What color are roses, and what is the meaning of each color

Rose colorThe rose was one of those plants whose beauty has been noticed since ancient times. Therefore, this flower began to grow and cultivate, developing new varieties.

Much later, they began to attach special importance to the flower of the bud, emphasizing the deep meaning of the gift bouquet or one flower. Many, usually men, fearing to express their feelings in words, try to express the first step by presenting flowers with the color that most reflects their secret thoughts and desires. Knowing what color of roses means, you can understand a lot without words.

What types of roses are bred by breeders

Mixing rose varieties began to develop actively in the twelfth century, as soon as breeders in Europe received bushes of Asian roses. This period was marked by a surge in the development of new varieties that were already adapted to the winter periods, but possessed the elegance of Asian specimens.

At the moment the following types of roses are common:

  • The meaning of a particular rose colorHybrid tea.
  • Climbing.
  • Hybrid polyanthus.
  • Repaired.
  • Miniature.
  • Polyanthus.
  • Centifolous.
  • Tea rooms.
  • Gali (French).
  • Damascus.
  • Bourbon.
  • Mossy.
  • Noisette.

But all these varieties are completely unimportant for an ordinary layman who wants to confess his feelings to his lady of the heart or hint at break in relationship... At the moment, it does not matter at all what kind of roses will be presented, the main thing is what color the rose bud will be painted in. So that the one who received the bouquet would understand the hint and be ready for further developments.

What colors are roses, and what does this mean?

Nature has not been as generous with color as modern breeders. What roses are there in the modern world, and what you want. At the moment, you can find a rose in the color you can imagine. For example, Chinese breeders proposed a rose with multi-colored petals, which, like the "Seven-flower" from the fairy tale of the same name, is painted with all the colors of the rainbow. Only this rose has many more petals than a flower from a fairy tale.

But now we will deal with the classic colors of colors and delve into the meaning of each color in detail.

White Rose

This color symbolizes purity and purity of love in its most sincere manifestations. The one who gives such flowers shows all the sincerity of his feelings, picking up perfectly white buds without any inclusions.

If a white flower has a border in the form of a red or burgundy border, then the meaning of the bouquet changes completely. Such a presented bouquet will mean that the giver wants to become one with the gifted one. He shows that he wants to combine bodily pleasures with sincerity of feelings, offering unity of goals in the future.

Red and burgundy roses

The color of roses and their meaningsIt's hard to find a more passionate hint in the form of a bouquet of red roses. Furious desire and ardent love may be expressed by one scarlet flower, or perhaps presented in the form of a huge bouquet of these beautiful flowers.

But the red rose also has another, more neutral meaning. There are solemn moments in life when you need to show your respect and emphasize admiration for talent, so for such cases, a bouquet of red buds will be quite appropriate.

This exciting color shows the fervor of love and longing desires. By and large, this color has an identical meaning with the red bouquet, so these flowers can be given as a hint of passion and deep respect.

Pink bouquet

If you need to hint at tender feelings and offer to build a relationship, then a bouquet of pink buds will be a wonderful present for your soulmate. Timid first tender feelings and nascent love in the form of a pink bouquet perfectly represent the giver's emotions hidden from outsiders.

Yellow rosebud

A bouquet of yellow flowers should immediately alert the person to whom it was presented, because this color hints at parting... Of course, it happens that the donor, not knowing the meaning of this color, was carried away by its attractiveness and bought such a bouquet without any hint. It also happens that some insidious flower seller, without selling a bouquet of yellow roses in a day, recommended choosing exactly this color of the buds, and the buyer, without hesitation, agreed.

In any case, there is a reason to think about such a gift and conduct a small survey in order to clarify the relationship. As gentle as you can, ask about the origin of the bouquet and how the color of the buds was chosen. If it was a spontaneous choice without a hint, then tell us what color you prefer and what you expect not to receive such bouquets in the future.

This, of course, should only be done if yellow roses are not your favorite flowers, and you do not want to pay attention to the generally accepted meaning of this color.

Orange flowers

Orange buds want convey best wishes, and the peach shade emphasizes the modesty of the donated object.

In some cases, a bouquet of such flowers is presented at the conclusion of a successful transaction or as a sign of friendship.

Could the colors of roses bred by breeders not so long ago mean something?

What color can roses beMore recently, no one has heard or seen about blue, green, black rosebuds. But at the moment, under the strict guidance of breeders, quite exotic colorsthat are not inherent in these colors.

What can they mean, we understand:

  • Blue or light blue (extraordinary flower buds are presented to the same unusual people to emphasize their uniqueness).
  • Green (emphasizes the generosity and prosperity of the giver).
  • Black (speaks of regret and mourning).

Of course, flowers are a good guide when it’s scary to take the first step and express your feelings and emotions. But still, you should not completely rely on the presented bouquet, because not always such a present can be correctly interpreted, because almost every color has several meanings, sometimes opposite. Therefore, it will be better when a small speech of several phrases is prepared for the bouquet, which will eliminate the ambiguity of the flowers presented.

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