Perennial shrubs for the garden and vegetable garden: names, flowering period

Perennials for giving blooming all summerTo make your garden or vegetable garden look beautiful, it is advisable to have plants with different heights on the site. Flowers and beautiful grass will be located near the ground, trees will block the upper niche, and flowering shrubs will take their place between these levels. It is about the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Shrubs blooming in spring

Many plants bloom in the spring. The bright and warm sun, birdsong and the scent of flowers are the main signs of the arrival of spring. And what plants can be planted in a garden or vegetable garden so that they delight their owners with flowers during this period? But there are a lot of such options.

Of the most popular among gardeners shrubs blooming in spring, the following can be noted:

  • Daffodil - its flowers are the very first, they will fill your garden with an amazing aroma. The flowering itself can last for almost a month, and after that beautiful berries appear. But the wolfberry has one significant negative side - its fruits are toxic;
  • Irga canadian. This perennial shrub begins to bloom in May. Inflorescences are very similar to bird cherry. This plant, in addition to spring flowers, has another attractive feature for gardeners - in autumn its leaves turn crimson-red, therefore growing irgi will uniquely decorate your site;
  • Viburnum, mountain ash and elderberry are perfect for decorating a garden or vegetable garden. By planting these shrubs along the fence, you can significantly decorate the site. In addition to their beautiful flowering, these plants will bear fruit that will look beautiful on snow-covered branches in winter.

And of course, don't forget about lilacs. This shrub is widespread in our country. Withdrawn today dozens of varieties of lilacthat differ in the appearance of their inflorescences. Snow white, blue, light blue, purple-burgundy and other shades of flowers will surely decorate your garden. In addition, the pleasant and rich aroma of lilacs will surely cheer you up and your guests.

Where does the black elderberry grow in Russia and what kind of climate suits it best:

Summer bloom

If you want your garden to be filled with flowers not only in spring, but also in summer, then here you can also choose a suitable option for perennial shrubs. To decorate the site the following plants can be used:

  • How to choose a shrub for a summer residenceBudleya. This ornamental plant will give you flowers that look like lilacs from the beginning of summer until the first frost. The bush grows up to three meters in height;
  • Calicant is another ornamental plant that blooms almost all summer. This shrub, which is undemanding to care for, blooms with red flowers that exude a delicate and pleasant aroma;
  • Hydrangea is small. The shrub, which sometimes grows as a small tree, loves sunny glades. Blooms all summer in the form of lush white inflorescences;
  • Oleander can be used as a low screen with bright colors. This plant will not be able to withstand harsh winters, therefore it is often planted in containers, and during the cold period it is brought into a warm room.Another disadvantage of oleander is its toxicity;
  • The cinquefoil is another shrub blooming all summer long. The plant is unpretentious and gives its small flowers (with which the entire bush is strewn) from late spring until the first frost. After the leaves fall off, the trunks appear, which have a beautiful reddish tint.

Most often you can find at our dachas bush rose... This beautiful ornamental plant is often used as a hedge, due to the presence of rather sharp thorns. There are a lot of varieties of bush roses today, some do not require special care, others need more careful care. But in any case, everyone can choose the appropriate option, which will certainly become a decoration of his garden or vegetable garden.

Perennial shrubs blooming in autumn

In the autumn, when nature is preparing for the winter cold, I especially want to see flowering plants in my country house. Such plants will allow you to extend the summer a little and cheer you up with their beautiful and fragrant flowers.

Enchanting lilac aromas never left anyone indifferent, and varietal lilac is always the highlight of any garden plot:

To perennial shrubs that will delight you in autumn, the following varieties can be attributed:

  • Hydrangea - will delight you with its beautiful and bright "balls";
  • Common heather - gives its pink, purple, red and white flowers until the end of autumn;
  • Brilliant dogwood is an unpretentious perennial ornamental shrub that can often be found not only in summer cottages, but also in city squares and parks

But not only flowers of perennial shrubs can delight in the autumn. During this time of the year, many plant leaves turn into the most bizarre colors. Shrubs were no exception. You can easily pick up several beautiful and undemanding self-care options.

What to look for when choosing?

For garden flower loversWhen making a choice of one or another perennial ornamental shrub, first of all it is worth paying attention to growth conditions... The fact is that not all plants will feel good in some regions of our country. Some of them grow in cold climates, but they require special care. It is worth keeping this in mind when making a choice.

In addition to growing conditions, it is advisable to choose options that will decorate your garden or vegetable garden throughout the year. Shrubs can be evergreen or deciduous. Of course, the first option, from a decorative point of view, is more attractive, it will be nice to see a green bush in the winter garden. But these plants are more finicky than their deciduous counterparts. It is best to choose shrubs that look beautiful even after the leaves fall off. For example, a rowan tree will decorate your garden with its bunches of berries.

Also, when choosing a perennial shrub for a garden or vegetable garden, it is worth considering its shape and size. These parameters will be important in determining the landing site. In addition, a large shrub will take up too much space, and it is impractical to plant it in a small area.

If we talk about forms, then here the following varieties can be found:

  • Broad shrubs are an option where the plant is wider than tall. Such plants often act as hedges;
  • Spherical shapes - become a beautiful, free-standing element of landscape design;
  • Vertical option - the shrub has a small width, but grows tall. Can be used as a free-standing element or as part of a hedge;
  • Columnar - tall and narrow shrub resembling a pillar of leaves. Can be used for zoning.

In height, perennial shrubs can be low (up to a meter in height), medium (from 1 to 1.8 meters) and high (in an adult state they reach a height of 3 meters).Some tall and medium shrubs can be shaped like trees. In this case, all forms of vegetation will be represented in your garden, while remaining enough free space.

In the gardens of Russia, heather is rare and not known to everyone. But if you plant this plant with unusually beautiful inflorescences on your site, then it will immediately fit into the landscape design and transform the garden:

Another factor to look out for when choosing a shrub is its ability to tolerate pruning. At a young age, such an operation may not be necessary, but over the years the plant will grow and it will be necessary to form it. If the shrub does not tolerate pruning, then such a design will not work, and it will need to be replaced with a young plant.


Ornamental plant bushIn a garden or vegetable garden, in order for it to look beautiful and well-groomed, it is desirable to have various forms of plants. In addition to grass and trees, without fail shrubs should be presented... These perennials will occupy a medium height niche and transform your site.

You can choose from a wide variety of perennial shrubs, the number of varieties is very large. But when making a choice, it is worth considering some nuances. First, the plant's ability to thrive in your climate zone. Secondly, the size of the shrub itself. Besides, don't forget about the aesthetic side... Some of the varieties bloom in the spring, others will brighten up your garden in the summer, and still others only grow beautiful in the fall. Considering all these nuances, then perennial shrubs will be a harmonious addition to the design of your site.

Perennial shrubs in the garden
What flowers are suitable for the gardenVarieties of flower for a summer residencePerennials in the gardenFor garden flower loversHow to plant perennialsPerennial flower namesPerennials for giving blooming all summerPerennial shrub careGarden beautiful flowersGarden decoration with shrubsShrubs in the garden in the countryLong blooming flowersGarden shrubsPerennial plant speciesWhat flowers to chooseGarden perennial plantsFor garden flower lovers

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