In order to avoid the result of the well-known expression that Russia is a country of evergreen tomatoes, lovers of growing these vegetable fruits in the open field of the Middle Lane should remember simple tips.
The main obstacle that interferes with growing a mature full-fledged crop of tomatoes is the defeat of plants by the notorious late blight. Brown spots on the leaves and fruits become a curse and nadlgo discourage the desire to spend energy on growing your favorite fruits.
Method for choosing a suitable variety
The main condition for a good result in the middle lane is weather conditions in August - only dry and hot month guarantees a positive result for tomato lovers. It turns out that fighting late blight is easy enough under any weather conditions of the current summer. You should remember (write down), perform small mathematical calculations and follow simple tips:
Do not rush to sow seeds for tomato seedlings for unprotected soil. The ideal seedling age is 50-60 days (from the moment of soaking or planting in the ground).
- Never rush to plant seedlings in the ground. Wait until the threat of frost has passed.
- Calculate the duration of the favorable tomato period for your area. For example, according to long-term observations of agricultural technicians in the Moscow region, the final threat of nighttime cold snaps occurs after June 5-10. For the same region, active lesion by late blight begins with the appearance of "August growths" in the middle days of the month. Therefore, good conditions will last 65-70 days, and seedlings for open ground should be planted on April 5-10.
- Remember that the conditions for growing seedlings at home are not ideal and this affects the timing and height of the formation of the first inflorescence, and also take into account the so-called loss of the seedling run when transplanting into open ground (acclimatization) - 5-10 days. Rounded up, this figure is 15 days.
Thus, adding to the constant 50-60 (seedling age) the variable values of favorable development 65-70 (for the Moscow region) and subtracting 15 (suspension in development), the maximum duration is calculated the growing season for tomatoes suitable for growing in open ground in the middle lane is 100-115 days.
In the classification by maturity these figures correspond only to early maturing varieties... Therefore, purchasing seeds or seedlings of early, mid-ripening or late-ripening tomatoes, you will "work" at your own peril and risk.
A few tips you shouldn't ignore
However, even when growing only early varieties of tomatoes, it should be remembered that in the middle zone, by the time the risk of the main lesion from late blight arises, they will just begin to ripen. Therefore, in order to collect the largest possible number of ripe tomatoes, you need observe the following recommendations:
Apply covering technology.If possible, build simple frames (0.6 m) with a film, but preferably a white covering material. Using this technique allows you to plant seedlings 10-25 days earlier than the date of the last return frosts (June 10) and thereby extend the favorable period. Make sure that the tomato leaves do not touch the film. Such shelters need not be ventilated.
- Limit the number of stepsons and brushes. Growing tomato monsters with a lot of shoots, stepchildren, and fruits will not lead to improved results. Remove extra stepsons, including underground ones, weekly. For any recommendations in the description of the variety, still form a tomato plant in only 1 or 2 stems.
- Remove all inflorescences and ovaries after July 1 - they will take away vitality and prevent fruit from ripening. Be sure to pinch the growing point in mid-July and this simple manipulation will help the early ripening of the left tomatoes. Cut off any lower, old, and diseased leaves periodically.
- Tie up all bushes. Tying is considered mandatory in the cultivation of early varieties. By tying plants to stakes, you will improve airflow and reduce the risk of disease by limiting leaf contact with the soil.
Don't forget about prevention - such treatment has a serious impact on the quality of plant development in a favorable period. Use new modern means - for example, Donor and Biofora. Treat the seeds, roots of seedlings (when transplanting into soil) and process the plants every 2 weeks. Do not forget about the regularity of loosening and feeding.
Proven varieties for the middle lane
Do not be upset because of the resulting limitation in the choice of varieties in terms of fruit ripening. Plant a combination of tomatoes of different heights, colors, and fruit shapes in the beds. Check out a small list of good early-maturing tomato varieties suitable for growing in unprotected soil in central Russia, which will help simplify the choice of seed.
Alicante... Resistant to fungal infections and high air humidity, a tall English variety. Traditional round shape and scarlet color, weight 100 g, classic taste. Very high yields. Bushes are indeterminate.
Explosion... Low-growing bushes that tolerate rainy and cold summers well. Red fruits - up to 200 g. The explosion is an improved selection of the well-known White filling.
Irina... A medium-sized plant with red round fruits and weighing from 50 to 70 g. Forms ovaries well in low temperatures. Differs in 100% yield of marketable products and increased yield - 20% higher than the norms according to the Argo standard.
Countryman... Hand hybrid, with the possibility of sowing seeds in open ground. It is appreciated for the excellent taste of plum-shaped tomatoes, bright red, with a fruit weight of up to 90 g. The variety shows good results even in areas of risky farming.
Salad and large-fruited
Lovers of pampering themselves with delicious fruits straight from the garden will surely come to taste:
Ilona... Medium-sized bushes with "potato" leaves and traditional red fruits weighing up to 120 g. Show stable results in any weather.
- Lafanya... Low-growing hybrid with increased resistance to almost all diseases affecting tomatoes. Good and stable yields in cold summers. Red, rounded tomatoes (90 g) form in 3-4 nests above the 7th leaf.
- Portland... Hybrid from Gavrish. Bushes of medium height with red rounded fruits up to 100 g. Due to their selective resistance to sudden changes in temperature and high humidity, these tomatoes show high yields - up to 5 kg per bush.
- Persimmon... Medium-sized (up to 1 m), but compact bush with orange fruits weighing from 150 to 300 g. It is appreciated for its high carotene content. A plant formed into 1 stem produces 2-3 kg of tomatoes.
- Delicious... The large, red fruits of the classic shape of this variety are a real delicacy. It is appreciated for its high, stable yields and resistance to adverse conditions.
- 100 Pounds... A very productive variety. Good performance even in open ground - tomatoes have time to gain weight from 500 to 700 g and ripen. The fruits are red, very fleshy.
- The Tsar Bell... One of the best and unpretentious tomato varieties for the center of Russia. A bush with a height of up to 1 m.Dark red fruits have an elongated shape and gain weight weighing 400-700 g.
For conservation
Koenigsberg gold... An orange pickled tomato variety. Tall, up to 1.8 m. Despite the rather large weight of one tomato (200-300 g), it is very convenient for preservation - the elongated fruits easily pass into the neck and compactly "line up" in jars and barrels. The yield of one stem is 3-4 brushes with 4-5 fruits each.
Rocket... A short, weakly leafy bush (50-60 cm) with oval red fruits (50-60 g) and a good yield. The result of special selection work for growing in the middle lane. Perfect choice and guaranteed results.
Tolstoy... A tall hybrid of tomatoes with a high yield - up to 12 kg from one bush! Can grow in shaded areas. The fruits are bright red, round, with a dense skin and weighing 100 g.
For salting
Tarasenko - 2... Tall (up to 2 m) hybrid of special selection "for salting". Oval-rounded fruits with a characteristic drawn-out spout are not just ideal for pickling, but they still have excellent keeping quality and can withstand simple storage until December.
Marusya... Medium-sized variety that withstands adverse climatic conditions perfectly. Tomatoes are red, round, weighing up to 100 g. Plants tolerate drought well, and the fruits do not crack or fall off.
Salting miracle... Low-growing standard bush with elongated, oval, orange-red fruits. Weight - 100 g. The excellent performance of these tomatoes "complicates" the purchase of seed.
For stuffing
Charlie Chaplin... Indeterminate (tall) plant with round-flattened, large, red fruits. The variety of these tomatoes has been tested over the years - it has been cultivated since 1953.
Striped stuffer... High-yielding variety from German breeders. Differs in very thick walls of tomato fruits. The middle is "squeezed" and can be easily removed. Cuboid-shaped tomatoes are very decorative - painted red and covered with yellow stripes.
In conclusion, one more piece of advice - if you find fruits that are affected by brown spots, do not wait for ripening, but immediately pick and process them into tomato caviar or snack salads. Warm summer, sweet tomatoes and great harvests!