil freezes sharply.

As for the order in which to plant the bushes, it all depends on the gardener's imagination, however preferably seated at a distance of 50 cm from each other... In this case, thickets are obtained, covered with a carpet of flowers. However, to get this effect, you should plant bushes of the same type of peony rose.

Reproduction of roses

You can propagate a rose that resembles a peony in different ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

You don't need to use a thin rose to root the cuttings as it will likely dry out. The stem of the taken flower should be approximately 15-20 cm. After flowering, the flower needs to be cut, just like dry leaves. We place the stem itself in a container with water and wait until new ones appear, periodically changing the water. Only after the appearance of the buds can they be planted in the ground. Be sure to cover the stem (a plastic bottle is fine).

The bouquet of peony roses is very beautiful.In the future, the bottle can be removed only after the leaves have grown sufficiently. This should be done gradually, and not immediately. There is another way. He initially repeats the first, but in open ground will need to be planted only when the first roots appear on the stem, and this must be done in the warm season. Well, the last, simplest way is the layering method. Just sprinkle a twig with earth that comes from the base of the bush. It will take root until spring and then it can be separated from the parent plant.

Roses can also be propagated by seeds. This method is troublesome, long and is rarely used by amateurs, since the first results may appear more than one year later. First seeds are placed in a cold and humid place for several months, thereby preparing them for germination. Then, after about two months, they are sown in a container where the nutrient soil is poured with a layer of 3-6 cm and sand on top. Seeds are spread on top, moistened with a spray bottle. You can also sprinkle it a little with the same sand. Provided that the seeds are of good quality, they usually germinate in a month.

Gorgeous bouquets of peony roses

When caring for these beautiful flowers, as noted earlier, a lot depends on the feeding. In the spring, garden lovers need to use special additives for different types of roses. After the onset of June, nitrogen-containing fertilizers must be added. At that moment, how buds begin to form, you need to have time with feedingcontaining phosphorus and calcium. However, it should be remembered that the “bigger is better” rule does not apply to the peony rose. Because of this, you must strictly follow the prescribed proportions, otherwise a flower similar to a peony may turn yellow and discard the foliage. And then you will not see a luxurious bouquet of peony roses at the celebration.

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