How I Grow Strong Tomato Seedlings From My Own Seeds

Many of my friends use purchased tomato seeds for seedlings. I have always used my own and I have a special way of landing them, which I want to share. I think that it can help many to save money and time.

A few years ago my neighbor in the country told me this method, and now I cannot imagine running my household without him. Previously, I also constantly bought seeds in the store and could not even think that I could use my own.

This is how I grow tomato seedlings. I pour my seeds into a regular plastic cup. You can use other containers, but I prefer glasses, their shape seems to me the most convenient. Then I fill the seeds with water and leave for 12 hours. Just don't overdo it with water, I once made such a mistake, and very few seeds have taken root.

When the time has passed, I carefully drain the liquid so that all the seeds remain in the glass and cover them with a piece of cotton wool. It is very important to make sure that the piece of cotton wool remains moist at all times. For this I use a pipette, gently moisten the cotton with it and wait for the roots to appear. Usually they do not keep themselves waiting long, and soon I already begin to engage in planting seedlings.

Then I take an awl and poke holes in the bottom of the glass. Next, I pour earth into the glass and take another one, and then insert the pierced one into a whole one. Next, you need to carefully remove the seed from the cotton wool and put it on the ground. I use toothpicks for this. It is necessary to disassemble the seeds and select those that have taken root for planting, weed out the rest.

Having chosen the suitable ones, I lightly sprinkle them with soil and put the container in a bag, tie it and put it on the windowsill. After about 3 days, the seedlings can be removed from the package. Thus, from my own seeds, I get strong seedlings, which make me happy with the harvest in summer. I do this procedure every year and have never been disappointed.

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