We remove shelters from roses in 4 stages so as not to lose flowers

Roses that survived the winter can suffer and even die from temperature changes in the spring. If you leave the shelter for a long time or, conversely, remove it at the wrong time, this threatens the rose bushes with very unpleasant consequences. They can vomit or get sunburned. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove shelters immediately, but gradually.


For the first time, roses are opened to ventilate when the temperature is above zero during the day. The most suitable time is a warm spring day in March-April. The branches are examined, the sick, broken and blackened ones are immediately cut off. If you leave them, then the plant will be sick for a long time, waste energy on recovery, and will not be able to form new shoots. The cuts are treated with brilliant green, and the entire bush with Bordeaux liquid or phytosporin. Then they cover again.

After the roses have "breathed", the shelter is left on top, and the sides are slightly opened, especially during the day. Plants gradually get used to the temperature difference. They cover completely for the evening. Any lightweight, white nonwoven fabric can be used to repel sunlight.

Branch grooves

The roots of roses can suffer from excessive dampness if water accumulates under them during the melting of snow. You can drain water from the plantings by making small drainage grooves. Water flows out through them, and the roots will be in order.

Leaving the ends open

Based on soil conditions and air temperature, you can find out when to leave roses open at night. Check the soil - if it has thawed on the bayonet of a shovel, then the roots have already been released and are receiving nutrition. The shelter can be gradually freed, spruce branches, branches, old mulch can be removed. Everything must be done carefully so as not to damage the trunk and branches of the bush.

Too early opening threatens freezing of flower buds. If you are late with this procedure, the roses can get worn out.

We open completely

Roses are finally opened, guided by the weather. The main signs: thawing of the soil by 20 cm, warm weather during the day, slight frosts at night. Gardeners advise to completely remove the shelter when the buds grow 2-4 cm. This means that the plant has already come to life, and its root system is functioning normally.

It is advisable to open roses on a cloudy day, without wind or rain, so that the flowers adapt to the fresh air. It is not recommended to tie them up right away, you need to give them time to straighten up and rise by themselves. After a few days, you can already put up supports and tie up.

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