8 flowers that are easy to grow on a windowsill by March 8th

Recently, plants in pots have become a very popular gift, which bloom for a long time and delight with bright colors. You can pleasantly surprise your wife, sister or mother if you grow flowers on the windowsill in advance, and present an unusual live bouquet for the first spring holiday.


Tulips are plants that can be grown almost at any time of the year. To get a spring bouquet of tulips for International Women's Day on March 8, you can choose the following varieties: Greig's, Foster's tulips, Eric Hofsier, Triumph, Keys Nelis, London, Vivex, Parade.

When choosing bulbs, you should pay attention to their appearance - they should be round, dense and free from defects. Weighing no more than 25 grams and a diameter that determines the size of the future flower, from 3.5 to 5.5 cm.

The planting material is placed in pots filled with soil and stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5-9 C °, and then 4 weeks before the desired flowering period is transferred to a bright and warm room.


With many vibrant hues, these flowers bloom for the March holiday when planted in January. The bulbs with small white roots should be buried in a flower pot with fertile soil and the crown should be left open.

Place the container in a dark place with a temperature of 4-6 C °. If the earth dries up, then it can be watered a little, trying not to wet the seedlings - they can rot. When the green leaves that appear are 4-6 cm, put the pot on a cool windowsill. The bright spring sun and regular, moderate watering will help the colorful panicles bloom on sturdy stems.


These flowers are very delicate and their color range is very diverse. Buds are monochromatic, spotted, two-colored or streak-like. Plant bulbs are kept in a cellar or in a refrigerator at a temperature of 3-9 C ° from 20 days to a month.

It takes 70-90 days from planting to blooming crocus. To get a beautiful bouquet of crocus in a pot for Women's Day, you need to plant the bulbs in the first half of December. During planting in a container, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not touch each other or the walls of the pot - the stem may grow crooked.

Put the pot with seedlings in a cool dark place, wait for sprouts 5 cm high and bring them out into the light. During this period, one should try to ensure that the temperature in the room does not rise above 20 ° C.


Primula is a miniature flower with a variety of colors. The plant is very popular in home floriculture. In order to present these flowers on March 8, you need to plant seedlings or cuttings of mother bushes in prepared and fertilized soil.

You need to store the sprouts in a cool place - in a greenhouse or basement at a temperature of 5 to 8 ° C. In February, the primrose must be moved to a place with good lighting and an elevated temperature - up to 18 ° C.

Flowering will begin in two weeks. If the plants are properly cared for, they will bloom for a long time and profusely.

Lilies of the valley

To give a bouquet of flowering lilies of the valley on a March holiday, you need to start with the preparation of planting material - the roots harvested in the previous season.

In early February, they must be soaked in water with a temperature of 35-40 C ° for 12 hours, shortened and planted in a pot with soil so that the buds rise about 1.5 cm above the ground. Further development takes place in the dark. Usually lilies of the valley bloom on days 23-25.


From planting to flowering amaryllis, on average, it takes 6 to 8 weeks. One onion is planted in each pot. Its upper part should rise above the ground.

For the formation of ovaries, good lighting, a comfortable temperature (about 25 C °) and frequent but moderate irrigation are necessary - the soil should be slightly moist. After the buds appear, you can water more abundantly.


You can create an atmosphere of spring and holiday with the help of flowering branches of forsythia. Annual shoots 40-50 cm long are cut from the summer bush and placed in warm (about 30 ° C) sweet water ten days before the celebration.

After 4-5 days, the kidneys wake up. And on the tenth day, delicate flowers begin to bloom. The plant is covered with a picturesque cloud of sunshine.


The following types of chrysanthemums are suitable for growing at home: shrub, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Zembla, Aurora, Snow Elf, Pink Cascade and Mix.

All varieties have different growing periods - from 6 to 15 weeks. A plant needs a lot of light to grow well. Flowers feel great by the windows facing the east or west side.

Home chrysanthemum is a short bush, because drugs are used to grow it that slow growth. For planting, shoots 7-10 cm long are used, which are planted in the ground mixed with sand.

After 14-20 days at a temperature of 15 to 17 ° C, the cutting takes root. For a chrysanthemum to bloom, it needs to be illuminated for 8-10 hours a day. Bright sun and regular watering will make the flowering very long lasting.

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