Growing abutilone from seeds at home

Abutilon is native to the tropics. A bright representative of the Malvaceae family. In a warm climate, the plant grows in flower beds, it is used in landscape design. In temperate climates it is an indoor flower, but in summer it grows well on the balcony.

Under suitable conditions, abutilone can bloom all year round. This is also possible in greenhouses. Indoors it blooms from spring to late autumn. It has large flowers, maple-shaped leaves.

Description of abutilon and features of care

Abutilon flower descriptionThere are several dozen varieties of abutilone. The hybrid variety of Abutilone Juliet is most in demand by flower growers.

The plant grows very quickly, usually up to half a meter per year. Blooms throughout the year, does not impose requirements on lighting.

Begins to bloom in the sixth month after sowing. Has enough large flowers... The color of the plant is varied.

Home maple completely unpretentious in care... But to get a healthy and beautiful plant, you must adhere to certain rules.

Soil selection

You can use a ready-made universal compound for planting indoor flowers. You can prepare the soil yourself:

  1. Stir peat, river sand, earth in equal parts.
  2. Two parts of clay soil, one part of sheet land, one part of humus, ½ part of sand.

For seedlings, you can use humus and peat tablets:

  • the tablet must be soaked by removing the non-woven material from it;
  • put the sprouted seed together with the tablet into the recess, cover it with a film on top;
  • regularly irrigate and ventilate the material;
  • after the appearance of the leaves, transplant the seedlings into a large container along with the tablet.

Watering and feeding

Rules for caring for indoor maple at homeAbundant watering is required during active flowering and maple growth. The moisture from the pallet must be drained a few hours after watering. With dried soil, the plant sheds flower stalks and crown.

From mid-November, most abutilon varieties begin a dormant period. Number of waterings need to cut until early February.

Home maple needs to be fed mineral fertilizers... This should be done between March and September. Slurry is considered an excellent fertilizer.

Growing a plant from seeds

The best way is to get abutilone from seeds. Growing a plant with this method will not cause trouble. The seeds can be bought or obtained on their own, they remain viable for no more than two years.

When growing homemade maple from seeds, you need:

  • Nuances of growing an abutilon plant from seeds at homeChoose the right container for sowing seeds.
  • Observe soil requirements for planting seeds.
  • Pre-prepare seeds for planting.
  • Observe watering and temperature conditions.
  • Provide the necessary lighting for the seedlings.
  • Carry out a pick in a timely manner.

Before sowing, the upper shell of the seeds is destroyed. This is done with a sandpaper. Sprouts will not appear without destruction of the shell.

Next, plant seeds for 24 hours soaked in the root, epine or other stimulant wrapped in a damp cloth. The temperature should be room temperature.

Further, the germinated seeds are transferred to a container, sprinkled with soil by 5 mm, thoroughly moistened. Seedlings will appear in three weeks.

The pick is made into small cups.When a small bush appears, the plant transplanted into a permanent container... You need to replant the plant annually, increasing the capacity.

Growing abutilone from seeds has the following advantages:

  1. Seeds can be bought at the store by choosing a favorite variety.
  2. Plants grown from seeds adapt to the conditions of the home where they originated.
  3. When growing several abutilones, you can get the seeds of a completely new hybrid.

The disadvantages include:

  • limited period of seed germination;
  • hybrid varieties often have completely new decorative properties.

Reproduction of abutilon by cuttings

Description of the method of propagation of abutilon by cuttingsAll varieties of abutilon can be propagated by cuttings. In this way, varieties can be grown all year round, but it is better in early spring.

For landing, you need to take semi-lignified cuttings... They need to be cut into 12 cm, buds and leaves removed. A mixture of peat and sand is suitable for rooting.

The cuttings are covered with a film, the air temperature must be maintained within 25 degrees. Planting material is necessary ventilate, water and spray... Cuttings will take root within 30 days.

Next, the plants are transplanted into separate pots. Their diameter should be no more than 8 cm. Further cultivation is carried out in compliance with all the rules for caring for abutilones.

Indoor maple grows very quickly. In the spring shoots must be cut one third of the length. Pruning the plant contributes to the beautiful formation of the crown, stimulates long-term flowering. In young shoots, pinch the tops. Maple should be located in a room with a warm and humid climate.

Diseases and pests

Possible diseases of indoor maple and methods of treatmentDomestic maple is not a capricious plant, but it does not tolerate a sudden change of scenery. Drafts, wind, poor lighting or temperature changes, non-compliance with the irrigation regime and insufficient fertilization can cause leaves to drop.

In low light, the leaves will turn yellow. From lack of moisture will dry the edges of the leaves... It is necessary to additionally spray the tree and put bowls of water near the plant. When spraying abutilone, water should not get on the buds. They will develop poorly.

Abutilone leaves are often attacked spider mites and aphids... It is necessary to fight pests with specially designed ready-made means.

How to keep a plant outdoors

In summer, it is recommended to take abutilon to the balcony or garden area. It is imperative to monitor the humidity of the earthen coma and prevent direct sunlight from falling on the plant. In the country, it can be placed in the shade of large trees or shrubs, where there is no strong wind.

If the leaves began to fall off, then the reason lies in improper care of the plant or colonization by pests. Plants on the street do not tolerate winter. With the onset of cold weather, indoor maple must be move to a warm room.

Abutilon is a plant that even novice florists can propagate and grow. In favorable conditions for it, the plant increases the humidity in the dwelling, improving the climatic conditions of the room.

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