Good seedlings of cauliflower - the key to a rich harvest

Came to us under Catherine II from Europe, and to Europe from Syria, cauliflower has become a frequent vegetable on our tables in recent years. We fell in love with it for its excellent taste, rich biochemical composition, dietary properties.

The rise in popularity of cauliflower

In Russia, cauliflower began to spread thanks to Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, who managed to bring out the northern variety of the vegetable. Cauliflower is cultivated all over the world. In Germany, for example, this vegetable occupies 10% of the land allotted for vegetable crops. In our country, little is grown on an industrial scale. And on their own plots, many gardeners do not undertake the cultivation of this valuable crop.

Planting cauliflower

Cauliflower is cultivated all over the world: for example, in Germany it occupies 10% of the land allotted for vegetable crops

Cauliflower is a very capricious vegetable that is demanding on growing conditions. The culture loves sunny places, while the temperature range is small - 10-26 ° C. Fertile light soil is needed, without stagnant water, acidic soils will not work. Cabbage needs moderate constant watering. In our latitudes, it is rather difficult to provide such conditions, often the vegetable has to be grown in greenhouses and hotbeds. Still, the popularity of cauliflower is growing. Although most varieties and hybrids are of foreign origin, you can successfully grow this vegetable in our country.

Dates of sowing seeds, choosing a method of planting cauliflower

The timing of planting seeds will also depend on the region in which cabbage will be grown and when we want to get the harvest.

Seedling and non-seedling methods of growing cauliflower are possible. At the same time, sowing seeds directly into open ground is more suitable for southern regions, and growing seedlings - for the Middle Belt, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Seedling method

The seedling method of growing cauliflower can be used in all regions.

When growing seedlings, you need to focus on the period of planting plants in the ground, because the optimal age of the planted seedlings is 35–45 days. You also need to look at the weather outside the window: by the time of disembarkation, the air should warm up to a temperature of +17 ° C. All seed packages have instructions on the best planting dates for a particular variety or hybrid. For a regular harvest, seeds can be sown at intervals of several days.

Table: sowing dates for cauliflower seeds for seedlings by region

RegionThe timing of planting seeds for seedlings The timing of planting seedlings in the ground
  • February 20-April 20;
  • March 1-May 25.
  • March 20-May 20;
  • April 25 - June 30.
Central Black Earth
  • March 15-30;
  • March 5-April 5.
  • April 5-May 5;
  • April 15 - May 15.
Middle lane
  • March 5-30;
  • April 10-May 10;
  • May 25-June 10.
  • April 25-May 15;
  • May 20-June 15;
  • July 1-July 10.
Ural and Siberia5-10 MarchMay 25-30
Far East10-15 MarchMay 25-30

Seedless way

With the seedless method of growing cauliflower, you can plant seeds in the ground when the top layer of the earth warms up to 14-15 ° C. This method is suitable only for the Southern and Central Black Earth regions. The advantages of this landing option:

  • there is no need to transplant plants;
  • less effort and money is spent.

It is necessary to put 2-3 seeds in each hole; after germination, leave the strongest plant.

It should be noted that late varieties in the open field should be grown, perhaps, only in the southern regions.

Preparation of soil and containers for seedlings

For proper seedling growth and high yields, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. Cauliflower does not like acidic soils, and poor and heavy soils will not work either. It is better to plant cauliflower seeds in a soil mixture of turf, humus and peat in equal proportions. It is good to add phosphorus fertilizers to the soil, for example, superphosphate in an amount of 40–80 grams per bucket of soil or complex fertilizer (multiflor for cabbage), add trace elements, especially molybdenum (ammonium molybdate).

Ammonium molybdate

Fertilizers must be applied to the soil for cauliflower seedlings, especially molybdenum (ammonium molybdate)

You can also purchase ready-made soil. In order to further exclude seedling diseases, it is advisable to heat the soil or pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The root system of cauliflower is very fragile... Therefore, the seeds are often immediately planted in separate cups 5–7 cm in diameter. Peat pots are very convenient in this case. The walls of such containers provide a good air-water regime, there are no pests and harmful compounds in them, the root system will not be damaged during planting, and the decomposed walls will further serve as fertilizer for the plant.

Peat pots for cauliflower seedlings

For seedlings of cauliflower, it is convenient to use peat pots, which will allow you to plant the plants in the ground in the future without damaging the root system

Peat tablets are very convenient. When using them, there is no need for ground preparation and picking. Dry tablets are poured with warm water and in a few minutes are ready for planting seeds.

Peat tablets

When using peat tablets, there is no need for soil preparation and picking of seedlings

You can plant cabbage seeds in containers, planting scheme 3x5 cm, but in the future you will need to carefully pick the seedlings.
Another advantage of planting in separate pots or tablets is the ability to transfer containers with germinated seeds to another place.

Seed preparation and sowing

First of all, you should select the largest seeds, check them for germination.

Short-term heating of seeds in hot water is one of the methods of disinfection, when seeds are heated for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 50 ° C. This makes the plants resistant to fungal diseases and keel. You can also use garlic juice for disinfection by placing the seeds for 1 hour in a solution of 1 part garlic juice and 3 parts water.

Cauliflower seeds

Before planting, the cauliflower seeds must be disinfected in hot water or garlic juice

After preparation, you can start planting. Non-germinated seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5–1.5 cm, germinated seeds can be safely deepened by 2 cm and wait for germination. The temperature is maintained in the range of 18-22 ° С and shoots should appear in 4-5 days.

Growing and caring for seedlings

After emergence, the seedlings should be quickly moved to a lower temperature room. The optimum temperature regime is 10-15 ° С. It is possible and even desirable to lower the temperature to 6–8 ° C in the first seven days after germination to harden the plants.

Sprouts of cauliflower

After the emergence of seedlings, the air temperature should be reduced to 6-8 ° С in the first 7 days

The second after the temperature regime is the seedling watering regime. Do not allow the soil to dry out, it is necessary to water it with rainwater with a temperature above the soil temperature.

Young seedlings should be placed on a well-lit side to prevent stretching of the plants.

Video: growing cauliflower seedlings

Planting cauliflower seedlings in the ground

When the seedlings reach the age of 35–45 days and form rosettes with 4–6 leaves, they are planted in open ground, taking into account all the requirements of this plant (illumination, light fertile soils). The seedlings are buried to the first leaves and watered abundantly. At first, it is advisable to shade the seedlings. Planting pattern: 30-40 cm between plants, 60-70 - between rows.

Seedlings of cauliflower

Cauliflower seedlings can be planted outdoors at the age of 35–45 days

Video: planting seedlings in the ground

Growing cauliflower seedlings is not much different from growing seedlings of other types of cabbage. Therefore, in order not to look for the cauliflower variety you are interested in on the market, do not be lazy, grow your seedlings, which will bring you a rich harvest.

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