Features of late varieties of cabbage

Cabbage varietiesWhite cabbage is one of the traditional types of vegetables in Russia. Its varieties are very diverse, which attracts most gardeners. Often, choosing a specific variety is not an easy task, because not everyone can grow really good white cabbage.

Late white cabbage

In order to understand which variety of cabbage is right for you, it is important to know purpose of product use... As a rule, there are several of them:

  • the harvest is harvested and the cabbage is immediately eaten;
  • the product is subjected to long-term storage.

There are some of the best white cabbage varieties that gardeners say are the best. Why are these species called late? This is dictated by the ripening period of such vegetables. Sometimes for a good harvest, you need to wait about 180 days. This applies only to the latest varieties of white-headed crops. The best varieties of late white culture have a lot of advantageshowever, this crop cannot be grown in all regions. The undoubted advantage is that late cabbage is not susceptible to frost. These vegetables are very well stored, which is the main reason for planting the late varieties.


Heads of cabbage of such a culture have a high density, their weight ranges from more than two to three and a half kilograms. At the same time, there are specimens several times heavier. The length of the stump is also rather big: sometimes it reaches 28 cm.

Good cabbage leaves have features:

  • gray-greenish color;
  • the top layer is waxy;
  • the edges are usually even, but in some cases large waves can be seen on them.

Due to these features, the leaves of the Amager white culture are very smooth and beautiful. I wonder what, despite the fact that it tastes ripe cabbage is very pleasant, the peak of its taste occurs during the period when it is taken out after long storage in winter.

The fact that this variety bears fruit quite late has its advantages. If we talk about the technical maturity of the product, then it falls on the 177-148 day when planted in open ground. Despite the different ripening rate of each particular head of cabbage, the ripeness is good for all. For example, in the case of planting white cabbage on an area of ​​1 hectare, the yield can be from 35 to 60 tons.

This variety is perfectly stored and transported. It is unlikely that such a culture will be able to crack during transportation, which is its indisputable advantage. The best areas for a good late harvest are Southern and Central Russia.

Among the few disadvantages of white cabbage, its incidence can be noted. In most cases, this is vascular bacteriosis. Storage conditions are also considered important. In some cases, this type of culture can attack mold, punctate necrosis.

Kolobok F1

How to grow a late variety of cabbageThis refers to the late hybrid form of this variety, which can be recognized by the round shape of the variety. Such heads of cabbage have a high density, and their weight reaches three kilograms. The culture is also good in that the inner stalk is very short, which can also be understood from the name of the variety.

The outer leaves of a well-matured culture are greenish, however, inside this variety can rather be called white. Cabbage keeps well, it makes a good sourdough. It is noteworthy that a lot of cabbage can be planted in a relatively small area, because you can use a dense planting scheme.

One of the advantages of the late variety "Kolobok F 1" is that it can be planted both using seedlings and bypassing them.

Other advantages of the variety are:

  • Resistance to many diseases, for example, vascular bacteriosis.
  • From the moment of harvesting, white cabbage can be stored for about 10 months, which is a rather long period.

Along with the advantages of the variety, it is rather difficult to identify the disadvantages. Occasionally, pests can attack this variety, however, they can be well dealt with using conventional methods.

Planting cabbage

Growing cabbageThe time when the best varieties of cabbage can already be planted is individual and depends, first of all, on the region in which you live. We will have to calculate that after 30-40 days this variety of cabbage can be planted in open ground.

It is advisable to treat the leaves with boiling water, special nutrient solutions before sowing. The optimal distance between the seeds is about 4 cm. It is not worth pressing them deep into the ground, it is enough plant to a depth of 1 cm... It is advisable to start hardening planted seeds 12-14 days after sowing. Fresh air is best suited for this, and in favorable weather, open sunlight.

It is important not to forget about good watering and feeding after planting. Late cabbage loves grooming anyway. For example, right after you have planted your cabbage outdoors, it is important to water it well several times a week. It is about abundant watering, about 8 liters per square meter.

In the future, you can water a little less often, but the volume should increase. Late varieties of cabbage are very fond of solutions. from chicken droppings, manure mixtures... It is advisable to periodically at least several times a month, use them as top dressing.

To use mineral fertilizers for a good harvest is more careful. Experts advise doing this no more than once a month. The most important step in caring for all varieties of such cabbage is disease prevention. It is good to use natural ash for this purpose. Mixtures of their onion husks, burdock solutions are also suitable. In some cases, tomato stem mixtures may work.

It is important to remember that no matter how good a particular variety of cabbage is, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a good harvest without proper care.

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