Caring for dendrobium at home: tips, photos

Having gained some experience in growing ornamental crops, many flower growers at a certain point set themselves the goal of growing an orchid on their site. And many are not afraid that it will not be so easy to do this.

This plant is distinguished by a large species diversity, and among them there are not so many varieties that can grow well in indoor conditions. One of the most famous is the dendrobium orchid.

This family includes representatives such as phalaenopsis and the dendrobium nobile orchid. The cultivation technique of these exotic plants is in each case determined by the peculiarities of the climate that is natural for them.

Since the orchid is a representative of the epiphyte family, then their development is extremely negatively affected by dry air, lack of lighting and excess moisture.

Dendrobium nobile stands out from other members of the family with stunning beauty, which is largely due to its large fragrant flowers. During growth, the orchid forms pseudobulbs, which look like a thickening of the stem, accumulating moisture and nutrients. During the growing season, the plant at a certain point goes into a state of dormancy, as indicated by many signs. It stops growing and begins to prepare strength for a new flowering.

For this reason, with the onset of winter, specific conditions must be created for the plant: the ambient temperature must be lowered to 10 degrees Celsius, lighting should be maximized, and watering should be excluded.

If all these requirements are met, then in the first days of the spring, and possibly even earlier, pseudobulbs will begin to turn into flower stalks.

For flower growers, hybrids bred on the basis of dendrobium nobile and phalaenopsis are more suitable, since they begin to bloom without prior preparation. Care for them is determined by the characteristics of the origin of their parents. Therefore, before buying them, it does not hurt to first get acquainted with their pedigree. If you want these orchid varieties to please you with their flowering as long as possible, then you will have to maintain the appropriate temperature in the room around the clock - from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius.

Post-flowering care

How dendrobium growsAt the moment when the dendrobium nobile orchid stops flowering, the aerial part enters the phase of active growth, which over time leads to the appearance of children... At this stage, it is necessary to maintain an increased temperature and humidity in the room. Fertilizing is mandatory, which is carried out every two weeks. To do this, use liquid formulations specifically designed for orchids.

Until the end of summer, the dendrobium orchid is gaining green mass. At this time, you should not touch the old pseudobulbs, since they will provide additional nutrition to the newly forming children.

Home transplant

This operation seriously injures the dendrobium, therefore it is recommended to transplant the plants no more than once every two to three years.In principle, it is worth carrying out this operation only if there is an urgent need for it. Examples of such situations may be when there is no more space in the container in which the dendrobium grows, the plant has stopped gaining mass, the forming pseudobulbs hang over the edges of the pot, there are signs of soil salinization.

  • the best time to reproduce is in spring, after flowering or at the beginning of active growth. The roots of the transplanted plant must be cleaned of old soil. To do this, the pot with the plant must be thoroughly moistened, then later it will be possible to remove the existing substrate without any problems;
  • before planting, it is necessary to inspect the roots: if rotten or damaged areas are found, then they must be removed, and the sections must be treated with charcoal. It is forbidden to use brilliant green or other preparations containing alcohol for this purpose. After that, you need to let the roots dry for several hours;
  • the orchid thrives best in tight containers. For this, pots are selected so that the thickness of the substrate between the roots and walls is no more than 2 cm.
  • in the process of growth, the aerial part of the orchid becomes large, therefore it is recommended to plant it in stable containers. The best option is heavy clay pots;
  • having selected a suitable container for breeding, drainage is placed in it by ¼ of the volume. Next, it is filled with a substrate to form a slide. After that, an orchid is prepared for transplantation: its roots need to be straightened, and then the plant is placed in the center. Care must be taken to ensure that the pseudobulbs remain on the surface. In some cases, supports may be required to provide good stability;
  • after planting for the purpose of reproduction, containers with an orchid should be kept in a dark place, the temperature should be about 20 degrees Celsius. After 2-4 days, you can start watering.

How to care for a dendrobium orchid?

Separation of dendrobium orchids.Photos of the plant look beautiful because it was provided proper care... This moment should be given maximum attention.

Epiphytic orchids thrive on soils that have a loose structure and do not contain many nutrients. A mixture based on crushed pine bark, sphagnum moss and peat is used as a soil substrate. You also need to add charcoal to it. The soil mixture used for planting the orchid must be free of calcium. This is due to the fact that many orchid species react negatively to this element.

Can also be used as a substrate chopped bark of conifers... You need to fill the container with it as follows: you need to put larger pieces on the bottom, and smaller ones are placed in the upper part. The presence of a small amount of peat in it, which improves its mechanical properties, has a positive effect on the quality of the substrate. As a result, the soil for the orchid acquires the best acidity.

The substrate prepared for use must be disinfected. To do this, spill it with boiling water and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Then they wait until it dries.

When propagating orchids at home, dendrobium can be planted in ordinary pots or hanging baskets made of slats. However, in any case, they need good drainage, which should occupy at least 1/4 of the height. To do this, use broken brick or granite crushed stone, laying it out in a thick layer. But it is not recommended to use expanded clay and limestone, which is rich in calcium.

Before planting in baskets, be sure to add thick layer of sphagnum... Plants that grow on a snag support look more decorative.


Orchid care rulesIn natural conditions, dendrobium nobile feels good only if it is provided with bright and diffused lighting.In indoor conditions, this becomes a problem, especially in winter, when there is a strong lack of lighting. For this reason, to create the most favorable conditions, it is recommended to grow orchids from May to September on windows facing the west and east, and in winter they need to be transferred to the south.

During care, periodically you need to turn the pot so that all parts of the dendrobium got enough light... In case of approaching cold weather, they must be removed away from the windowsill.

The dendrobium orchid can grow well if it is provided with sufficient light during the day. Usually 10-15 hours of daylight hours are optimal. In winter, the lack of lighting can be eliminated by highlighting with special lamps.

  • orchid varieties that have white and pale pink flowers tolerate a lack of light much better. Therefore, subject to additional lighting, they will feel good on the windows located on the northeast side;
  • if you are growing dendrobium orchids with bright red, pink, yellow flowers, then it is better to keep them on windows facing south-east, south-west. With the arrival of winter, they are transferred to the south side, not forgetting to create additional lighting for them.

By providing too much light to the plants, you will achieve a dendrobium orchid actively gain weight, forming pseudobulbs, which will not grow large, and this will negatively affect flowering.

With a lack of lighting, pseudobulbs will turn out to be thin and long, while flowering usually does not occur.

For the orchid to absorb all the water used for irrigation, it needs to be provided with enough light. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this point and adjust the watering rate.

Watering dendrobium orchids

Home care involves choosing the right time to water. The signal to start watering plants is the drying of the top layer of moss or substrate. In the summer it is enough to carry two to three times a week... With the onset of winter, watering should be minimal.

  • What does a flower need to bloomIf the dendrobium orchid grows in pots, then water is poured on top during leaving. If they are in baskets or blocks, then they should be put in water for 3-5 minutes.
  • It is recommended to water the plants with soft, even boiled water, which should have a temperature several degrees above room temperature.
  • In the period from April to September, watering should be combined with top dressing. To do this, in the water prepared for irrigation, fertilizers rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are diluted in equal proportions. The frequency of such watering should be low - every two waterings.

Temperature regime

The temperature factor begins to affect the development of the dendrobium orchid only if it provided with the necessary amount of light... Its deficiency leads to the fact that the plants do not leave a state of dormancy, even despite the creation of a favorable temperature.

In the daytime in summer, the optimal temperature regime is 20 degrees, in winter it is lowered to 17 degrees, while the night temperature is allowed to drop by 2-3 degrees.

If the ambient temperature becomes excessively high, the water begins to evaporate rapidly through the stomata on the leaves. As a result, only part of the moisture they need reaches the roots.

For this reason, when a higher temperature regime is established in a room, the air humidity should be adjusted in accordance with it. Dendrobium pots should be placed on a tray filled with water and pebbles or damp moss. Spraying also contributes to maintaining the required moisture level.

How long does dendrobium bloomDendrobium can be a serious danger to orchids fungal diseases... In order to avoid their development, when caring for the dendrobium orchid at home, it is necessary to regularly air the room, making sure that cold drafts do not occur. When the weather is warm, sunny, the plants can be kept outdoors.

When growing dendrobium orchids at home, in the first weeks of spring, they begin to gain green mass, provided good lighting is created. At such moments, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity, and regularly fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

If the plants are provided with the required amount of light, moisture and a favorable temperature has been created for them, then already in October they form the maximum amount of foliage and pseudobulbs of normal sizes.


Caring for Dendrobium at home.Growing a dendrobium orchid at home seems to be a rather laborious task. However, the desire to enjoy the flowering of this plant stops few people. In order for the orchid to enter the phase of active growth in spring, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it also in winter. This requires keep the temperature no higher than 10 degrees and completely eliminate watering.

Dendrobium Nobile requires even more attention in the spring, when it begins to actively gain green mass. In addition to maintaining the optimal temperature, during the care it must be provided with the necessary amount of moisture and regular feeding. It is also important to ensure that the indoor there were no sudden cold snaps... Compliance with these conditions allows you to get well-developed orchid bushes already in October.

Dendrobium care at home
What Dendrobium LovesOrchid flowering periodHow to choose the right lighting for a flowerDendrobium careConditions for dendrobiumCaring for Dendrobium at home.Special flower dendrobiumFeatures of dendrobium careSeparation of dendrobium orchids.Beautiful dendrobium flowerHow to care for dendrobiumDendrobium flower transplant rulesHow dendrobium bloomsDendrobium appearanceHow to properly water dendrobium

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