Dive operation: taking care of tomato seedlings

Experienced gardeners in February - March strive not to miss the timing of planting seeds for seedlings: strong healthy seedlings are the key to a bountiful harvest! In the middle lane, tomatoes, like peppers and eggplants, are best grown in seedlings because of the climate. And picking is sometimes simply necessary for the development of plants.

The picking procedure as a stimulant for the development of seedlings

There are different opinions regarding the picking procedure as such: some consider it an obligatory stage in growing seedlings, others prefer to do without it. The picking itself is the transplanting of young tomato seedlings into more spacious separate containers for:

  • slowing down the growth of plants in the event that the seedlings began to stretch;
  • improving the development of the root system and, accordingly, the plant itself in the future.

The slowdown in growth occurs due to trauma to the roots, which occurs with any transplant, this is a great stress for the seedling. In addition, some gardeners deliberately pinch the root of the seedling by 1/3 when picking for this very purpose, suggesting that the roots will grow rapidly later.

Dive process

How the root is pinched when diving

Thus, by the time the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, strong, healthy, not elongated tomato plants should be obtained, which quickly enough move into further growth.

Terms and conditions for picking

For delicate tomato bushes, picking is akin to an operation. After that, they “get sick” for a while, come to their senses. For different varieties of tomatoes, the procedure is carried out once or twice during the period of seedling growth. Once - for low and medium-sized varieties, twice - for tall varieties... The second time the seedlings are transplanted when the previous container becomes too cramped for the roots.

It makes sense to start transplanting when the plant already has two true leaves (not to be confused with the cotyledonous leaves, which appear very first during seed germination). This is about the 10th day after germination, but it is possible to carry out the procedure 2 days earlier or later..

Tomato seedlings ready to dive

We start the transplant

For a successful dive, you should prepare in advance:

  • separate cups at least 8–10 cm in diameter, with a hole in the bottom for better release of excess water when watering;
  • a small spatula or stick for easy extraction of seedlings;
  • priming.

A young seedling dive along with a clod of earth in order to damage the root system as little as possible. It must be watered in advance so that the soil is moist during transplantation.

We pour the earth into a new container about a third of its height, carefully remove the plant with a lump of earth with a spatula from a tight container and lower it into the desired one. Add the required amount of soil. The seedling should be buried down to the cotyledonous leaves. Gently compact the ground around the stem, water and place where it is light and there is no direct sunlight, until the seedlings take root. Then you can put it in a warm, sunny place.

Pickled tomato seedlings

We deepen each bush to the cotyledonous leaves

In the future, it should be watered as the soil dries out, so as not to cause harm.

We check with the lunar calendar 2018

Many gardeners and gardeners are guided by the lunar calendar for any manipulation of plants: both planting seeds and planting seedlings, watering and feeding, even weeding with it! I must admit that this has its own meaning. For example, what does the lunar calendar recommend regarding picking tomato seedlings in March 2018?

It is fair to say that before the seedlings dive, they must be grown. For each region of our country, the timing of both planting seeds and, accordingly, picking will differ depending on the climate. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, both sowing seeds and planting in open ground or a greenhouse can be done 2-3 weeks earlier than in the Moscow region, where night frosts can return in May, and 2-3 weeks later - in more northern areas.

According to the calendar for 2018, favorable days for a dive in March: from the 5th to the 7th inclusive, 15, 20, 21, 24 and 25. Thus, you can calculate the time of planting tomatoes so that by the right time the seedlings already have 2 real leaves... For areas located to the north, where the landing was carried out later, it is advisable to dive in April. The best days for this are April 16-18 and April 24-27.

Video: diving tomato seedlings in the phase of 1-2 true leaves

When there is an intention to take an action, it makes sense to collect as much information as possible about how to do it correctly and what the consequences will be. The same is with the pick. With the right approach to its implementation, accuracy and respect for plants, such a procedure should have a positive result both in the present and in the future. And it will be useful to look into the lunar calendar.

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