The best varieties of cherry tomatoes for open ground

Cherry tomatoesMany, both beginners and experienced tomato growers, confuse the varieties of small-fruited tomatoes: cocktail, cherry and currant (wild). This is fundamentally wrong - after all, in addition to different small sizes, these varieties also differ in internal content.

In Europe, cherry tomatoes have been popular for a long time, and in the countries of the former USSR, these varieties are just beginning to gain momentum. And not in vain - in a season, from one tall bush, you can collect about 200 fruits. Therefore, even 4 bushes are enough to feast on fresh berries and pickle them for special occasions.

Cherry - Fruit Vegetable Champion

Cherry tomato varietiesCherry tomatoes are small-fruited, from 15 to 20 g, varieties... The main difference between Cherry and other tomatoes is the increased, almost 2 times, content of dry nutrients and sugars dissolved in the extracellular juice. Ordinary, large-fruited and other small-fruited varieties of tomatoes cannot boast of such "wealth". In addition, large-scale breeding work led to the emergence of cherry tomatoes with raspberry, strawberry, blueberry and nutmeg flavor.

Depending on the location on the site, you can choose tall, medium-sized or low-growing varieties. For varieties that will bear a decorative load on a personal plot, there is a choice:

  • colors - greenish, yellow, pink, orange, crimson, all shades of red, burgundy, purple, black and striped;
  • arrangement of fruits on bushes - evenly over the entire surface, grape bunches, brushes (5-6 pcs.), powerful "viburnum inflorescences" or long symmetrical lashes;
  • fruit shapes - traditionally round, plum-like, pears, lemon, "ladies' fingers".

Features of agricultural technology

How to choose a variety of tomatoesGrowing cherry tomatoes in the open field does not differ from caring for ordinary tomatoes. Since most of the "cherry" varieties are of hybrid origin, they are distinguished by remarkable germination, stress resistance, vigorous growth and abundant fruiting. Even in the central regions of Russia 3-4 lashes have time to mature varieties are indeterminate, with 20-40 cherries each.

To achieve a good result, it is very important to pay due attention to regular watering, mulch and avoid contact with the open ground of the leaves and fruits of tomato plants. It is important to remember - absolutely everything, regardless of the height of the bush, cherry tomatoes require a garter, and for undersized ones it is also required to allocate more space between the plants.

Culinary opportunities

The first, gourmet, fruit and design merits of Cherry varieties were appreciated by restaurateurs. Kids are used, whole and cut in half, not only in vegetable but also in fruit salads. They are used to decorate dishes, desserts, alcoholic cocktails and drinks.

Cherry varieties tolerate well canning and pickling, and their features of the internal content allow you to create unique canned flavors.

Cherries proved to be indispensable for hot chicken and fish skewers on wooden skewers. They made it possible to diversify the assortment of gastronomic and fruit kebabs, canapés and cakes for buffet receptions.

Cherry tomatoes have earned special respect among culinary experts for their prolonged shelf life and incredible shelf life.

Cherry tomato varieties for open ground

Cherry tomato appearanceCherry tomato bushes are successfully grown not only in greenhouses and closed urban areas. Acclimatized varieties can be successfully grown in the open field. In the northern strip of Russia, these babies are grown through seedlings, and in the south, you can get by with direct sowing seeds into the ground. When buying seed, you need to pay attention - the description should indicate that this variety is suitable for growing in the open field.

Recently, it has become fashionable to grow blue or black tomatoes, and it's not for nothing that dark varieties are more expensive. After all, they are not just decorative. Due to the increased concentration of anthocyanins, black tomatoes have the following properties:

  • help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • increase immunity;
  • have a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • strengthen the vessels of the retina and lower intraocular pressure;
  • prevent damage to cell membranes and act as a powerful antioxidant.

Below is a list of varieties of Cherry tomatoes, a brief description of which will help you navigate and select a sufficient number of varieties to satisfy aesthetic and taste preferences.

Andryushka, Magic Cascade, Hilma... Determinate (tall) varieties with red, rounded fruits on long, double-nested strings. The number of fruits in one cluster is from 20 to 30. A characteristic sign of commodity ripeness is the disappearance of the green spot around the peduncle.

White currant... Variety from USA breeders. Formation of 3-4 stems with a height of up to 1.8 m is possible. The color of round fruits is creamy yellowish. The taste really has a white currant flavor.

Cherry cocktail... Selection of cherry tomatoes from the Gavrish company. Very tall bushes - more than 2 m, which are densely sprinkled with long clusters with round, very intense, tangerine-colored fruits. Characteristic features: the number of fruits on one bunch - from 40 to 50 pieces; unusual varnished skin surface.

Grozdevye Ildi... Tall decorative hybrid. Distinctive features of the variety are a very complex inflorescence with an incredible amount of yellow beads and a bright fruity taste with a pronounced spicy aftertaste.

Greenfinch... Ankle, medium-sized (up to 1.5 m) tomato bushes imitating green grape plants. The color of the fruits of marketable maturity is tender, light green, with a whitish bloom.

Gold bead... Early maturing, indeterminate hybrid with gold-colored pearl beads. The arrangement of 20 fruits on the clusters is in pairs, almost symmetrical.

Queen Margo... Early ripe hybrid. Tall bushes have a unique appearance due to very weak foliage, a huge number of simple brushes with an average number of berries (20-30 pcs. Per one). A variety with a glossy skin and an unusual color of fruits - the deep, rich color of ripe raspberries under the sun shines with bright light crimson spots.

Lily of the valley... Tall French variety with scarlet, oval fruits and a sharp tip. The old selection, proven for more than one decade, guarantees a good result.

Melon slice... One of the most popular Spanish yellow cherry varieties. Fruits are round, slightly flattened. It really tastes like nutmeg.

Honey drop... In the open field, the bushes reach 1.5 m. On simple clusters with double nests, about 10-15 fruits are tied. Low yield is more than replaced by special decorativeness. Unusual drop-shaped (pear-shaped) yellow fruits have a peculiar taste.

Honey candy... A high-yielding hybrid with an extended fruiting period. The height of the main stem is up to 1 m. The hyper-high concentration of fructose gives the orange oval fruits a unique caramel flavor.

Minibel. Pygmy... These undersized standard hybrids can be grown by direct planting of seeds in the ground. Ornamental small bushes are densely hung with short clusters of red round fruits. They are characterized by ultra-early maturity, unpretentiousness and endurance.

Garden pearl... A low-growing variety with a unique fruit color, rich light pink color, really similar to pink pearls. Despite its small size, each tree will delight you with a good harvest - from 300 to 500 fruits.

Blush... Medium and mid-season, unique Cherry variety. Unusually shaped, elongated fruits are unlike tomatoes and are present on the same plant in two color options - yellow with orange stripes and orange with yellow stripes.

Dance with the Smurfs... The first variety in the selection of black Cherry tomatoes. Named after the characters from the cartoon "The Smurfs". French selection. The variety is tall. Fruits are round, almost black with a small reddish spot at the stalk.

Dark galaxy... For lovers of an unusual color. A complex combination of colors in the color of the fruit - purple, brown, dark red, brick and scarlet. Additionally, they are covered with stripes, which are represented by droplets and specks of different sizes, yellow and orange.

Tomato variety

Indigo blue berries... New from the USA. The sweetest fruit from the black varieties of small tomatoes. The characteristic difference of the variety is the glossy surface of the skin and the black “substrate” reproduce the effect of a mirror. In small shiny fruits you can see your reflection.

6 Punto 7... A low-growing bush with a large number of ovoid, orange-red fruits located on not very long lashes with double and triple nests.

It is not easy and interesting to grow cherry tomato plants - excellent decorativeness, unusual tastes, good yield and ecological purity of self-grown tomatoes will forever make you fans of these tomato fruits.

The best varieties of cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoesHow to grow cherry tomatoes correctlySizes of cherry tomatoesCherry tomatoesHow does cherry tomato growCherry tomato varietyThe best varieties of tomatoesHow to grow a cherry tomatoCherry yieldFeatures of growing tomatoesCherry tomatoes

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