The best varieties of Brussels sprouts and the peculiarities of their cultivation

Brussels sprouts have been known since the 19th century, but in our country they gained popularity only at the end of the 20th century. Now it is not a curiosity, and small heads of cabbage, rather similar to green tomatoes or unripe walnuts, are grown in the backyards of the Moscow region, central Russia, Siberia and the Urals.

Distinctive features of Brussels sprouts

It is a biennial plant of the cross-pollinating family. Among other varieties of cabbage, it stands out for its unique appearance.

Brussels sprouts were developed from collard greens by breeders in Belgium, from where they spread throughout Europe. Karl Linnaeus (a famous Swedish botanist) first described this variety and named it Brussels in honor of gardeners from the capital of Belgium.

Description of the plant

In the first year, a thickened stem with a height of 0.2–0.8 m grows, ending in an apical open bud. Leaves are located on it, in the axils of which shortened processes develop, and at the top - rounded or oval heads. In appearance, these heads of cabbage are a reduced copy of white cabbage. Fruits in the amount of 20 to 100 pieces are usually light green or light green, but there are also red shades. The diameter of each is 2–5 cm, and the weight is 10–30 g. At first, the heads of cabbage are soft, but as they mature, they thicken. The vegetative period is from 85 to 180 days.

Brussels sprouts appearance

Young heads of Brussels sprouts are at first soft, but thicken as they ripen

In the second year, medium-sized yellow flowers bloom on the plant. The fruit is a pod, which contains small black seeds (1 g of them contains 200-300 pieces).

Flowering brussels sprouts

In the second year, medium-sized yellow flowers bloom on the Brussels sprouts bush

Species characteristics

Most varieties are frost-resistant. They begin to grow at + 2 °. Cabbage does not die even at -10 ° and continues to ripen. The optimum temperature for the growing season is 18–22 ° C. With an increase of three degrees, development is delayed and stopped.

Has a strong root system. Loves space, moisture and lighting. For this vegetable, choose southern or southeastern slopes, avoid shaded areas. Use a 70x70 cm scheme when planting.

Plant requirements for soil:

  • neutral or slightly acidic;
  • well fertilized;
  • loamy.

Brussels sprouts are grown on the same plot for 2-3 years in a row, and it is better to return the crop to the same place in five years. Do not plant it in the beds where radishes, beets, radishes previously grew, due to common diseases and pests.

It is a vegetable that is high in nutrients. Useful properties are due to the presence of vitamins A, B, C, folic acid, protein and mineral salts. Cabbage is very healthy:

  • enhances immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • promotes tissue healing.

Since cabbage is low in calories and contains only 35 kcal per 100 g of product, it is often used for diet food. It is consumed fresh, frozen and canned; can be fried, stewed and added to soup.

Brussels sprouts stewed with mushrooms

Brussels sprouts go well with meat and mushrooms

I want to share a story that happened to me in 2001. My friend returned from abroad and invited me to visit. How surprised I was to see unusual treats from unfamiliar products on the table. There was also Brussels sprouts stewed with potatoes, celery and mushrooms. The first time I tried this outlandish vegetable, which is considered common in Germany. Delicious! Common cabbage, only miniature. And most importantly, the dish turned out to be healthy and dietary. I had to experiment many times - to cook, fry, until I learned how to properly cook these small heads of cabbage so that they would not taste bitter, remain firm, bright green and there was no characteristic pungent smell. And she herself began to surprise relatives and friends, share her experience. It is not for nothing that delicious Brussels sprouts baked with bacon and cheese have been traditional on the Christmas table in the UK for over two hundred years. And more recently, I myself have grown about 10-12 bushes of the Boxer hybrid at my dacha in the suburbs. There are no particular difficulties, because our climate is moderate, agricultural technology is standard. The main thing is to save the harvest from the sultry summer days, but there are not so many of them.

This variety of cabbage has a high yield: from 1 m2 harvested from 1.1 kg to 2.5 kg of vegetables. Harvesting occurs gradually, selectively, as it ripens, starting from the lower heads of cabbage. Fully ripe Brussels sprouts are considered when the heads of cabbage reach a waxy sheen and the leaves of the plant turn yellow.

Harvesting Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are highly productive

The separated heads are used immediately or frozen. When cutting the entire stem with heads of cabbage, the crop can be eaten fresh for four months. Store cabbage in a cool place.

The correct choice of variety

Breeders and experienced farmers advise you to take seriously the issue of planting material for your climate in order to maximize your yield. First of all, you need to pay attention to the growing season: the further north the region, the shorter the ripening period should be. At present, special hybrids have been developed for Siberia and the Urals, for example, the early Dolmik F1 of Dutch selection. Its fruits are green-yellow in color, weighing up to 17 g. 1.7–2.5 kg are harvested from a square meter.

Dolmik F1 Brussels sprouts variety

Dolmik F1 Brussels sprouts hybrid bred in Holland

You should also pay attention to the yield. On average, about 50 heads of cabbage ripen on one plant, but there are varieties with 70 fruits or more. And the variety Perfection of Russian selection gives up to 5 kg per bush per year.

Brussels sprouts variety Perfection

The variety of Brussels sprouts Perfection yields up to 5 kg of cabbage per bush per year

Top growers of Brussels sprouts seeds

Modern developments at the genetic level are aimed at creating hybrids, because they:

  • better protected from diseases and pests;
  • contain protein, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, carotene;
  • more productive;
  • differ in friendly ripening of fruits.

We can note the hybrids Dolmik F1, Frigate F1, Explorer F1, Boxer F1.

Seeds should be purchased only from growers or authorized dealers... The main task of breeders is not only the selection and reproduction of plants with improved varietal characteristics, but also obtaining excellent seeds, monitoring compliance with all storage conditions (terms, temperature and humidity).

Well-known Russian agricultural firms: "Gavrish", "Manul", "Russian Garden", "Aelita", "Biotekhnika", "SeDeK", "Poisk", "Siberian Garden", "Altai Seeds" - produce vegetable crops for open and closed soil, increase their yield, improve the characteristics of planting material and create hardy hybrids.

Dutch company Bejo Zaden (dealers in Russia: JSC Bejo Semena, JSC Bejo Semena Rostov, LLC Primus), Japanese Sakata Seed Corporation (dealers: Sady Rossii, Tvoy Sad, Agro-SOS ”), Israeli“ Hickerson Tsvan ”(dealers:“ Your Garden ”,“ Agro-Department ”) are the most famous seed producers in the world.

Features of cultivation in different regions

To obtain a high yield, the planting of Brussels sprouts and their care must be carried out taking into account the plant requirements for the soil and the climatic zone. It is better to prepare the beds in all regions in the fall in the following order:

  1. Dig up the ground.
  2. Apply mineral (20-30 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium sulfate) and organic fertilizers (5-8 kg of compost) per 1 m2.
  3. If the soils are acidic, you need to make lime by adding slaked lime and dolomite flour in an amount of 200-400 g / m2.

    Dolomite flour

    The addition of dolomite flour reduces the acidity of the soil

At the end of April, 20-25 g / m2 should be added to the finished bed2 urea or ammonium nitrate and loosen well.

Planting and growing Brussels sprouts in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, where return frosts are common in spring, seeds of Brussels sprouts are sown in late March or early April for seedlings under a film at a distance of 4 cm and a depth of 2 cm. The optimum temperature for germination is + 6–8 ° at night and + 18–20 ° during the day at a relative humidity of 70%. Seedlings appear on the 3-4th day. It is necessary to ventilate crops for 5-10 minutes every day. After a month, when 4–6 leaves are formed, you can start transplanting into open ground. Be sure to regularly water the seedlings - 1-2 times a week, loosen and huddle (there is no single opinion about hilling).

Seedling Brussels sprouts

Seeds of Brussels sprouts for seedlings are sown in late March or early April

It is enough to make two dressings:

  • 10 days after planting in the ground (if the holes were not fertilized during planting) with nitrogen fertilizer (2-3 g per 1 m2);
  • at the beginning of the formation of the crop with potash fertilizer (you can take potassium sulfate in the amount of 2-3 g per 1 m2) or a solution of complex mineral or organic fertilizer, two liters for each bush.

Experienced farmers advise pinching the top of the cabbage for a high yield. Fruits are harvested gradually, until late autumn. Mid-season and late versions are suitable for this region: Casio, Garnet Bracelet, Hercules, Commander, Sapphire.

Growing in Siberia and the Urals

In these regions with a short summer, it is better to grow early varieties of Brussels sprouts (Rosella, Dolmik F1, Perfection, Alkazar F1, Akropolis F1) with ripening periods of 85 days or more. Brussels sprouts are grown only by the seedling method, as described above. In this climatic zone, the soil warms up later, so young plants are transplanted into the ground in early June, and harvesting begins in October (according to the recommendations of the breeders).

The best varieties of Brussels sprouts

Among all the species listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation and allowed for cultivation in the regions of Russia, there are varieties and hybrids (F1). There are no restrictions on the climatic zones of cultivation - Brussels sprouts grow well in any area. According to the ripening period, the varieties are divided into three groups:

  • early ripe,
  • mid-season,
  • late ripening.

Early maturing varieties

For early maturing varieties, ripening periods from 85 to 120 days are indicated.


A mid-early variety of Brussels sprouts, up to 55 medium-sized round-shaped and green heads of cabbage ripen. The mass of one head of cabbage is 15–18 g. The taste is characterized as excellent. The yield is average. The variety is frost-resistant.

Diablo Brussels sprouts variety

The Diablo variety of Brussels sprouts is characterized by frost resistance

Long Island

A well-known variety from the United States that appeared in the late 1890s.The ripening period is 85-100 days. Plant height up to 80 cm, forms 30-60 green fruits weighing 10-20 g each. It tolerates frost well. Collect up to 1.2 kg per square meter. It tastes great. Resistant to fungal diseases.

Long Island Brussels Sprouts

Long Island Brussels sprouts taste great


A mid-early variety from Germany, known since 1995. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm. Green cabbage heads weighing 12-20 g, up to 50 pieces per bush. Productivity - 1.1-1.7 kg / m2. When the temperature drops, it does not lose its taste. Rich in vitamin C and folic acid. During freezing, it does not change its properties and structure.

Rosella Brussels sprouts variety

Rosella, a variety of Brussels sprouts, does not change its properties and structure during freezing

Mid-season varieties

The ripening period of mid-season varieties ranges from 120 to 140 days.


Russian-Czech variety, known since 1997. Vegetative period - 130-140 days. The height of the bush is 50–70 cm. Up to 60–70 blue-green heads of cabbage, weighing 10–11 g and a diameter of 2–3 cm, ripen on one bush. Productivity - 1.8–2 kg / m2. Excellent nutty taste.

Casio Brussels sprouts variety

Casio Brussels sprouts have an excellent nutty flavor

Garnet bracelet

This is a frost-resistant hybrid of Russian selection, bred in 2011. The ripening period is 120 days. Plant height - 60–70 cm. Forms up to 30–40 small round-shaped heads with purple color, which increases with decreasing temperature. Productivity - 1.5-2 kg / m2.

Brussels sprouts variety Pomegranate bracelet

A variety of Brussels sprouts Pomegranate bracelet has beautiful purple heads of cabbage, which increases with decreasing temperature

Cheerful company red

A variety of Russian selection, bred in 2011. Ripening period - 130-140 days. The taste is good. Productivity 2.4 kg / m2. Frost-resistant variety forms up to 60 heads of cabbage weighing 10–12 g. Productivity - 2.4 kg / m2.

Brussels sprouts variety Merry company

The variety of Brussels sprouts Veselaya Kompaniya is characterized by good low temperature tolerance

Late varieties

The maturation period of late varieties of Brussels sprouts reaches 170 days.


This is the most common variety of Brussels sprouts, bred by the All-Russian Research Institute in 1950. The full growing cycle is 145–160 days. The height of the bush is 45-60 cm. Forms 20-35 oval fruits of gray-green color, 5-6 cm in diameter and weighing 8-10 g. Frost-resistant variety. Collect 2-2.5 kg / m2 as it ripens. Hercules is slightly affected by fungal infections.

Hercules Brussels sprouts variety

Medium late variety of Brussels sprouts Hercules is weakly affected by fungal infections


A variety of domestic selection in 2011. The vegetative period is 112–122 days. A medium-sized bush grows up to 60 cm. 20–40 green heads are formed on it, 2–4 cm in diameter and weighing 8–10 g. Frost-resistant culture, withstands short-term frosts down to -10 °. Productivity - 1.8-2.3 kg / m2.

Variety of Brussels sprouts Commander

Medium late variety of Brussels sprouts Komandor can withstand short-term frosts down to -10 °


A variety of Russian selection in 2009. The ripening period is 160 days. A medium-sized bush. Forms up to 50 green fruits 3-4 cm in diameter and weighing 8-14 g per plant. Collect up to 2.5 kg of cabbage heads from 1 m2.

Sapphire Brussels sprouts

Late variety of Brussels sprouts Sapphire forms up to 50 fruits on a bush


A hybrid originally from Holland, bred in 2013. On the bush, 30-60 bluish-green heads of cabbage are formed, the mass of which is 10-20 g. Frost-resistant type. Productivity 1–3 kg / m2.

Brussels sprouts variety Brilliant

Brussels sprouts variety Brilliant bred in 2013

Reviews of varieties and producers

I have been growing Brussels sprouts for a long time in my garden. I like the variety Hercules 1342. The seeds have good germination, the plants are powerful and tall, a large number of heads of cabbage are formed in the axils. In order for them all to develop and grow strong and large, one technique must be used: at the end of summer, I remove the central head.


I think a lot of things will make you want to grow Brussels sprouts! All the seeds sprout, I did not even expect, it grows, however, slowly, 110-120 days, so planting only for seedlings, otherwise it will not have time to ripen, unless, of course, you grow in a greenhouse! Convenient for salads, canning, freezing!


For many years I have been prescribing vegetable seeds from the "SeDeK" company via the Internet from the producers themselves. Always happy. 9-10 seeds emerge from 10 seeds. And the shoots are always even, like a ruler. We often scold suppliers, although more often the seeds deteriorate during storage.

Victoria Kazakova

Having become acquainted with the main characteristics of Brussels sprouts, the variety of varieties and the subtleties when choosing a species, you can safely take up the cultivation of an unusual vegetable crop in your summer cottage and get a high yield, rich in vitamins and minerals.

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