Picking tomato seedlings: how to carry out the procedure correctly

Tomatoes are one of the most favorite vegetable crops. It is grown through seedlings. To get strong, well-developed plants and a large harvest of "golden apples" (as the word tomato is translated from Italian), you should know about the meaning and rules of picking seedlings.

Why picking seedlings is done, is it possible to do without it

Picking or diving - transplanting seedlings from one common container into individual ones with pinching off a part of the taproot. The picking ensures further development of seedlings in favorable conditions for each selected seedling. Many gardeners do it twice. Among the advantages of diving seedlings are:

  • selection of the most developed and healthy seedlings;
  • providing each plant with the place, food, lighting necessary for their growth;
  • by cutting off part of the taproot, we achieve the development of a good root system by increasing the number of lateral and surface roots;
  • slow down the growth of elongated thin seedlings.

The picking of tomatoes also has negative points:

  • a pick with damage to the root system is very stressful for the plant, so there is a risk of overriding all the benefits from such a transplant;
  • it takes about seven days for the plant to recover from such an operation, such a slowdown in growth will lead to the fact that you will receive the first fruits a week later.

For my tomato seedlings, picking comes down only to neat transplanting into individual pots. A deeper planting of the seedling (up to the cotyledonous leaves) provides an increase in the growth of lateral roots on the stem. In the future, I add soil to the pots and, again, ensure the growth of roots in plants. And I consider truncation of the taproot a big disadvantage, because the deep-rooted root allows the plant to extract water from the soil, and for me to water my tomatoes less often.

It is possible to do without picking when growing tomato seedlings. This method will save you time and effort and keep the plant's main taproot (which can grow up to 1.5 meters). Seedlings grown without picking are considered to be more resistant to adverse conditions and the absence of frequent watering.

Time for a pick

The timing of the transplant plays a big role in how good the result will be. Do not pick too early because the seedling will not be able to cope with stress yet. But the effect will not be so good from a late transplant.Elongated plants that have grown for a long time in unfavorable conditions with a lack of light, nutrition, with intertwined roots, will take root in new places worse and hurt for a long time. The optimal stage of sprouting for picking is 2-3 true leaves, this is about 3 weeks from the moment of planting the seeds.

dive seedling

picking tomatoes is carried out at the stage of 2-3 own leaves

How to properly dive tomatoes

There are several ways to pick seedlings. But the following actions will remain unchanged:

  1. It is necessary to prepare or buy ready-made nutritious soil in which tomatoes will thrive.
  2. Seedlings are watered abundantly with warm water a few hours before transplanting for easier separation of plant roots from each other.
  3. With the help of a peg, the seedlings are pryed and removed with a lump of earth, holding the cotyledon leaves, without touching the stalk and trying not to damage the roots.
  4. Gently pinch off the central root about a quarter of the length (you can skip this moment).
  5. In a new separate container, a rather large depression is made with a peg.
  6. The seedling is deepened, covered with soil up to the cotyledonous leaves, the soil around it is compacted.
  7. The plants are watered so that the soil settles and covers the roots.
  8. The transplanted tomato seedlings are placed in a warm, bright place for 4–5 days, but not in the sun.
cut seedlings

After picking, the seedlings are watered with warm water

Necessary tool for work

For a dive, you need a peg (by the way, the name of a dive comes from the French "piquet", which means a pointed peg), which you can make yourself or buy in a store.

picking tool

ready-made set of tools for picking made of plastic, consisting of a pointed peg and a fork with a spatula

You can use an ice cream stick, spoon, or other suitable tools.

dive using a peg

a pointed peg helps to accurately remove and replant seedlings

I have a lonely dessert fork with a rounded handle lying around. I also adapted it for a dive. It is convenient to remove seedlings with a fork, and the handle helps to make depressions in the ground. Very quickly it turns out to plant seedlings without these devices, using your own fingers.

picking without tools

a recess is made with two fingers in the soil, the seedling is placed in the hole and gently squeezed

Basic picking methods

The most famous and common way of picking is in pots. These can be ready-made plastic or peat pots, cassettes with pallets, disposable cups or cut to size, packaging for juices and dairy products. When using cups, the seedlings are easily rearranged in the right place, it is convenient to sign it with a permanent marker and, most importantly, it has enough space. When planning the second pick, you can choose pots with a capacity of 300 ml for the first, and 500-700 ml for a single or repeated pick.

Video: diving tomato seedlings into cups

In the absence of suitable ready-made pots, they can be made from foil. This option will ensure the safety of the roots when planting tomatoes in a permanent place.

Video: plastic wrap cups for seedlings

You can use a polyethylene sleeve for making.

Video: cups for seedlings from a plastic sleeve

Picking tomatoes into diapers

This picking method appeared in Moscow, therefore it is often called the Moscow one. This method is good when there is not enough space for placing seedlings, but still inferior to the previous one in terms of comfort for plants, they grow quite densely. With this method, the seedlings are stacked together with the ground on a piece of plastic wrap the size of a notebook sheet and wrapped tightly like a baby in diapers. Boxes are required to install the cut seedlings. Often, instead of a primary container for germinating seeds, a film is used. The design is called the snail and also saves space on the windowsill.

Video: picking tomatoes into diapers

Picking tomato seedlings into boxes

A simple picking method into a common box also gives good results.

After many years of diving into pots, I switched to a dive into boxes. This method allows me to reduce the time for seedlings care, watering, loosening, adding soil. I noticed that the soil does not dry out as quickly as in single small pots. When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, I water the seedlings abundantly. This allows plants to be removed without damage.

Seedling box

Shared seedling box has drainage holes and is inexpensive

What to do if tomato seedlings wither after picking

After a pick, not all seedlings can take root. Therefore, I do not throw away the remaining seedlings. If necessary, I replace the dead.

After the pick, when the plants recover, they should be well cared for:

  • sufficient, but not too abundant watering so that the earthy clod does not dry out;
  • enough light;
  • warmly;
  • food.

Before transplanting, seedlings must be fed 2-3 times. The first feeding can be done after 10 days. For this, it is necessary to add 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride to 10 liters of water. You can use ready-made fertilizers for tomato seedlings.

I water the tomatoes with the Athlete. This drug, in addition to feeding, helps the seedlings to build up a good root system and prevents them from overgrowing.

How to grow seedlings without picking

Without picking, tomato seedlings can be grown in peat tablets, boxes, pots. In this case, the seeds must immediately be planted separately. You can plant 2-3 pieces with the further removal of weaker seedlings.

Video: the easiest way to grow tomato seedlings without picking

This planting of seedlings will save you time and energy. In addition, such seedlings also have advantages, especially under adverse conditions.

The choice of how to grow tomato seedlings is yours. They all have merits and demerits. You can try everything. Have a nice harvest.

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