Care and reproduction of cyperus at home

At some point, experienced gardeners may want to grow some exotic plant in their apartment. Therefore, they can turn their attention to such a flower as cyperus, which is a family of sedges. It is mainly found in tropical regions of Africa, where its favorite habitats are swamps, river banks and lakes.

In the wild, this plant has complete freedom, so it can form large thickets. In our country, flower growers first met this plant in the 80s of the last century. Tsiperus is interesting for its unpretentiousness, excellent decorative properties, so it will look great in the interior of any modern apartment.

Home care for the cyperus plant

This flower will be able to delight the owner with its flowering only if the most favorable conditions are created for him.

Temperature and humidity

Tsiperus has earned the love of many flower growers because of his ability to grow well in city apartments.

  • for the flower to feel good in spring and summer, it needs to provide a temperature of about 20-25 degrees;
  • in autumn and winter, for normal development, a temperature of 16-19 degrees is enough for him;
  • when the weather is warm outside, you can often give the flower in the fresh air. If this is not possible, then you can ventilate the room.

Cyperus papyrus is a moisture-loving plant... You may need a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity in your apartment. An effective procedure is spraying the leaves with a spray bottle, which must be carried out regularly in the warm season.

Features of lighting the flower cyperus

Although this plant is good grows at maximum illumination, however, even with a lack of it, she feels quite well.

  • Reproduction of cyperusit is best to keep pots of cyperus on windows located on the west or east side, with spacious window sills;
  • in some cases, it is possible to grow cyperus even in shading conditions, but it must be remembered that in such conditions it will grow and develop extremely slowly;
  • with the onset of winter, Cyperus' need for lighting increases. In this regard, it makes sense to often take it out to the window or carry out artificial supplementary lighting with light sources;
  • in summer you need to be especially careful when hot days fall. During such periods, it is recommended to remove the pot from the window, otherwise the bright light can lead to leaf burns;
  • if cyperus is cultivated on windows located on the south side, it is recommended to provide the flower with diffused lighting.

Proper watering of a homemade cyperus flower

This plant responds positively to moisture, therefore, in the process of caring for it, it is recommended water abundantly... The main rule that must be observed by every novice florist who decides to start growing cyperus in a city apartment is to constantly keep the roots of the flower moist.

If not a drop of moisture remains in the ground during the next watering, this will negatively affect the plant. It is recommended to keep the flower pot in a planter, while the top should be filled with water. But there should be enough of it so that it only slightly covers the pot. In the summer, when the sun is especially hot, watering is carried out often and abundantly. This is not necessary during the winter season. Moreover, it is best to use settled water for irrigation.

Soil selection

For cyperus papyrus to grow and develop well, the pot where it will be planted is necessary fill with light fertile soilhaving a weak acidity. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then for this you will need garden soil, sand, humus and peat. It does not hurt to add a small amount of charcoal or brick chips to it - these components will help keep water in the soil.

A modern solution to this problem is a special hydrogel, which is available in many specialized stores. Its uniqueness is associated with the ability to absorb water well, retain it, as well as the presence of useful fertilizers in the composition, which plants need during the growing season. Although the effect of the use of synthetic materials will not be as significant as in the case of natural ingredients.

How to transplant a ciperus houseplant?

A photo of a plant perfectly shows how beautiful its flowering is, but this is possible if its transplant was carried out according to all the rules.

There are no special restrictions regarding this operation, so you can do it at least every year. However, in any case, the plant needs provide proper care, then it will quickly take root and begin to bloom. For planting, you need to pick up a container of a larger size. It makes sense to transplant an adult papyrus cyperus only if there is an urgent need for it.

How to transplant a flower correctly?

  • Indoor plants cyperusfirst, the container is placed in an inclined position and the flower is carefully pulled out. To do this, you need to grab it with your fingers, and at this time, you need to take out the upper part of the soil with your palms;
  • during transplantation, you should not completely remove the entire earthen lump from the roots of the plant. When you take the flower out of the pot, you need to lightly shake it off the ground. If you notice that the roots were severely injured during transplantation, then these areas are cut off, after which it is necessary to carefully remove the old substrate from the roots;
  • when you transplant cyperus papyrus, you do not have to fill the container with a drain. This is one of its main distinguishing features. If there is drainage in the pot, the water will quickly leave the ground, as a result, it will not be possible to provide "marsh conditions" for the plant;
  • the most favorable period for transplanting cyperus is spring - March or April.

How to choose a container for a home cyperus?

In the process of development, the flower begins to increase in width. Because of this, for transplanting, it is necessary to prepare a pots, in which the width should be greater than the height. But at the same time, you should not use sufficiently spacious pots, since in this case the cyperus will begin to spend a lot of energy on the formation of the root system.

Reproduction of cyperus at home

Cyperus rootsThe main methods of flower propagation are cutting cuttings and dividing the bush. The method of sowing seeds is not used due to its high labor intensity, since more time and effort has to be spent here.

When using the cuttings method choose a well-developed shoot, from which you need to cut off the leaf outlet so that a small part of the trunk is present on the harvested part.It is imperative to trim the leaves, reducing their length to 4 cm. Next, you need to find a shallow container and place a flower umbrella in it. Then water is poured there, which should fill the container by no more than 1-2 cm. During the next two weeks, you must constantly monitor the handle: at this moment, young shoots will begin to form. When this happens, you need to wait until the end of their complete formation, and after 20-25 days you can plant the planting material in the ground.

Sometimes the seed sowing method is used to propagate the cyperus papyrus. First, you need to prepare the bowls by filling them with the prepared substrate. They are sowing seeds, after which on top of the container set glass jar... In the future, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room at 18 degrees and regularly carry out abundant watering. After a while, the first shoots will begin to appear. When the seedlings get stronger, they are picked and transplanted into individual pots. Moreover, each should have three seedlings.

However, for beginner growers, the most preferred method of reproduction for cyperus is to divide the rhizome. This can be done at the moment when the time comes for the next transplant. The method guarantees high survival rate due to the fact that the roots take a minimum of time to start growing.

Diseases and pests

What can cyperus hurt?Cyperus is one of the few crops that shows high resistance to many pests. However, he does not always remain healthy. If the minimum air humidity is maintained in the room, then the the risk of spider mites... Also, pests such as whitefly, scale insects, mealy worms pose a threat to the flower.

However, in most cases, the cause of cyperus diseases is improper care of the plant.

What to do if signs of illness are noticed?

It is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the flower and begin to act at the first signs of pest activity. This increases the chances of saving the plant. An effective pest control solution is a soap solution that must be applied to the stem and leaves. Also, treating the plant with actellik solution can help in protecting against pests.


Despite the fact that the homeland of Cyperus is african tropics, this plant can be grown in the conditions of our country. This plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, however, it is still necessary to take into account some points related to its cultivation. In addition to preparing the potting mix, you need to choose a pot of the right size. Along with regular watering, you need to monitor the condition of the flower, since, like most other indoor plants, it can be affected by various pests.

House plant cyperus
What pests can harm the cyperus plantHow cyperus bloomsCyperus careCyperus home careCyperus is a moisture-loving plantHow cyperus reproducesHow cyperus growsFeatures of care for cyperusIn the sanctuary, the peculiarity of the ciperus plantReproduction of cyperusHow to care for cyperusCyperus plant and its varietiesWhat are the types of cyperusCyperus careDescription of the plant ciperusReproduction of cyperus

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