Savoy cabbage: planting, growing, the best varieties

It is rare to find a plot where cabbage is not grown at all. Most often, gardeners plant white cabbage. However, there are other varieties, for example, its relative - Savoy cabbage, which also belongs to the type of Cabbage.

What is Savoy cabbage

Like the usual white cabbage, Savoy cabbage has large heads of cabbage, but their structure is loose, and the leaves are thin and corrugated.

Although Savoy cabbage is cold hardy and therefore suitable for the Russian climate, it is not very common in our country. Probably, this is the case because of the yield, which is not high in comparison with the white one. There is another disadvantage - Savoy cabbage cannot be fermented. However, it tastes better, softer than traditional cabbage and is perfect for salads, stews, soups and pie filling.

The nutritional value

Savoy cabbage is not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • Compared to other types of cabbage, it contains more vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium;
  • a significant amount of potassium has a good effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • vitamin C in it is not less than in citrus;
  • rare vitamin U is also found in savoy cabbage;
  • there is practically no starch and sucrose in it, which is good for diabetics;
  • Savoy cabbage contains a lot of fiber and is therefore suitable for dieters.

Due to its high fiber content, Savoy cabbage is not recommended for people with gastritis, pancreatitis and gastrointestinal ulcers, as well as those who have recently undergone surgery in the chest or abdomen.

Table: Nutritional value of Savoy cabbage (per 100 grams)

24 kcal1.8 g0.1 g5.4 g2.8 g92 g

Video: useful properties of savoy cabbage

Varieties included in the State Register

Many growers produce Savoy cabbage planting stock, and there is no unequivocal opinion which one is better. General recommendations for selection are as follows:

  • You should buy seeds in specialized stores, including on the Internet, but not on the market.
  • The packaging must indicate the expiration date, company name, batch number, crop variety.
  • It is better to purchase seeds at the same time from different firms, in this case, if some producer "fails" this season and they do not sprout, you still will not be left without a crop.

Consider the most popular varieties of Savoy cabbage, registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

Early ripe

Early ripening varieties ripen in 105–120 days. They are suitable for eating fresh or frozen.

  • Gold early. High-yielding cabbage with dark green heads weighing 800 grams. Resistant to cracking.Ripens in 90-110 days.

    golden early

    Cabbage variety Zolotaya early has strong corrugated leaves

  • Jubilee 2170. Early ripening cabbage, ripens in 85-110 days. Heads of cabbage are light green, grayish, weighing up to 800 grams. Prone to cracking.

  • Petrovna. Heads of cabbage are dark green on the outside, and light yellow inside, the weight of one is slightly more than a kilogram. Ripens in 100-110 days.
  • Moscow lacemaker. An early ripening variety, has light green blistery leaves with a slight waxy bloom and heads of cabbage weighing about 1 kg. The taste is excellent.

    Moscow lacemaker

    Cabbage variety Moscow lacemaker has a beautiful appearance

It is worth noting the Vertus variety. Although it is not included in the State Register, it belongs to the popular ones, since it has good transportability and keeping quality. The gray-green heads of Vertus weigh up to 3 kg.


Mid-season varieties ripen in 120-135 days. These include:

  • Twirl 1340. The heads of cabbage are medium in size, with strongly corrugated leaves, reaching a weight of 2.5 kg. The cabbage tastes good, but it is not suitable for long-term storage.
  • Uralochka. Leaves are strongly knotty, slightly wavy, light green, heads of cabbage weighing about 1 kg.
  • Melissa. Heads of cabbage are dark green, weighing on average 2-3 kg. This cabbage tastes good and can be stored for 4-5 months in addition.

    melissa f1

    Melissa cabbage is a hybrid, therefore it has an F1 prefix to its name

Late ripening

Late-ripening varieties of Savoy cabbage reach maturity in 140 days or more. They are believed to be best suited for winter storage.

  • Nadia. The heads of cabbage are gray-green in color, weighing about 1 kg, the leaves are wrinkled and blistered. Cabbage has a high taste, but not very well stored.
  • Viros. Heads of cabbage are medium-sized, weighing 1.8–2.5 kg, blue-green in color, with highly bubbly leaves covered with a waxy coating. Cabbage of this variety is suitable for long storage.
  • Alaska. Heads of cabbage are gray-green, weight of one on average is 2.3 kg. The leaves are wavy, with a strong waxy coating. Cabbage has an excellent taste and is suitable for long-term storage.

    grade alaska

    Alaska cabbage is suitable for long-term storage

Planting savoy cabbage

Seeds of early varieties are sown for seedlings in the second decade of March, and of middle and late varieties - in the second decade of April.

You can plant Savoy cabbage not only in seedlings, but also directly in open ground, with or without a film, if the weather permits. For seed germination, 5C is enough. Care in this case is carried out in the same way as for seedlings. Plants should be arranged in a 50X50 cm pattern.

Sowing seedlings

Sowing is done as follows:

  1. Prepare the soil by mixing in equal proportions turf, sand and peat. You can also buy ready-made soil.
  2. It is advisable to disinfect the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    seed preparation

    Before planting, it is advisable to subject the seeds to standard processing: calibration, disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate or in another way, as well as their hardening

  3. Plant seeds in moist soil 1 cm deep.
  4. Cover crops with glass (some use polyethylene).
  5. Provide temperature up to 20 C, preferably 18 C
  6. On average, seedlings appear in 5-7 days.
  7. With the emergence of sprouts, the temperature is reduced to 8-10 C days. In the case of a higher t, the plants stretch too much.
  8. The sprouts are freed from the shelter and placed in a bright place.
  9. In face 1 of this leaf, the temperature can be increased to 13-14 ºC during the day and 10-12 ºC at night.

Observing agricultural techniques, seedlings can be grown both in separate seedling pots and in boxes. It is better to choose cups, pots, peat disks with a size of 8X8 cm. If it is supposed to be grown in common containers, then the scheme for planting seeds: rows at a distance of three cm from each other, seeds in rows at a distance of 1 cm.

Savoy cabbage seedlings

You can take pots and 6 cm in diameter


After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings are planted if they were planted in a common box. Before transplanting, you need to water the seedlings well so that it is easier to get the plants out of the ground.Also, the roots are pinched to 1/3 of the seedlings. After that, you can water the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Within three days after transplanting, the temperature for seedlings should be 17-18 C, after which it must be lowered to 13-14 C during the day and 10-12 C at night.

Features of seedling care

Watering of seedlings at all stages of development is carried out as the soil dries up. A couple of weeks before planting the plants in a permanent place, you need to start hardening them. To do this, they are taken out onto a glazed loggia or placed on a half-open window. At first for an hour or two, then the duration of the procedures is increased up to a whole day. Drafts should be avoided.

It is advisable to carry out the following dressings:

  1. When the first pair of true leaves has developed, root feeding of the seedling is carried out with a solution of complex fertilizer (1 teaspoon for 2 liters of water). The plant should be watered with liquid, as with ordinary water, do not overdo it.
  2. The second, foliar feeding, is carried out during the hardening of the seedlings. To prepare the solution, dissolve in 10 liters of water in a tablespoon of urea and potassium sulfate. Spray the seedlings with 1 cup of the mixture per plant.

Disembarkation to a permanent place

It is better to choose a place for the beds of Savoy cabbage in the south or southeast, as it loves warmth and bright lighting. Acidic soils are not suitable for it, neutral ones are preferred. The culture grows best on loam and sandy loam, but its cultivation on sandy and clay soils will cause difficulties. The earth is prepared in the fall, digging up the soil and lime it if necessary. In the spring, the site is fertilized with rotten manure or compost (3-4 kg per 1 sq. M.) And wood ash (100-200 g per 1 sq. M.). Ash can be replaced with a complex mineral fertilizer (30–40 g per 1 sq. M.). After the spring introduction of nutrients, the earth is also dug up.

cabbage family

All cabbage varieties, as well as other plants of the Cabbage (Cruciferous) family, are not suitable as predecessors or neighbors for the Savoyard

Seedlings are planted after 2-3 pairs of true leaves appear. The planting scheme depends on the ripening period; for early-maturing varieties 40X40 cm, mid-ripening - 50X50 cm, late-ripening - 60X60 cm.

  1. 2 hours before planting, the plants are well watered.
  2. The seedlings are deepened to the first leaf.
  3. After planting, the plants are also watered.
  4. The first few days the cabbage is shaded from direct sunlight.
  5. If there is a threat of frost at night, the plants should be covered with foil.

It is advisable not to plant all the seedlings at once, but to stock some of them. If during the first week some plants die without taking root, you can replace them so that the place in the beds is not empty.

It is best to plant Savoy cabbage after potatoes, legumes, onions, beets, tomatoes and cucumbers. But after the plants of the Cruciferous family, at least 3 years should pass.

Video: planting savoy cabbage for seedlings

Growing features

Care includes the standard activities for any cabbage:

  • Watering. Plants should be watered for the first time after transplanting to a permanent place at intervals of every two to three days at the rate of 8 liters of water per 1 sq. Later, watering is carried out once a week at the rate of 13 liters of water per 1 sq.m. However, this is an approximate schedule, first of all, you need to focus on the weather and soil condition. In rainy weather, watering is carried out less often, in heat more often: the soil should not dry out. Most of all, water is needed in May for early varieties and in July-August for later ones.

    Savoy cabbage care

    The main activities for the care of Savoy cabbage are loosening, watering and weeding

  • Loosening. The first time the soil is loosened immediately after planting young plants to a permanent place, to a depth of 5–7 cm. Further, loosening is carried out once a week, to a depth of 12–15 cm; the heavier and wetter the soil, the deeper it should be loosened.
  • Hilling. It is produced a month after planting, or a little earlier. Late-ripening varieties are hilled again by closing the rows, approximately one and a half weeks after the first hilling.
  • Weeding. Weeds should be removed from the beds as needed.
  • Pest and disease prevention. As a preventive treatment, if you do not want to use chemistry, the plants are pollinated with wood ash (1 glass per 1 square meter), and watering the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate is effective against fungus. You also need to inspect the leaves, especially from the underside, in order to notice insects and their eggs in time.

For normal growth and development, the plant needs nutrients, therefore, fertilizing is carried out twice a season:

  • When the seedlings planted in a permanent place begin to grow, you need to feed it:
    • solution of cow dung in water (in a ratio of 1:10)
    • or a complex mineral fertilizer (15 g of urea, 15 g of potassium sulfate, 40 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water).
  • The second feeding is done with mineral fertilizer, when the leaves of the cabbage begin to curl. For her, the dosage of superphosphate and potassium is increased by 1.5 times.

Cleaning and storage

Early ripening varieties are harvested when the heads of cabbage are firm. The timing of harvesting late-ripening varieties is chosen depending on whether long-term storage is expected. For winter storage, cabbage must be harvested at a temperature of at least -3 C.

storing cabbage in boxes

The best way to store cabbage is to put it in wooden boxes, but the cabbages should not touch each other

It is worth remembering that Savoy cabbage leaves are edible too.

In order for cabbage storage to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  • It is undesirable to water the plant before cutting the heads.
  • It is better to cut cabbage in dry weather.
  • It is necessary to leave 2-3 sheets of covering leaves on the head of cabbage, which will protect it from external influences.
  • Heads of cabbage must weigh at least a pound; the larger the head of cabbage, the better it is stored.
  • Only healthy heads of cabbage are suitable for long-term storage:
    • which are not frozen;
    • do not have rotten areas;
    • not infected with pests or fungal diseases.

Before you put the cabbage for storage, you need to dry it: sprinkle the heads of cabbage with chalk crumbs and spread them for two to three days in a dry room on shelves, preferably trellised ones. You also need to shorten their stumps to two or three centimeters.

Theoretically, you can store Savoy cabbage for up to six months, but many gardeners talk about two to three months' storage at best. Creation of the right conditions plays an important role:

  • The heads of cabbage should be stored in wooden boxes, leaving a distance of several centimeters between them.
  • The cabbage is stored in the position of the cut stump upwards.
  • Storage temperature from 0 to 3 C.
  • Air humidity 90–95%
  • The storage room should be free of fungus, mold and rodents; it is advisable to treat the basement or cellar with an antiseptic.

You can store Savoy cabbage not only in boxes:

  • It is allowed to store heads of cabbage in a net suspended from the ceiling, while they must be placed separately, with a gap of several centimeters between the nets.

    storing savoy cabbage

    Some keep cabbage hanging not in nets, but by stumps

  • You can make a pyramid from heads of cabbage and sand. The largest specimens should be placed at its base, which are placed with stumps up. A layer of cabbage must be completely covered with sand, and the next layer is to put smaller heads of cabbage (they must be placed with stumps down), which are again covered with sand. According to this principle, heads of cabbage are placed to the very top of the pyramid. You can also cover the heads of cabbage with sand in the box.
  • Heads of cabbage can be wrapped in cling film or a thick layer of paper.

Video: Savoy cabbage is a worthy competitor to white cabbage


I grew the late-ripening Winter Delicacy variety, but it was ripe by mid-August. And I sowed seeds for seedlings in early March. Savoy cabbage can be refrigerated until mid-December.

Olga Rubtsova

The choice of Savoy cabbage is not so big. I have been planting it for a long time and in large quantities. I twist, Zolotaya early, Petrovna and others. And I like the late one, from the imported ones, the King of January, in my opinion, there were English seeds. This year I bought something similar from Aelita, the Lacemaker is called.


Every year I plant a Savoyard Vertus from Zedek very much. Heads of cabbage are large, leaves are tender.

a guest

And now I have late-ripening Savoy cabbage, seeds from the SeDec company, which I do not like. Variety Winter delicacy. Well, at least something pleased! Delicious and tender, even in a salad, even in borscht! I will plant more next year, because turned out to be in great demand.

Petrov Vladimir

The variety I grow is the same: savoy king (this is a hybrid, so I buy seeds in the store). Cold-resistant grade. You can even leave a couple of heads of cabbage in the garden, and then get it out from under the snow - it's even tastier.


Savoy cabbage care is not difficult, and its nutritional value is very high. Try to grow this uncommon culture on your site and, perhaps, it will become your favorite.

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