What is the Handel climbing rose?

The Handel climbing rose is usually white with a pink border. The rose grows slowly, but a well-developed bush constantly releases new shoots. The Hendel variety became the first frost-resistant climber with flowers that have a two-tone color - cream, fading to white, with a pink or crimson edge. This color contrast gives the rose superiority over all other brethren. The flower petals are wavy, which looks very beautiful.

This rose has flowers 8-10 cm in diameter, terry, but unfortunately, almost devoid of flavor. The larger this rose grows, the more magnificent it looks. And it looks better on light supports, it is better to plant in the place where you can admire it up close. It will perfectly decorate the outside of the gazebo or terrace.

It blooms twice during the summer season, but the re-bloom is much weaker than the first. Händel rose bush is branched, with rather rigid shoots, grows up to 3.5-4 m in height. All stages of flower dissolution are present on the bush.

Her leaves are dark green, so she shade-tolerant enough... The downside of this rose variety is that it can be damaged by powdery mildew. It is resistant to other diseases. The soil for it should be fertile, light enough and well-drained.

Planting a climbing rose of the Hendel variety

How to plant a climbing roseIn order for this climbing flower to delight its owners with its flowering, you need:

  1. Choose the right time for boarding.
  2. Choose a place where she will feel comfortable.

From the very beginning, you should decide at what time it is better to plant this beauty. All growers ask themselves questions - what time is better: spring or autumn? Roses are very capricious and therefore it is best to plant them in spring, when everything is blooming and fragrant. The best planting numbers are May 8-10. And the climbing rose is best planted in early May (the best day is May 8), since according to the horoscope of flowers I assign the number 8 to it.

But it is not always possible to plant on May 8th. For example, if a seedling is purchased in a greenhouse, then at this time it's too early to plant it... You need to wait until the leaves bloom on the trees in the garden so that the seedling does not freeze. In case of sudden changes in temperature, the plant can be sick for a long time or completely die. When planting seedlings, the soil temperature should be at least 10 degrees.

The next step in planting a rose is choosing a location. It is necessary to pick up the place where the sun shines only in the morning, and in the afternoon there is a thin shadow. Do not plant in the sun, otherwise burns will appear on the petals, which will weaken the plant. Other diseases may develop and various pests will appear due to the general weakening.

Also, you can not plant this wonderful flower in drafts and where the north winds blow. Handel rose is thermophilic. The plant will not die from drafts, but it will grow poorly. In the future, the rose will lose its beauty and attractiveness and will look depressed.

Site preparation for landing

First of all, you should know that to plant this flower you need:

  1. Good drainage for healthy roots.
  2. Select the soil light and fertile.
  3. Apply mineral and organic fertilizers to the planting hole.

If all these requirements are met, then rainwater or irrigation water will easily seep into the depths of the plant roots.But Hendel grows best on loamy soil.

Hendel is a hardy and frost-resistant variety, flowers appear on long shoots from 3 to 9 pieces. The most beautiful is a half-open bud with a long graceful shape. When the flower is fully open, the petals have wavy edges, which are clearly emphasized by the crimson edging. As the flower ages, the edging becomes wider and the petals become completely pink.

The color changes from the climate: in a cold climate - they fade, in a hot climate - the color intensifies, which even disappears the edging, in a humid climate - turn brown. Hendel blooms from July to October.

Preparing for winter

How to protect a climbing rose from frostClimbing roses should be well sheltered for the winter... There should be an air space between the flower itself and the covering material. An adult plant should be removed from the support on which it has been held for the entire flowering season. Then wrap with twine, lay along the soil, attaching the weaving shoots to the ground. Top of the whip can be covered with spruce branches, leaves or covering material. Thus, all climbing roses, regardless of the variety, should be covered.

If a florist wants to have a climbing rose in his garden, then planting and caring for this plant is not so difficult. You just need to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions and be sure to do everything on time. Every person who has a land plot wants to improve it. A climbing rose is the main highlight of any flower garden, garden, plot or vegetable garden.

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