"Eh, I'll pump it!": A Himalayan bear is interested in an old truck

<p style=»text-align: justify;»>Забавное видео распространили сотрудники приморского национального парка &laquo;Земля леопарда&raquo;: гималайский медведь с интересом исследует кабину брошенного грузовика, сообщают российские СМИ.</p>

Scientists of the national park have placed hidden cameras next to an abandoned GAZ-66 truck, once left on the territory of the reserve. Experts were interested in the reaction of wild animals to an unusual object.

And expectations were justified. The old truck aroused keen interest from the inhabitants of the Land of the Leopard Park.

The camera trap captured two bears and an Amur tiger. The old truck was especially liked by the Himalayan bear. The animal enjoyed spending time in the cab of the car, hiding there from the rain and resting.

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