Growing freesia in the open field, home care

The homeland of beautiful freesia is South Africa. The gardeners of the French court were engaged in planting, caring for and selecting a flower. That is why freesia flowers are considered a symbol of aristocracy. A fresh and amazing scent, the porcelain structure of the petals gives the freesia basket a sensual tenderness. She symbolizes youth, calmness and vitality.

Freesia features

The color scheme of the plant has all shades of the rainbow... Freesia baskets have a racemose shape, which is completed by a graceful peduncle, framed by leaves of a xiphoid configuration.

The scent of freesia is similar to that of lily of the valley.

The plant belongs to bulbous perennials of the iris family. She loves warmth very much. Previously, freesias were grown only in closed conditions for the purpose of cutting. Breeders received new varieties of freesia, which grow well in the open field in the southern and western regions of the Russian Federation.

Specific characteristics of freesia:

  • the fragrance of the fragrance lasts for a long time, so it is used in the cosmetic industry;
  • successfully used in landscape design;
  • the plant lends itself perfectly to growing both in the open field and at home;
  • the red-yellow shades of the flower grow faster than others.

Freesia types

There are about 20 types of freesia and many variations, but cultivated - three.

  1. Varieties of freesia varietiesFreesia Armstrong. This is a decorative view, 0.7m high. The more famous variety is "Cardinal", which is distinguished by its rich color. Its flowers are pink or scarlet, gathered in panicles - inflorescences. Leaves grow from shoots.
  2. Broken freesia. It is rather small in size (maximum 0.4m). Baskets in yellow, white and orange colors. The tassel contains 4–5 flowers. If you look at a photo of a broken freesia, you can simply admire its variations. The plant blooms in April.
  3. Freesia hybrid. The plant is obtained by selection. The two species described above were crossed with each other. Forking bush with 7-10 flowers. With the help of hybrid freesia, a rainbow is formed in the flower beds by planting freesia flowers of this variety in the order of the color spectrum of the rainbow.

Hybrid freesia blooms for a long time and has a wonderful appearance. The three main varieties of this species are:

  1. Red Lion. The flowers are red, the texture of the petal is terry.
  2. Vinita Gold. Yellow or orange.
  3. Royal Blue. The basket is blue.


Freesia factsFreesia is grown both in the garden and at home. The plant grows well in both cases.

For planting in open ground, take tubers. The preparation of planting bulbs begins in early spring. They are planted in a substance that is prepared as follows: turf / peat / humus / sand.

Fertilizer with bone meal, potassium salts is added to the mixture of soil prepared for planting on its own.

Bulbs are placed in the planting pot at a certain interval so that the sprouts can grow freely.

It is necessary to streamline the irrigation regime so that the land does not become oversaturated, but does not remain dry either.

If the climate permits, the tubers can be planted directly into the open ground, having previously examined the condition of the tubers.

Planting is best done after the spring frost, around mid-April to early May.

The site for planting must be selected in advance, taking into account the peculiarities of freesia care. Although she is from South Africa, she does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. A darkened area, calm, no drafts - this is all that an affectionate flower loves, and that ensures its normal flowering.

Peat is added to the ground before planting. The soil is loosened and pegs are pre-inserted, in order to use them to tie up the plant.

For planting tubers, prepare holes approximately 6 cm deep, with an interval of 5 to 12 cm... After planting, fertilizer is evenly distributed over the holes.

To admire freesia flowers at home, they are also grown in flowerpots.

Summarizing the landing requirements, the following can be highlighted:

  1. Freesia needs to ensure long daylight hours.
  2. The flower is sensitive to drafts.
  3. The soil where the flower is planted should be loose, with excellent drainage.
  4. Broad-leaved freesia varieties need more space, narrow-leaved varieties can be planted more compactly.
  5. Cutting flowers is allowed after the first two flowers have appeared in the basket.
  6. Withered flowers must be removed so that nutrients are not wasted on them.
  7. The flower loves moisture, it needs to be provided with regular spraying. Do not allow water to enter the leaves and dissolutions.

Freesia care

It is necessary to organize flower care, observing the following rules:

  • Freesia careTimely removal of dried flowers.
  • Feeding the plant twice a month.
  • Moderate but consistent watering.
  • Tying the stems.
  • Treatment of plants from pests.
  • Processing the bulbs before planting.

It should be borne in mind that the first feeding is done with ammonium nitrate.

Growing freesia at home

At home, growing freesia is aimed at winter - spring flowering. To prevent freesia from becoming moldy in January, the tubers are planted in the soil at the end of August.

The bulbs are moistened in advance in azotobacterin, prepared with the calculation of 0.5 g per 10 liters of water, with a duration of half an hour. The drainage substance and the wood corner are settled on the pallet of the container, then the soil is poured with the addition of potassium-phosphorus fertilizing... Place 5 onions in a pot to a depth of 6 cm. It is better to put a container with freesia in a well-lightened room, with a moderate temperature. Until the leaves appear, the plant is not watered. After the first leaves appear, the flower is transferred to a warmer place and watering begins.

Freesia care at home is easier than in the garden or greenhouse.

  1. In winter, when growing freesia at home, it is necessary to provide it with light; for this, lamps are used.
  2. To grow a slender flower, do not forget about the props. They will help the freesia straighten and grow normally. In caring for the plant, an important place is occupied by the watering regime. Water procedures should be performed with settled water when the topsoil becomes dry.
  3. When caring for freesia, one must not forget that it loves moisture and a spraying procedure is required.
  4. The flower should be fed 2 times a week until the leaves are dry.
  5. After the flowering of homemade freesia, the leaves and stem are cut off, and the bulb is continued to look after so that other bulbs appear in it. Then the tubers are removed from the soil, treated with potassium permanganate composition, dried and placed in storage.

Holding the bulbs

Proper storage of tubers - a guarantee of growing healthy and beautiful flowers for the next year.

  1. How to plant freesia in your yardFreesia bulbs are stored in nets, in rooms with humid air (80%). Temperature regime - 20 degrees.
  2. In the absence of a suitable room, the net with the bulbs is placed over the container with water.
  3. Planting material requires separate care. Once a month, it needs to be revised, separating the spoiled tubers. A month before disembarkation, they are placed in a cooler place.

In those climatic zones where cold winters are excluded, the bulbs can be left in the ground, covered with lapotnik.

Like any plant, freesia is susceptible to pests. Here list of the most dangerous parasites for a flower:

  • thrips;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • rot.

If affected areas are found on the flower, they must be removed immediately.

Bulbs must be disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate.The procedure should be repeated before planting. Having grown this splendor in the garden, on your windowsill, you can enjoy its delightful flowers every year, inhaling the delicate and noble scent of freesia.

Beautiful freesia flower
Freesia flower transplantFreesia in a pot at home Growing and careConditions for growing freesiaHow to plant freesiaFreesia careFreesia facts Growing and careFreesia careDifficulties in growing freesiaFeatures of growing freesiaWhat a freesia flower looks likeFreesia pestsDiseases of the freesia flowerWhat does a flower look likeAn easy way to grow freesia

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