Tomatoes Love, Swamp, Katyusha, Kemerovets: reviews and description

This is a relatively new type of tomato. This hybrid is quite high-yielding, early maturing. The crop can be harvested three to four months after planting. The plant is very tall - one and a half meters. It has a round look, juicy and red. Weight reaches 400 grams. In one string it gives up to seven fruits. Among other things, in a greenhouse it gives up to 20 kilograms per square meter. Very good at preventing disease.

Tomato Love

Bred in the city of Moscow, by lovers of vegetable growers. This is a definite plus, since vegetables bred by loversare usually grown with special care and love. This particular method helps them to turn out to be very tasty, productive and healthy. The best growing region is Central. Although you can add here the southern regions of Russia - Krasnodar, Sochi and so on.

If you grow a tomato love outdoors, then you do not need to remove excess stems and leaves. But this will lead, for someone a minus, to the fact that the tomato will begin to bear fruit much later than usual... At the same time, there are practically no extra stems - only the first two. If you decide to remove them, the fruits will ripen much earlier, the tomatoes will be larger, but the yield will decrease. Therefore, to pinch or not, the choice remains with the owner of the tomatoes. Experts advise, to pluck a few stems, the rest can be left unchanged.

Tomatoes Love - seed varietyGardeners who decide to make seedlings are advised to do so in the 20th of March - in the first days of April. The seedling depth is 3-4 centimeters. After the appearance of three to four leaves, you can transfer to a larger container. For 11 days, the plant begins to harden, and transplanted into open ground, after two months. The recommended scheme is 75 by 45 centimeters. Plant four plants one meter long and one meter wide for best results. Form all the stems into one bunch and tie to a stick or other support.

There are no restrictions in the form of special conditions. Can be planted on any kind of soil or greenhouse. After the formation of the fourth inflorescence, they can give a fifth, after which they stop growing.

Reviews from gardeners:

All my household, my whole family, my husband. two children, prefer tomato Love. In addition to the fact that these tomatoes are large in size, the taste is very pleasant. They also like Katyusha tomatoes, Kemerovets tomatoes. All are very tasty and can be stored for a very long time without spoiling. Before that, my family preferred mainly Cherry, but these tomatoes have supplanted them. And it's not so difficult to grow them, water more, and tie them up. You can pinch, but the yield will be less. But the tomatoes themselves will become very large.

Elena Okaeva

Tomato Kemerovets

Tomato Kemerovets is very popularIt belongs to early ripening varieties, which is an advantage. After planting seedlings, it should take about 110 days before the fruits begin to ripen... Has a limitation in growth, the stem itself is stamped. Usually it does not grow above 60 centimeters. This type of cultivar, the leaves are of medium size, medium number of leaves.Something outwardly from other types of tomatoes, the leaves do not differ, that is, the light is dark, green.

there is excellent and high quality soil, then just one plant is capable of producing up to 110 fruits and this is not the limit. With proper grooming, the number of fruits will increase. The undoubted plus of this variety, it is not necessary to break off the lower stems, and the stem itself does not require tying.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • good resistance to cold;
  • stunning appearance;
  • resistance to decay;
  • gives a high yield;
  • no need to tie and pinch;
  • resistant to transportation problems;
  • the bushes are compact due to their low growth.


Judging by all the reviews that gardeners leave, there are no drawbacks to this variety of tomatoes.

Reviews about tomato Kemerovets:

Since childhood, I just love tomatoes. This is my favorite vegetable. As a child, I always helped my beloved grandfather pick them in the garden and still remember how juicy and tasty they were. We put them all the time in wicker baskets and stored them in a special shed. And for me it was a real paradise, go into the barn and feel all this aroma of tomatoes and herbs. And all these childhood sensations, tastes, Kemerovets reminded me. A very juicy tomato that brings me back to childhood memories. And now my children and the rest of the family have joined me.

Nadezhda Galperova

Tomato Katyusha

The main features of the tomato:

  • There are many varieties of tomatoesgives large fruits;
  • resistant to cold, thanks to which, you can not be afraid of them;
  • can be grown anywhere - in a greenhouse or outdoors;
  • the plant reaches up to 70 centimeters;
  • up to seven tomatoes ripen in one bunch;
  • from the appearance of the stems to the final offspring, it takes about a hundred days.

Growing recommendations

This type of variety is best grown by seedlings, since thanks to this, the final yield will be much higher, and the quality of taste will be better. For even better results, it is better to use potassium permanganate for disinfection. Then be sure to rinse with cold water and soak. Do not exceed the planting depth more than about 6 centimeters, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. After the appearance of two leaves, transplant into a larger box. After that, it is worth applying fertilizer - this will further increase the chances for the final high-quality result. Also, do not forget about timely watering. They are transferred to open ground with the onset of June.

Reviews from gardeners:

My favorite tomato varieties are those with fewer leaves. But, most importantly, I love yellow and orange tomatoes. But my wife doesn't share my tastes and loves red and juicy tomatoes. She recently switched to Katyusha tomatoes and, to be honest, of all red tomatoes, this tomato is the most delicious, juicy and enjoyable. Of all the "red" tomatoes, I will choose this one. It has such a different taste, as if ... It is difficult to explain in words, it is better to try.

Sergey Mikhailovich

Tomato Swamp

Its the name, this tomato, got due to its appearance... Indeed, this color and shape seem to say that this tomato is not so simple:

  • Unusual variety of tomatoes Swampripens quite early;
  • the growth of its stem is unlimited in height;
  • if it grows indoors, in a greenhouse, then the growth will be above one and a half meters, and outdoors - 60 centimeters;
  • unlike red tomatoes, this tomato has a sour taste, which is popular with many gourmets;
  • grows best in two stems, but no more than three plants per square meter;
  • there are practically no stepchildren, which also noticeably differs from other types of tomatoes;
  • the only drawback is that when the swamp becomes mature, wateriness appears inside;
  • many people compare the tomato Swamp with the tomato Malachite box and almost everyone notes that Swamp wins in the taste of the second.

Review of tomato:

Very fleshy and delicious. At first, it was difficult to determine his early maturity, but then I realized that he was ripe when such a small, but very noticeable, yellow tint appears.In the following years, I tried, if possible, of course, I do not have such a large plot, to plant separately. I have never been disappointed. Delicious look and better than the Malachite box.

Elena Khalizova

Recommendations for planting, grooming, growing

In order to eventually grow a good harvest of these varieties, you need to know and adhere to some recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to harden them, that is, to subject them to temperature changes. You need to put the seeds in a two-layer cloth and pre-soak (16 hours), at a temperature of at least twenty degrees. After that, put it in a very cold environment, namely in the refrigerator for 12 hours. And all this manipulation should be carried out within 15 days. All the weakest seeds will die, and the strong ones will give a very good and tasty harvest.

Tomatoes Love - fruits are shown in the photoTomatoes can be red, yellow, pinkTomato seeds Kemerovets in packingGreen tomatoes of the Swamp variety do not change color when ripe

After the sprouts appear, the seedlings are immediately placed in some cool place... As soon as the leaves begin to open, you should immediately start fertilizing with mineral resources. This is also not an unimportant step on the path of a good harvest. Watering on time is also important, so you should try to stay on schedule. Do not forget about the lighting of the sprouts. This is on a par with fertilization and hardening. Lamps, best of all daylight, are placed 12 centimeters above the seedlings. This is the ideal distance for the seedlings to grow as efficiently as possible.

After about nine weeks, all seedlings can be planted either in a greenhouse or outdoors.


If the decision is made in favor of the greenhouse, then here is the main list of recommendations:

  • Tomatoes grow and bear fruit well in a greenhouseplanting seedlings should not be deeper than about 6 centimeters, otherwise it can lead to poor growth;
  • it is desirable to warm up the ground before this;
  • you should not overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise it will result in a bad final result;
  • it is necessary not to forget to take care of in time and about timely landing. It is best to plant tomatoes in the dark, in the evening or in cloudy weather. And do not forget to remove yellowed leaves in time.

Open ground

  • The yield of tomatoes depends largely on the variety.Planting tomatoes is in an area protected from the wind;
  • it is not recommended to plant them in the area where other vegetables in the face, for example, eggplants, previously grew;
  • just as in the case of a greenhouse, it is worth planting tomatoes in the ground in the dark to avoid unnecessary growth problems;
  • tomatoes planted in the open field should be watered as often as possible in dry weather;
  • before planting, the land should be fertilized - this will give additional chances for a good harvest.

Tomato care

Despite the fact that the above described tomatoes do not need a garter, and some also in the sprinkling, still it is worth doing to achieve a good harvest.

For a garter, you can use a mesh... Pegs are driven into the ground, a net is attached to them, and the plants themselves are tied to the net.

Serving tomatoes - what is it?Serving also recommend observing, because if you do not pluck off the extra stems, then the entire supply of vitamins, minerals and other nutritious resources will go into the greens, and not into the fruits.

Fertilizers too don't forget, because in many respects the receipt of the entire nutritious diet by the plant depends on them.


As you can see, the tomatoes are Lyubov, Katyusha, Kemerovets, Swamp, are a very solid choice in the vegetable market. Timely and competent care will help them give a good and tasty harvest.

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