Planting onions in the spring has long become a tradition for many domestic gardeners, because this useful plant is often used to prepare various types of salads. The process of growing it begins with sowing, after receiving the shoots, they are transplanted to a permanent place. However, not all gardeners know how to get strong and healthy seedlings from seeds.
How to grow onions from seeds in one season
It is widely believed that it is extremely difficult to grow seedlings, and this process takes a lot of time... However, you can be convinced of the opposite from personal experience if you become familiar with the basic rules and follow them throughout the entire process.
Many gardeners resort to the seedling method, as this is a guarantee of a high yield. Moreover, you can do this even in indoor conditions. But first, you need to prepare everything you need for this:
- Onion seeds for sowing;
- High quality potting soil.
- Containers for which it is recommended to use flower pots or boxes;
- Polyethylene film.
You can count on getting a good harvest only if you observe the following recommendations, which are universal, and therefore can be used when growing any variety.
General rules:
Experts recommend using semi-sharp and sweet varieties for sowing;
- The most suitable time for sowing seeds is the end of February. However, sometimes in the literature there is an indication that it can be carried out in early spring;
- Before you start sowing seeds, they are soaked: for this they are placed in water heated to a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius and left for 8-10 hours;
- Next, the seeds are pulled out and left to dry;
- It is very important to comply with the recommended planting rates - 20 g per square meter. So that after sowing the seeds could germinate much earlier, it is recommended to cover the containers with plantings with plastic wrap. From time to time it is necessary to open the boxes for access to fresh air;
- After waiting for the first shoots to appear, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with regular watering and weeding;
- Usually, the seedlings reach the desired state after 2 months. At this time, you can transplant it to a permanent place;
- Before sending the plant to the garden, its picking is carried out. To do this, the root system and the upper part of the stem must be slightly trimmed.
Growing seedlings in one season
Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, it is time to pay attention to agricultural technology.
In containers
I would like to repeat once again that you can grow seedlings in boxes or pots... In accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, the following nuances must be taken into account when sowing seeds in boxes:
Seeds should be placed at a distance of 4-6 cm between rows;
- Depending on the type of onion used, the seed consumption rate may vary, but on average it is about 15-20 g per square meter;
- Then the boxes are taken out into the room, where a favorable thermal regime is created - approximately + 18-25 degrees Celsius;
- After waiting for the first shoots to appear, it is important to immediately lower the temperature to + 14-16 degrees.If this is not done, then you will encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretching;
- Until the seedlings reach the required state for transplanting, they need to be fed regularly. For example, you can use an infusion of chicken manure, which is taken in a diluted state, mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10.
Usually, from the emergence of seedlings until the seedlings reach the state necessary for transplanting to a permanent place, need about 50-60 days... This time is enough for the plant to grow 3-4 true leaves.
In the greenhouse
The Chalcedony variety, for example, can be grown not only in containers available at home. A fairly effective method is use of greenhouses... In this case, consider the following:
- Preparation begins with creating a steam bed. Here biofuel will be required, which must be laid on the garden bed and covered with a 10 cm layer of earth. Such a layer thickness will be enough so that the generated heat does not leave the garden bed. Then a specially prepared greenhouse soil is laid directly on the ground. For this mixture, the following components are taken: rotted sawdust (1 part), greenhouse humus (4 parts), peat chips (1 part) and sod land (4 parts). After that, a bucket of this mixture is taken, where you need to add one teaspoon of superphosphate, the same amount of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and half a glass of wood ash.
- It is unacceptable to use land to create a bed where onion crops had grown before;
- Be sure to provide good lighting for the garden bed. Therefore, the most suitable place for her will be a place near the windows;
- Seeds can be sown only after they have been prepared: for this, a set of measures is carried out that provide for soaking, drying, calibration and processing of seeds with microelements. Also, in relation to the planting material, disinfection must be carried out;
- When the time comes for sowing seeds in the ground, it is necessary to maintain the recommended rate of the sowing scheme: the seeds are placed in rows at a distance of 5 cm, and they themselves should be no closer than 1 cm from each other. It is recommended to deepen them by 1.5 cm;
- When the seeds are in the ground, they need to be covered with humus;
- Next, you need to carefully water with warm water using a small watering can with a sieve;
- After that, the surface of the soil must be rolled up and covered with mulch, which can be used as peat chips. For reliable protection, it is necessary that its layer has a thickness of 1 cm.
To speed up the germination of seedlings, you need to create in the greenhouse favorable temperature conditions within + 18-20 degrees. It must be maintained for several weeks. Then, after two weeks, you can wait for the first shoots to appear. It is important not to miss this moment and immediately lower the temperature to + 10-11 degrees, and after 4-5 days the temperature is raised to + 15-16 degrees in the daytime, and at night it is kept at + 10-12 degrees. If it becomes known about the approaching night frost, then you can protect the plantings with the help of an insulating material. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid pulling the seedlings. At this stage, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated.
When the seedlings become stronger, it is necessary to choose a favorable day for hardening, so that the plant can better adapt to open ground.
When using any of the described growing methods, picking is dispensed with. If you need to thin out the plants, then you need to take into account that neighboring plants should be located not closer than 1.5-2 cm from each other.
When two weeks remain before the day of disembarkation from the seed to a permanent place, it is necessary to create conditions for a shortened daylight hours for the sprouts, the duration of which should not be more than 10-12 hours. Such a measure will help the bulbs ripen faster.At the same time, once every two to three days, watering and feeding with nitrophos is carried out, which must be introduced in a diluted form, following the scheme - 1.5 tablespoons of the substance per bucket of water. The planting itself is best done in the evening, be sure to shed the garden before transferring the sprouts to it.
Landing in the ground
After waiting for the moment when the seedlings are in a box or greenhouse will reach the age of 55-60 days, you can transplant it to a permanent place. If this operation is carried out too early or late, then the plants will need more time to adapt to new conditions. If the greenhouse method was used for cultivation, then when it is transferred to the garden, it is necessary to capture a small earthen lump.
The transplant process itself can be described in the form of the following stages:
- Sorting is carried out first. Saplings showing signs of damage, as well as underdeveloped specimens must be removed;
- Before planting, the roots and leaves are trimmed by 1/3;
- Next, you need to prepare a talker made of mullein and clay, and dip the seedlings in it.
It is recommended to plan the transplanting of seedlings on a garden bed on a warm and dry day. As a rule, such conditions are created already in mid-April. After digging up the beds, it must be prepared by cutting the furrows. Further, the earth must be thoroughly shed, after which the planting can be carried out.
Sproutsplanted to a depth of 2 cm... it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 50-55 cm between the rows. The recommended planting scheme is 550 seedlings per 10 sq. m. area.
After planting, the seedlings are well watered - about 80 liters of water should be used for 40 seedlings. The ground must then be compacted to remove the internal voids. Finally, cover it with a layer of mulch. Loosening can be carried out after three days.
Any summer resident can grow a good harvest of onion sets in one year. Many people often use the seedling method, which allows you to get a race in time. Most often gardeners use different containers, like pots or boxes. However, you can also use greenhouses where you can grow onions, for example, Chalcedony varieties. Although it is more troublesome, this method allows you to get a stronger culture, moreover, you do not have to spend time and effort transporting seedlings to your garden plot.
In any case, it is very important to create at the stage of growingfavorable conditions, paying special attention to the temperature regime, not forgetting about regular watering.