Caring for abutilon at home: varieties, photos

In the malvaceous family there are many noteworthy plants, to which abutilone can also be attributed. It attracts attention to itself with its species diversity, since it occurs in the form of a shrub, tree or herbaceous culture. It is most widely spread in America, Asia, Australia and Africa. Its habitats are the tropics and subtropics of the named continents, where more than 150 species of abutilon are found.

Abutilon known as indoor maple, which can be explained by the presence of special soft leaves. Their characteristic feature is the presence of a lobed shape and a serrated tip, which makes them very similar to maple. Also, this plant is known as a cord. It can be explained by the fact that coarse fiber is made from it, which allows making ropes and braided products.

Indoor maple is familiar to many growers around the world. He gained popularity due to his unpretentiousness. This plant tends to gain deciduous mass very quickly, in addition to this, its flowers have a beautiful appearance. Therefore, the presence of abutilone in the room will definitely make it more attractive.

When creating favorable conditions, the flower can reach a height of 2 meters... In recent years, a large number of varietal and hybrid species have been bred, which differ from each other in size, shade of leaves and inflorescences.

What does abutilone look like?

Abutilones mix of varietiesAmong domestic and not only flower growers, abutilon (indoor maple) has become widespread as a perennial tree and shrub. This form of indoor maple is distinguished by large leaves, as well as drooping lantern inflorescences, which are decorated with long pedicels.

Already in the first weeks of spring, abutilon pleases with flowers that begin to fade only in late autumn... Among the whole variety of abutilon, there are varieties that bloom constantly. They can vary in color from the leaves, which can be green, mottled or variegated. Peduncles containing long stamens and a pistil also look original: they can be white, orange, pink, red, gold and burgundy. Also, plants may differ in the shape of the flower, on the basis of which simple and terry types of abutilon are distinguished.

Psychologists are also familiar with this plant, who consider it a unique plant. According to them, growing abutilone is beneficial for people who often experience depression. First of all, positive changes from his presence will be felt by people whose work takes place in the office and is associated with stressful situations. Calming effect almost every one of us can feel, which first of all manifests itself at the stage of abutilon flowering. At the moment, scientists have not been able to understand what caused this, however, most experienced flower growers were convinced of the action of abutilone on their own.

The most common types of abutilone

This flower is quite diverse, because it includes many interesting varieties that can become a worthy decoration in the house.

Abutilon Sello

A characteristic feature of this hybrid variety is the presence of striped leaves. Domestic maple has a weakly branched stem, which grows straight, slightly pubescent shoots. The leaves have three elongated lobes with a pointed tip.

The decoration of this variety is light purple flowers with pink veins. The flowering time begins in mid-summer and lasts until the first frost. When favorable conditions are created, the plants can reach 2 m in height.

Abutilon hybrid

This is one of the brightest representatives of American hybrids, which includes many varieties. Most often it grows in the form of an evergreen shrub with a brownish bark. Leaves have an unusual appearance, which are often three-lobed or five-lobed. Pubescence is present not only in the leaves, but also in the flowers, which are decorated in the form of a bell. They are kept on petioles, reaching a length of 12 cm. Their shade is quite varied, which can be white, red, golden or burgundy. The largest specimens can grow up to 1.5 m.

Abutilon Darwin

Pests and diseases of abutiloneDespite the fact that this variety has pronounced decorative properties, it is not so often found in florists' apartments. During the growing season, this species forms large leaves of three-lobed shape, which keep on long petioles, located on silky, pubescent shoots, growing up to 1 m in length. The leaves located in the lower part of the stem may have a seven-lobed shape. The lobe located in the middle is usually strongly elongated. Bell-shaped flowers, orange with red veins. No more than 3 inflorescences can grow from one sinus. This variety of abutilon begins to bloom in the first weeks of April, and the wilting of the inflorescences occurs at the end of September.

Abutilon Juliet

This variety stands out from others for its high unpretentiousness. It is also of interest because of its rapid growth, since it can grow up to 5 cm per season.Abutilon Juliet is ideal for growing indoors due to its undemanding lighting requirements, and its flowers are preserved throughout the year. The flowers are large enough reaching a diameter of about 6 cm... When growing this variety by sowing the seeds of the first flowers, you can wait only after 5 months.

Home care for abutilon

Soil and watering abutilonFor experienced flower growers, indoor maple is of interest because of its simplicity in care. However, as with all other plants, there are rules that must be followed. While light is good for abutilone, it shouldn't be too bright. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it on the balcony in summer, providing shading. It is necessary to carry out regular spraying of the crown. This measure will help stimulate growth.

In order for butylone to bloom profusely every season, you will have to regularly transplant into a suitable container. The flowering of abutilon can be expected only when the root system thoroughly envelops the entire soil. This must be taken into account, and therefore the containers used for transplanting should not differ greatly in volume from the previous ones.

Soil selection

The plant feels best in a pot, which is filled with universal soil for indoor flowers. In some cases, homemade soil is also suitable, for the preparation of which the following substances are required:

  • Leafy soil, peat and sand in equal amounts;
  • Two parts of soddy clay soil, one part of humus, one part of leafy land and one part of sand.


Spring and summer are important periods in the life of the indoor maple tree, because at this time it is actively growing and enters the flowering phase.For this reason, plant maintenance at this time of the year requires abundant watering.

  • after the next watering, they wait several hours, and then drain the excess moisture from the pan;
  • especially you need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil, because if it remains without water for too long, this can provoke the leaves and peduncles to fall;
  • in November, there is a decline in plant activity, so abutilone is switched to a moderate watering regime until February.

Top dressing

It is possible to satisfy the need for abutilone in the nutrients it needs by applying mineral fertilizers. Top dressing should be carried out from March to September. The introduction of slurry also has a positive effect.

Reproduction and cultivation

To obtain new bushes of homemade maple, you can use the seed sowing method and cuttings. The first method is quite effective and can be used for any cultivar with green leaves.


When can you transplant abutiloneThe propagation method by cuttings can be used for any varieties of abutilon. However, it is primarily effective for plants with variegated leaf color. It should be borne in mind that when using the method of sowing seeds, it is impossible to transfer the properties of the parent to the new plant.

You can grow abutilone from cuttings at any time of the year. However, experts recommend doing this in March: for this they use herbaceous cuttings, having previously cut off the flower buds from them. In summer, it is recommended to plan this operation in August. It is better if the abutilone will multiply with the help of semi-lignified cuttings.

  • first, you need to prepare cuttings, which should be no more than 12 cm long. After that, you need to cut off the buds and lower leaves. A substrate based on sand and peat is used as a soil mixture for rooting;
  • after finishing planting the cutting, you need to install a jar on the container or stretch a plastic wrap. It is imperative to create an optimal temperature regime in the room, which must correspond to a temperature of 25 degrees. In addition, the plantings need aeration, watering and spraying. Most often, the planting material takes root for a long time, taking at least one month;
  • when the cuttings have a good root system, they are transplanted into individual containers up to 7 cm in diameter. Subsequently, when growing young abutilon plants, the same rules are observed as in the case of adult plants.

When and how to trim abutilone?

In the process of caring for indoor maple, it must be borne in mind that it grows extremely quickly. Therefore, in the spring, pruning is mandatory. This operation is carried out even before the growth of shoots, removing them by three or two thirds of the length. The exact distance can be determined based on the size of the bush or tree. As a result of pruning, the tree can be given an attractive and compact look, as well as provide abundant and long-lasting flowering. For young shoots, pinching the tops is an effective measure. Subsequently, homemade maple is grown in a room in which you need to create an optimal temperature and humidity level.

Diseases, pests and ways to control them

How to properly care for abutiloneAlthough butylone can grow in rather difficult conditions, however any change of environment negatively affects on its development. First of all, we are talking about fluctuations in temperature, changes in illumination, and strong drafts, which can provoke leaf fall.

The delay in growth can be explained by the lack of nutrients in the soil or improper watering.

Seeing that the leaves have started to turn yellow or have changed their usual color, it can be assumed that the home maple needs more lighting. To do this, you will have to choose another room for him, where there is more light.However, it is not recommended to make such drastic changes in the cultivation, everything should happen gradually, and this will require shading.


Abutilon is a fairly exotic plant for our country. It is most common in the tropics. American, African and Australian continents... However, in recent years, many of our compatriots have been able to get acquainted with this indoor plant. Florists appreciate abutilon not only for its unpretentiousness, but also for its decorative properties. Therefore, any grower can enjoy these unusual flowers, regardless of experience.

Of course, the best result can be achieved if you adhere to the rules for growing abutilone. Therefore, you need to be attentive to the plant even from the moment it is grown from cuttings. Indeed, already at this stage, a future plant is laid, the care of which can affect how much it can meet the expectations of the owner.

Abutilon flower
How to grow abutiloneAbutilon watering rulesIndoor flower abutilonBlooming abutilone in the houseWhat do abutilon flowers look likeAbutilon plant varietiesAbutilones mix of varietiesVarieties of varieties of abutilonAbutilon flowering periodDescription of indoor plant abutilonTypes of flower abutilonHow to keep track of an abutilon flowerAbutilon flower transplantCaring for indoor abutilon

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