Tomatoes for the middle zone and the south of the Russian Federation: varieties, photos and description

Planting and caring for tomatoesEveryone's favorite tomatoes are easy enough to grow not only in a personal plot or in a greenhouse. Modern selection varieties of tomatoes allow you to decorate a city dwelling and at the same time pamper yourself with delicious, self-grown, ecological “vegetable fruits”.

However, in any case, to ensure positive results, you should carefully consider the selection of suitable varieties. Consider a photo, a brief description and the main advantages of both new and the most popular varieties that are suitable for growing in the Rostov region and in central Russia.

Golden apples - tomato variety of choice

Before choosing the variety you like, in addition to looking at the photo, you need to clarify - is it suitable for the following parameters:

  • ripening time of fruits - super early, early, medium and late varieties;
  • determinant - undersized and early ripening types of tomatoes;
  • indeterminate - tall (up to 3 m) and multi-yield tomatoes;
  • superdeterminate - dwarf varieties "for windowsills" with 2-3 inflorescences;
  • semi-determinate - ideal for growing in greenhouses;
  • standard species - undersized varieties with a thick, erect trunk, which does not require garters and pinching - an excellent choice for large household farms;
  • compliance of the variety and ph-soil;
  • type of pollination of flowers;
  • F1 - high-yielding, disease-resistant, hardy, heterotic hybrids of the first generation, without the possibility of collecting seed;
  • fruit size and shape of inflorescences - beef (extra large), small-fruited (less than 30 g), carpal, cherry (small fruits with an increased amount of dry matter in the cell sap).

New-fashioned exotic carp varieties

How to grow a tomatoAcquaintance with wrist varieties, let's start with the novelties of the season - Rapunzel tomatoes... The description of the variety is replete with references to the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm and the similarity of fruiting brushes (up to 40 fruits per one) with long braids from the imprisoned princess. The novelty was presented by SpringTrials at the 2014 American Agriculture Show. The authors of the variety are the Vegetalis division of the British corporation FloraNova.

Rapunzel... Very tall hybrid with long cascading whips of red, medium-sized, very sweet fruits, suitable only for fresh consumption. It combines excellent taste, high yield and exceptional decorativeness.

Apricot Dreams... A luxurious forerunner of the Rapunzel tomatoes, from the same FloraNova, Vegetalis company. Affordable and proven, rather early ripening (only 50 days) variety with a "growth" of 60 cm and 20-30 plum-like, apricot-colored, fruits on a whip.

You can "replace" Rapunzel and Apricot Dreams with varieties:

  • Supersweet 100 (Dutch selection);
  • Busiki (Japanese selection);
  • Black cherry (Netherlands).

The second coming of wild tomatoes

Fertile varieties of tomatoesThose who did not manage to grow seedlings this year should pay attention to the world hit of the current season - anisoliate tomatoes (wild, thigh-leaved, currant-leaved, "wild currant", currant), which can still be found in American forests.

Anisolists perfectly tolerate low temperatures - they are not afraid of recurrent spring frosts, and they bear fruit abundantly, 3-5 kg ​​per plant, from early spring to the first frosts. Small wild fruits, less than 1 cm, have a sweet balanced taste, they are excellent dried in "raisins" just in a dry room. They will decorate fences and become indispensable for creating hedges. In the southern part of the middle zone and in the south of Russia, the anisolous variety showed itself remarkably Sweet Pia.

We collect tomatoes from spring to autumn

We present to your attention a small "tomato catalog" of varieties that have earned popularity in the middle lane and in the south of the Russian Federation.

Winner... The seeds are sown in open ground. Low-growing (up to 70 cm), early maturing bush with elongated ribbed fruits, weighing from 70 to 130 g, suitable for pickling.

Bell... Unpretentious, early ripe, super short - 40 cm and a fruitful (up to 2.5 kg) variety. Scarlet fruits weighing up to 60 g are suitable for all types of harvesting for the winter.

Prima Don... A high-yielding early-ripening variety with a stem height of up to 90 cm and multi-chamber, elongated, red tomatoes (up to 120 g). This variety tolerates drought and heat well.

Gift... Sheerless, heat-resistant, mid-season tomato with a stem height of up to 80 cm, with perfectly round fruits (150 g) and a high yield - up to 3 kg per bush. These tomatoes are well suited for making tamat products.

Zarnitsa... Acclimatized to heat and drought. Variety - medium ripening, medium branched. A fast-growing bush reaches a height of 90 cm. Productivity - up to 3.5 kg. Fruits of a red-pink hue (90 g) with a very rich taste.

How to choose a tomato varietyTitanium... Medium late ripening variety. Despite its low height (70 cm), it is characterized by a high yield - up to 4.5 kg. Round, red fruits gain weight up to 160 g and have a distinct tomato flavor of their own.

The finish... The variety is very resistant to diseases and cracking of the fruit. Determinant, mid-late variety with dense, red, round fruits (90 g) and yield up to 8 kg.

Ermak... High-yielding, compact (50 cm), late variety with red-orange fruits (75g), which are excellent storage and excellent for pickling.

Roma... Dutch visitor (up to 1, 5 m), with a very abundant and extended fruiting period. Red cream (up to 100 g) - universal application and especially ideal for preserving in its own juice without skin.

Orange cream... Yielding (6 kg) variety with a bush height of up to 150 cm, which bears fruit from the beginning of July until the first frost. Tomatoes have a delicate sweet and sour taste and crunch like young cucumbers.

We grow greenhouse tomatoes

Folk tomatoIn the conditions of the Rostov region, for sale and for their own consumption, many people build heated greenhouses and are engaged in the cultivation of double-turn tomato crops. To reject constant pesticide treatment, increase protection against verticillosis and bacteriosis, for greenhouses, only hybrid varieties with the F1 prefix should be chosen. The offered "spring" varieties have proven themselves well in the greenhouses of the middle zone.

Bokele... Tall pink-fruited tomatoes of rich color and round shape, weighing up to 120 g. The bush is formed into 3 stems.

Manon... A productive type of red-fruited, medium and large, cuboid tomatoes (from 130 g and above). A distinctive feature is good fruit set even at high temperatures and excellent keeping quality.

Drive... Clustered tomatoes with a fruit weight of 160-180 g. They perfectly endure the hardships of transportation. Light acidity, round shape and bright red color of the fruit have earned an excellent reputation with consumers.

For the second turn of growing greenhouse tomatoes in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods, the following hybrid varieties are recommended:

  1. Gilgal. Unique greenhouse but compact bush. It is the only hybrid beef species, in which the first inflorescence is formed after 6 leaves. Productivity - 35 kg / m². Differs in good tolerance to temperature differences. Fruits ripen 10 days after Maliki.
  2. Malika. Red beef fruits weighing more than 200 g, which ripen in just 100-110 days and yield up to 18 kg / m².
  3. Simone. Beef hybrid LSL-type (Long shelf life) with "long shelf life". Compact bush - up to 70 cm.Fruits - at least 300 g.
  4. Shelf. Salad, mid-season, medium-sized (75 cm), determinant LSL-type. Excellent taste. The weight of red fruits is up to 200 g.

Delicious and healthy decor for flower beds and apartments

New varieties of tomatoesA city balcony, loggia or window sills can not only be turned into a colorful tomato greenhouse, but also enjoy tomato gifts from early spring to late autumn. It takes very little effort to make the photos a reality.

Balconies Yellow (Ed)... Ornamental nightshade tree from German breeders. In this case, the well-known German "neatness" borders on conformism - all bushes grow the same size 25-26 cm. To achieve a good result, windows facing south are needed. Tomatoes withstand cocktail canning.

Balcony miracle... The most proven "apartment" variety of tomatoes with bushes up to 60 cm high, the fruits on which ripen even in poor light conditions. From one tree, you can collect 2 kg of small red tomatoes (50 g), which can withstand conservation and salting. The balcony miracle belongs to the few varieties of tomatoes that can withstand deep freeze. You can plant seeds for seedlings in mid-December.

Bonsai... Shade-tolerant, low-growing (20-25 cm) plant, with particular resistance to lack of nutrients. Small tomatoes (zo g) are very sweet and are only suitable for salad use. The tomato feels great not only in apartment conditions, but can also decorate tree trunks, act as curbs or become a bright spot in shaded areas of flower beds. Bonsai stands out for its special decorativeness - when ripe, the fruits gradually change color from green to deep purple, passing through yellow, pink and orange colors. A special feature is considered "storage on the branches" - a long-term opportunity not to pick ripe fruits.

Tiny Tim... Super-elite English dwarf variety for year-round cultivation in well-lit areas! The time to the first harvest is only 45-50 days. Tiny red berries (1 cm) are collected in a "grape cluster".

Golden bunch... One of the few available representatives, suitable for ampel cultivation! In the description of the variety, it is emphasized that it is demanding on heat and maintaining a constant air humidity (60-65%).

Growing beautiful and tasty tomatoes is not very difficult and quite doable. Plant dill, basil, watercress, celery, lettuce, bush beans next to tomato bushes and ensure higher yields.

Different varieties of tomatoes
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