Such a different sea buckthorn: popular varieties, cultivation features in different regions

In late summer and early autumn, on the bushes growing in summer cottages and garden plots, placers of orange berries appear among the silvery-greenish elongated leaves. This is sea buckthorn, which got its name from the fact that fragrant small berries densely stick around the branches. The shrub growing on the plots of many gardeners in Russia is the buckthorn buckthorn, which (meaning the fruits, as well as the products made from them - oil, juice, jam, jam) contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Sea buckthorn is eaten raw, processed to make jams, tinctures, and medicines.

Description and characteristics of varieties and varieties of sea buckthorn

Before deciding to breed sea buckthorn in their area, it is useful for gardeners to know about the features of some varieties that lead to a decrease in the yield or make it difficult to harvest:

  • the presence of thorns;
  • resistance to damage by harmful insects, including sea buckthorn fly, to other diseases;
  • damage to berries when pulled from a branch;
  • lack of pollination of female plants by male;
  • excessive height.

Pollination features

For the formation of fruits in the buckthorn buckthorn, female plants must be pollinated by male ones. To do this, male bushes are placed, taking into account the direction of the wind, near the plants that bear fruit. The ratio of plants should be as follows: one bush with male characteristics for four female bushes. For special pollinating varieties, this ratio is different, depending on the pollination ability of a particular variety.

Branch of a female sea buckthorn plant

The female sea buckthorn plant is easily distinguished by its small, scaleless buds.

The male plant differs from the female by the presence of larger scaly buds.

Branch of a male sea buckthorn plant

Large buds with scales - the main feature of the male sea buckthorn plant

Special varieties have also been bred, intended only for pollination of other varieties. Their feature is a large amount of fertilizing pollen.

Table: pollinating varieties

Variety nameDescription of the variety
  • Breeding grade of the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. M.A.Lisavenko. Variety pollinator. Free.
  • Strong plant with a strong crown.Shoots without thorns, with large buds and shortened internodes.
  • Flower buds are characterized by high winter hardiness, prolonged flowering and give a large amount of viable pollen (95.4%). On the state test since 1985. Included in the state register as a pollinator since 1988.
  • Bred in the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M.A.Lisavenko.
  • A bush of restrained growth power, 2.0-2.5 m high with a compact small-sized crown. The leaves are large, dark green with yellowish downpouring along the midrib (especially in the upper part of the runs), wide-lanceolate, folded in a bow.
  • It is characterized by high winter hardiness of generative buds and high pollen production, which makes it possible to plant no more than 5% of male specimens of the variety on industrial plantations. It was not affected by diseases and was not damaged by pests.
Dwarf sea buckthorn variety

Dwarf - pollinator, male sea buckthorn plant, no berries, high productivity

Is it self-fertile?

On some Internet resources, messages began to appear about the appearance and sale of seedlings of sea buckthorn varieties that do not require external pollination, that is, they are able to pollinate themselves. This is written about Freisdofer Orange, and on some Internet forums and about Flame. We advise you to treat such information with a reasonable degree of caution. To date, not a single variety of self-fertile sea buckthorn is listed in the State Register.

Self-fertility is sometimes achieved by grafting male branches onto a female tree. According to experienced gardeners, such a grafting will increase the overall yield, save land area, and reduce labor costs.

Low-growing varieties

It is convenient to harvest without using stairs, stepladders, etc. This goal can be achieved by planting bushes of varieties not exceeding a height of 2.5 meters.

Stunted sea buckthorn bush

A small growth of sea buckthorn is convenient for harvesting, the berries are at arm's length

Table: description of varieties with a low crown

Variety nameVariety description
  • Early middle term of ripening, universal purpose of use.
  • The plant is weak with a round, loose, compact crown. A trunk in the form of a tree. Shoots are brown, straight, medium thickness. Plaque on the shoots is gray. There is little bump, they are short. Kidneys are small, brown. Leaves are medium in size, lanceolate, medium in width, very long, dark green, concave. The length of the petiole is 1–2 mm.
  • Berries of average weight 0.9 g, maximum - 1.2 g, ovoid, yellow-orange color, sweet, on a long fruit. Tasting assessment of fresh berries - 4.7 points.
  • Average yield for years of study - 7.1 kg per plant... The variety is winter-hardy, drought resistance and heat resistance are average. The buckthorn fly was weakly damaged.
  • Early maturation, universal.
  • The plant is weak, the crown is compressed. Shoots are medium, straight, light brown with a grayish bloom. Leaves are medium, green. The blade of the leaf is dull, silty, smooth, straight.
  • The berries are round-oval with an average weight of 0.7 g.
  • Average yield of 9.2 kg per bush... The variety is resistant to low temperatures, pests and diseases are slightly affected.
  • After (third decade of September) ripening period. Universal purpose.
  • Plants of restrained growth vigor, up to 2.5 m high with a spherical crown, medium density. There is a small number of keys. Leaves are light green with a yellowish tint.
  • Fruits are one-dimensional, weighing 0.6-0.7 g, elongated-oval, red-orange, sweet-sour taste, with a dry tear, are not crushed when collected. The length of the fruit stem is 5–8 mm. Transportability of fruits is average.
  • The average yield varies from 9.6 to 17.6 kg of fruits per bush. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, stable crop yield. Resistance to pests and diseases is average.
  • Early ripening (until mid-August).
  • Bushes grow only up to 1.5 m, the crown is compact, shoots with a small number of thorns.
  • Fruits are dark-orange, medium-sized, long-shaped.Berries have a thin skin, bursting when overripe. Fruit weight 0.6-0.7 gr. Disadvantages: wet peeling of berries.
  • Harvest 20 kg from a bush. Sort "Thumb" is winter-hardy, weakly susceptible to diseases and pests.

Photo gallery: low-growing varieties of sea buckthorn

No pricks with thorns

It is unpleasant when the thorns of the sea buckthorn prick their hands during harvesting. The breeders set a goal to solve this problem and bred plants without thorns. However, the absence of thorns removes the natural protection from animals, roe deer, hares, etc., who are not averse to eating sea buckthorn sprigs.

Table: description of non-prickly varieties

Variety nameVariety description
  • Medium ripening.
  • The plant is medium-sized with a spreading crown of medium density and foliage. Shoots are not prickly. It grows more often in the form of 2-3 curved trunks, forming a lot of maternal shoots. The leaves are large, linear-lanceolate, green.
  • Fruits with an average weight of 0.7 g, cylindrical, yellow-orange, sweet and sour taste.
  • Yield 8.9 kg s plants. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Early ripening, universal use.
  • Sprawling bush without thorns. The shoots are curved, light brown with a bluish bloom, the arrangement of the fruits is loose. The leaves are large, lanceolate, green, with a strongly concave leaf blade.
  • Cylindrical berries, bright orange, sour taste, average weight up to 1 g.
  • Productivity - 5.6 kg per bush. The variety is frost-resistant, high drought and heat resistance. Resistance to pests and diseases at the level of standard varieties.
  • Early autumn ripening, universal purpose.
  • The crown is of medium density, round, without summer shoots. The trunk grows in the form of a multi-stemmed bush, straight, straight shoots, without thorns. Bears fruit on thin branches.
  • Fruits are oval, dark orange with a blush, sweet and sour, with an average weight of 0.7 g.
  • Average yield is about 2–2.5 kg per bush. Winter hardy, resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Late ripening, universal use.
  • The crown is spreading, there are no thorns. The trunk is straight, with light brown bark. The bark of the shoots is dark brown with a solid gray bloom at the bottom and dotted at the top. The fruits are loosely arranged. Leaves on the lower and middle parts of the shoot are long, folded in a boat, on the upper - straight and shorter, narrow lanceolate, dark green. The length of the petiole is 2–3 mm.
  • Fruits broadly oval, orange, with ruddy spots at the calyx and at the base of the peduncle, sweet-sour, with an average weight of 0.8 g.
  • Average yield 14.7 kg per bush. Frost resistant.
  • Medium ripening, universal use.
  • The plant is medium-sized, slightly spreading. Shoots are thin, straight, without thorns. The leaves are light green, medium in size. The leaf blade is medium pubescent, shiny.
  • Fruits with an average weight of 0.8 g, round-oval, orange color, with a skin of medium thickness, with a dry separation, sweet and sour taste, refreshing.
  • The variety is frost-resistant (-40 ° C) and resistant to temperature extremes, weakly affected by endomycosis and damaged by sea buckthorn fly. Average yield - 8.1 kg per bush.
  • Late-summer ripening, universal purpose.
  • A bush of medium vigor, medium density, round shape. Shoots are green, dark brown below with ripples of a whitish bloom, no summer shoots, no thorns. The buds are medium-sized, rounded, two covering scales, oval in shape. The leaves are lanceolate, dark green on the underside with a yellowish bloom, with a flat, slightly curved downward, sometimes sideways leaf blade. Petiole length 1–2 mm.The fruits are orange, with a pleasant sourness, small.
  • Average yield 8.9 kg per bush. Frost resistant. Berries are damaged by a sea buckthorn fly, leaves - by a tick in the absence of control measures.

Photo gallery: thornless varieties of sea buckthorn

Large fruits

Of course, all other things being equal, a considerable number of gardeners will enjoy large sea buckthorn berries.

Table: varieties with large-sized fruits

Description of the variety
  • Late summer maturation, universal use.
  • A bush with a medium spreading crown, with single thorns. The trunk is straight with black bark, with yellowish spots. Shoots are red-brown, of medium thickness with a loose arrangement of fruits. Leaves are narrow, lanceolate, light green with a bluish tinge, with a concave leaf blade.
  • Berries are ovoid, orange in color, sour, with an average weight of 1.1 g.
  • Productivity - 4.5 kg from a bush. Winter hardy, drought and heat resistance average. Resistance to pests and diseases at the level of standard varieties.
  • Late-summer ripening, universal purpose.
  • The crown is of medium density, rounded-cone-shaped with noticeable leadership. Few thorns. The trunk is straight, the bark is rough. Shoots of medium thickness, brownish-gray color, due to whitish, uneven bloom of pubescence. The buds are small, rounded, two covering scales, oval in shape. The leaves are lanceolate, dark green, the end of the leaf blade is bent and slightly twisted upwards. Petiole length 1–2 mm.
  • Fruits are cylindrical, orange, sweet and sour, with an average weight of 0.9 g.
  • Average yield - 7.7 kg per bush. Frost resistant. Fruits are attacked by sea buckthorn fly, leaves - by a tick in the absence of control measures.
Gift of Moscow State University
  • Medium early ripening.
  • The bush is medium-sized (up to 3 m in height), spreading. The trunk is straight with thick straight shoots.
  • Fruits are large, 12.5 * 10.5 mm, amber-orange, sweet-sour. The mass of 100 fruits is within 72 grams, the mass of the 1st fruit is 0.7 grams, the maximum is 0.75 grams. The separation is dry and not heavy, together with the peduncle up to 5 mm in length. The preservation of the fruit is not bad. Suitable for the Non-Black Earth Zone.
  • Productivity from an 8-year-old bush is more than 20 kg. Winter hardy, resistant to pests.
  • Late summer ripening (early-mid August).
  • Bush with large berries, almost without thorns, height up to 2 meters.
  • Fruits are orange in color, dense, of the same shape.
  • Average yield is 20 kg. Industrial variety, drought and frost resistant. Resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Early ripening.
  • The bush is multi-stemmed, of medium height, with a sparse spreading crown. Branches branch off at an acute angle. Shoots in the lower part are gray, in the middle - brown with a slight bloom. The buds are large, dark brown. The leaves in the lower part of the shoots are large, lanceolate, green in color. In the middle part of the shoot, the edge of the leaf blade is raised, in the lower part it is flat.
  • The berries are cylindrical, red-orange in color, on the sunny side, a blurred blush throughout the fruit, sweet and sour, with an aroma, with an average weight of 0.95 g.
  • Average yield - 14 kg per bush. Winter hardiness is high.
  • Medium ripening (late August - early September).
  • Tall, sprawling shrub, ornamental and fertile. The variety is female. A male pollinator is required for fruit setting. The leaves have a beautiful, silvery color during the growing season (yellow in autumn).
  • The dignity of the variety is large berries with excellent taste and medicinal properties.Edible and decorative fruits, light orange, shiny, oblong, large, 1–1.2 cm in diameter.
  • The yield is plentiful, up to 10-15 kg per bush and more. The variety is winter hardy.
  • Medium late ripening.
  • The bush is medium-sized, of medium density, with an oval crown.
  • Berries are oval, bright orange, with a blush, sweet and sour, with an average weight of 0.8 g, for universal use.
  • Average yield - 13.7 kg per bush. The variety is winter hardy.
  • Late ripening.
  • A bush of moderate vigor with a compact crown.
  • Fruits are large, weighing 0.8 g, cylindrical, orange, juicy, universal. The peduncle is 5–6 mm long. The taste is sweet and sour with a pleasant aroma.
  • Average yield - 5 kg per bush. Winter hardy, resistant to pests and diseases.
Nizhny Novgorod sweet
  • Middle-summer ripening (end of August).
  • Nizhny Novgorod sweet sea buckthorn plant is medium-sized, fast-growing, with a spreading and sparse crown and gray-green leaves.
  • The fruits are large, up to ninety grams in one hundred berries, have the appearance of a cylinder, orange-yellow in color. The pulp has a rather juicy, sour-sweet taste. This variety begins to bear fruit in the second or third year after planting the seedlings.
  • The average yield is 10 kg per bush. Frost resistant.
  • Summer ripening period.
  • The bush is of medium vigor, the crown is relatively compact, of medium density, rounded, spreading. Shoots are dark green with whitish ripples at the base and light green at the ends. The leaves are lanceolate, light green, with a flat, slightly curled tip, leaf blade. Petiole length 1–2 mm.
  • Berries are oval-cylindrical, orange, with a sweet and sour pleasant taste, average weight 0.8 g, for universal use.
  • Average yield - 10.4 kg per bush. It tolerates frost well. Suffering from tick and sea buckthorn fly.

Photo gallery: large-fruited varieties of sea buckthorn

Not quite normal color

Some gardeners dream not only of a big harvest, but also take care of landscape design, complementing it with original plants. Such lovers of the unusual will pay attention to sea buckthorn with red fruits. For example, the Red Torch.

Surprise your neighbors with the Red Torch

Late ripening, universal use. The bush is medium-sized, with single thorns on the branches. The berries are small, average weight 0.7 gr., Fleshy, sweet and sour, with a strong aroma. Easily removable, can be transported and frozen without much damage to the appearance. They have a universal purpose: they are dried, oil is made from them, and also used for making juice, jam, compote.

Sea buckthorn variety Red torch

The scarlet berries of the Red Torch instantly attract attention, are clearly visible even from afar

Decorate the plot with a green Christmas tree

Quite a rare variety. Summer residents who want to unusually decorate and decorate the site with the assistance of plants have every chance of this by planting a Christmas tree sapling on their site. Since this is a plant with a cone-shaped, narrow crown, twigs with sharp leaves stick out in different directions, it is very similar to a young Christmas tree. Berries are late, ripen by the end of September, lemon-green, small, sour. Resistance to disease and frost is normal.

Table: varieties with medium-sized fruits

Variety description
  • Late-summer ripening, universal purpose.
  • Medium-sized plant with a compact dense crown. There are few thorns on the shoots.
  • Fruits weighing 0.7 g, oval, bright orange, juicy, sweet, excellent taste, easy separation.
  • It is not affected by diseases and is not damaged by pests. Average yield - 6 kg per bush.
Moscow pineapple
  • Average ripening period.
  • The bush is medium-sized, compact, straight runaways, light brown, weakly numbered. Leaves are medium, light green, shiny, smooth. Multi-flowered inflorescence.
  • Berries with an average weight of 0.5 g, pear-shaped, dark orange in color with a red spot on the top. The stalk is long, thin, the separation of the berries is dry and easy.
  • Average yield - 16 kg per bush. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, winter hardy.
  • A productive variety with a medium-summer ripening period (late August - early September).
  • Vitamin - a tall pyramidal plant with thick branches. The crown is high, narrow. Shoots are thick, light brown, with a green tint and few thorns. Begins fruiting in the 3-4th year.
  • Fruits are orange, round, with an average weight of 0.57 g. The length of the stalk is 4-8 mm. The taste of the berries is moderately sour (average weight - 0.6 g).
  • Productivity - 6-9 kg per plant. Winter hardiness, resistance to pests is average.
Ear of gold
  • Mid-summer ripening (end of August).
  • The trees of the Golden Cob are quite tall, consist of two or three trunks and, although their crown is compact, take up a lot of space on the site.
  • Small berries firmly stick to the branches, it will not be easy to remove them without special devices. The sour taste of the berries of this variety makes them almost unsuitable for fresh consumption.
  • The yield is excellent, up to 20-25 kg per tree. High winter hardiness.
  • Late summer ripening.
  • A medium-sized tree-like shrub with a flat-round, spreading crown of medium density. Thorniness is weak.
  • Fruits of medium size, cylindrical, orange in color, sweet taste. Fruit weight 0.74 -0.8 g. Fruit stalk of average length 5-6 mm. The nature of the separation of the fruit from the stalk is dry. The force of separation of the fruits is weak. Beginning of fruiting 4 years after planting. A multipurpose variety, characterized by high yield, dessert taste of fruits, suitability for various types of processing.
  • The yield is high, about 10 kg per bush. The variety is resistant to sea buckthorn fly.
  • Late summer ripening (at the end of August).
  • The plant is up to 2.5 m high. The crown is spreading. It grows more often in the form of a bush. The trunk is straight. Shoots of medium thickness, with a whitish bloom. The ears are loose, easy to pick. The leaves are light green, with significant silvery pubescence on the underside of the leaf blade. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, light green, flat in shape.
  • Berries with an average weight of 0.66 g, oval-cylindrical, bright orange.
  • Average yield is 7.3 kg per plant. Resistant to low temperatures, not affected by diseases and not damaged by pests.
  • The variety is of medium ripening.
  • The bush is vigorous, compressed, pyramidal. Shoots are thick, straight, dark green with a scaly bloom. Spines are located along the entire length of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, dark green, lanceolate.
  • The average weight of the berries is 0.63 g. The shape of the fruit is round, pear-shaped, orange-red, shiny, the skin is of medium thickness. The peduncle is long - 6.6 mm, thin. The fruit has a sour taste with a faint aroma.
  • Average yield - 13 kg per bush. The variety is frost-resistant. It is not affected by diseases and is not damaged by pests.
  • Medium ripening, technical purpose.
  • Medium, medium spreading bush. There are few thorns.
  • Fruits are small (0.5–0.6 g), ovoid, orange, shiny, slightly scaly, on a long (up to 5.5 mm) stalk, dry separation. The taste is sour with a pineapple aroma.
  • Average yield 7.7 kg, maximum - 12.7 kg per bush. Winter hardy.
  • Early ripening.
  • The bush is medium-sized, compact. Shoots are straight, light green, matte. The thorns on the shoots are located in the upper part, short, medium, weak, solitary, located perpendicular to the shoot, dark-colored. The leaf blade is loose, straight. The base of the leaf is convex.
  • The berries are elongated, oval-cylindrical, orange, with a medium skin, sweet and sour, with a refreshing aroma, with an average weight of 0.6 g.
  • Average yield 13.7 kg per bush. The variety is resistant to low temperatures.

Photo gallery: medium-sized varieties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn varieties for cultivation in different regions

For various climatic conditions, it is advisable to choose the appropriate varieties of buckthorn.

Varieties that tolerate shade well for the North-West of Russia, including the Leningrad region

Here are plants that can develop with a relative lack of sunlight (in comparison with more southern regions):

  • Chuiskaya;
  • Moscow pineapple;
  • Excellent;
  • Alei;
  • Οtradeful.

Varieties that are resistant to temperature extremes for central Russia, including Podmovskaya

Sea buckthorn, which is not afraid of alternating frosts and thaws in winter, including those with a mild positive temperature:

  • Chuiskaya;
  • Οtradnaya;
  • Beloved;
  • Pepper;
  • Nizhny Novgorod sweet;
  • Inya;
  • Gnome;
  • Giant;
  • Gift of Moscow State University;
  • Excellent;
  • Leaker;
  • Christmas tree.

Frost-resistant sea buckthorn for the Tyumen region

For this region, varieties of Siberian selection are suitable:

  • Essel;
  • Chuiskaya;
  • Vitamin;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Panteleevskaya;
  • Excellent;
  • Giant;
  • Dwarf;
  • Alei;
  • Beloved;
  • Claudia;
  • Red torch;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Druzhina;
  • Tenga;
  • Vitamin;
  • Openwork.

Shade-loving and frost-resistant varieties for Karelia

This is sea buckthorn, which does not need a long day of light (in comparison with more southern regions) and possesses frost resistance:

  • Giant;
  • A golden ear;
  • Excellent;
  • Zyryanka.

Sea buckthorn resistant to critical frosts of Siberia

It was in Siberia that the majority of varieties of sea buckthorn were bred, which does not care about the most severe conditions.

Varieties for cultivation in this region:

  • Augustine;
  • Altai;
  • Openwork;
  • Alei;
  • Ayula;
  • Giant;
  • Vitamin;
  • Gnome;
  • Druzhina;
  • Inya;
  • Claudia;
  • Red torch;
  • Beloved;
  • Panteleevskaya;
  • Excellent;
  • Girlfriend;
  • Digs;
  • Solnechnaya;
  • Tenga;
  • Chechik;
  • Chuiskaya;
  • Essel.

Varieties for the Urals accustomed to frost and drought

Sea buckthorn, which can easily tolerate a lack of moisture and a sharp drop in temperature:

  • Giant;
  • Chuiskaya;
  • Beloved;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Dwarf;
  • Pleasing;
  • Sunny;
  • Inya;
  • Excellent;
  • Pepper.

Frost and thaw tolerant varieties for Ukraine

In this region, sea buckthorn is required to withstand the alternation of winter frosts and thaws, as well as drought resistance. Suitable varieties:

  • Chuiskaya;
  • A golden ear;
  • Vitamin;
  • Anniversary;
  • Gnome;
  • Pepper;
  • Excellent.


Sea buckthorn is like a weed, where it stuck there and took root. I have never experienced problems with the survival rate of sea buckthorn. On varieties: planted Chuiskaya and Inya. Both bear fruit, but rather weakly - the distant location of the pollinator variety affects - 50 meters from a neighbor. Both varieties are quite large, but nowadays the writhing Inya is not savory and sour. But Chuiskaya is sweet. Next year I will cut off a peasant's stalk from a neighbor for rooting, and another for grafting into the crown of my tree. The pollinator in our area is one - the Alei variety. It works sooooo high quality, so I advise everyone to take it as a pollinator.

Sergey Ermakov, Altai Territory

Sea buckthorn culture is unpretentious, in principle. The only thing that it does not tolerate is digging the soil under it, since the root system is superficial. The sand will go fine, especially since there is a ditch nearby, there will be drainage. While the trees are young, tie them well to the stakes so that the winds do not twist. And after that, do not let the trees grow too much, reduce the crown regularly. Cut the weeds, mulch from above, do not dig. There are many good varieties, Moscow selection (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University), Siberian (Altai).Perhaps the Moscow ones will suit you better. Although the difference is not fundamental. Choose large-fruited varieties, you can have different ripening periods. Just do not forget to plant one male tree, on the side from which the wind blows, if there are no male trees nearby.

Tibbledorf, Chelyabinsk region

I didn't plant sea buckthorn on purpose, when we bought our site, it was already growing and bearing fruit. Before buying a plot, I heard a lot about sea buckthorn, but I never saw this plant with my own eyes. In the first years I didn’t pick this berry, but the neighbors constantly asked to pick it up, and then I thought that it’s what they need, but I don’t. I started looking on the Internet and then I found out that sea buckthorn turns out to be a very valuable and useful plant. First, I started making tea from sea buckthorn berries, then fruit drink, compote and other drinks, adding different ingredients, I still want to swing at jam or jam, but somehow I hesitate. For the second year now I have been collecting for the winter. For me this plant is very necessary, if you have a garden, then I recommend to have this miracle for yourself! More details on Otzovik:

ALFIYA 1985, Yekaterinburg

Video: secrets and subtleties of growing sea buckthorn

The variety of existing varieties of buckthorn allows you to satisfy the various desires of gardeners. The choice is yours, dear readers. Plant sea buckthorn, it is not difficult to grow it. We wish you a good harvest of useful berries in the garden!

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