How to grow roses with seeds from China at home?

Growing roses at homeAmong the many beautiful flowers, the rose has always been considered the queen. Bright and delicate, sophisticated and aromatic, it always attracts the eye. Rose has been praised by poets all over the world for centuries. Besides beauty and charm, she has many other virtues. Breeders are breeding all new varieties and shades of roses. In addition, the new varieties are resistant to diseases and are not afraid of adverse environmental factors.

Many people know that roses propagate by cuttings, but it turns out that they can also propagate by seed... How to grow a rose from seeds at home, we will try to find out in our article.

The main ways of breeding roses

It will be interesting and useful for beginner gardeners to learn that even novice gardeners can grow roses. These flowers reproduce in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • vaccination;
  • seeds.

At the very beginning, you should decide on the method and variety of growing roses at home. If you choose the second breeding method, then in this case varieties of roses are suitable, from which you can get seeds. After germination, they should give complete material with maternal traits and characteristics. It is believed that the most suitable seeds for growing are varieties of miniature roses... The following varieties are suitable for planting by seeds:

  • polyant;
  • brown;
  • miniature;
  • spiny.

These roses were successfully propagated by seed. For this, only abundant flowering varieties brought from China are suitable.

Seed selection and stratification

How to select rose seedsAs soon as the rosebuds are colored with a blush, it is necessary to select the seed material. Fully ripe buds will have much worse germination. You can extract seeds from roses with a sharp knife... The bud must be cut carefully and slowly, and then the seeds must be removed. They are found in the pulp, and it is very important not to damage them when removing the seeds. Seeds are often of different colors, but this is not important, since they do not always ripen evenly. They are quite suitable for growing roses.

The selected seed must be cleaned and then immersed in hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes. This will protect against mold growth. It is also better to put seeds after peroxide on cheesecloth or a napkin dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Cover everything with a napkin and put it in a plastic bag. It is better to place it in the refrigerator where vegetables are stored.

The seeds should be checked periodically to ensure they are free of mold. If suddenly it appears, then the seed material follows again immerse in hydrogen peroxide... They need to be placed in a clean cloth and a new plastic bag. The whole process of storing seeds is a long and difficult process. After 1-1.5 months, the first shoots should appear.

Growing roses from seeds

When the sprouts have appeared the seeds are ready to be planted in separate pots or peat tablets. The plant can be struck by a black leg, but to avoid this, the soil for planting is mulched with a layer of perlite. Experts also recommend treating the seeds before planting with a growth stimulant. The product will help the sprouts germinate faster and give good growth to the flowers.

The most optimal temperature for growing roses in the initial stage is 10-14aboutFROM.The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The landing site must be lit but shaded... They need a large light period of 12 hours, so if there is a lack of light time, it must be supplemented with artificial lighting.

The soil is watered as it dries. The room in which roses are grown should be regularly ventilated. With the appearance of the first green shoots, containers with seedlings should be taken out to a cooler room and well-lit, but without direct sunlight.

Rose transplant process

How to transplant a roseThe strongest and smoothest seedlings after germination can be selected for planting in other containers, and the rest are best discarded. You should not wait in the first year of flowering of these roses that they will be beautiful. This will happen later, because the maximum development of the plant and intensive growth occurs in the second and third years of life.

2 months after cultivation the first buds are tied... After 2 weeks, the first flowers are formed, which require attention. They need feeding in small doses. For this, soluble fertilizers are suitable, which are added to the water for irrigation and then water the plants. In spring, young bushes are ready for planting in open ground.

There are experienced gardeners who sow selected seeds into the ground at the end of summer. The soil for planting should be loose and fertilized. Seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5 cm and lightly sprinkled with earth. The garden bed should be watered and covered with a covering material so that the soil in the upper layer does not lose moisture. In the northern regions, the garden bed is covered with leaves, and snow is thrown on top. In the month of April, the shelter must be removed and wait for the emergence of shoots. It is believed that roses grown in this way are more resistant to frost and viable.

How to grow roses from purchased seeds?

Growing a grove at homeThe modern market is ready to offer ready-made rose seeds for planting from China. This has its drawback - they do not always correspond to the indicated variety on the package. It is best to buy them in late summer. Purchased seeds should soak in growth stimulant solutionso that they sprout as soon as possible. After that, they need to be laid out on the prepared soil and sprinkled with a layer of 0.5 cm, slightly pressed to the ground.

Sprinkle the pots with warm water from a spray bottle and place each container separately in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Keep the bag with containers at a temperature of 18-20aboutFrom within 2 weeks. After that, the sprouts are removed to the basement with a temperature no higher than +7aboutFROM.

The stratification period lasts 1-1.5 months and, most importantly, at this time do not miss the moment of emergence of seedlings. As soon as they appear, the pots should be rearranged to a lighted place. After the hardening process, the seedlings are planted in open ground. This is usually done in the month of April.

These roses need the same care as others planted on the site. In the next season, they will become stronger, more fragrant and a little larger.

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