5 questions to answer before buying a houseplant

Indoor plants play a big role in the interior decoration of modern apartments. Decorating your home with fresh flowers allows you to be closer to nature. This process brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also brings considerable benefits. When choosing indoor flowers, it is important to take into account certain rules and the factor to what extent the room itself is ready to accept a new resident. Answers to simple questions will avoid unpleasant situations.

How much sun hits the house?

The most important factor for growth and flowering is the amount of light. It is important to consider whether the room is sunny or has more shade, as this will affect the choice of plants. Most bright indoor flowers come from the sunny tropics, and they will feel uncomfortable in a dimly lit room. Having determined the presence and amount of natural and artificial lighting, it will be possible to make the right decision.

Solar plants:

  • aloe;
  • jasmine;
  • fuchsia.

For light-loving plants, it is best to choose ceramic pots.

Shade-loving plants:

  • anthurium;
  • violets;
  • spathiphyllum.

These flowers do not like frequent transplants.

What is the humidity in the apartment?

If the indoor greenhouse looks like a scorched desert, the plants dry out, do not bloom and look withered - this is a serious reason to think. We are not always talking about illiterate watering. The overall humidity in the house is also of great importance, which can vary depending on the season and heating season. Tropical plants require a lot of moisture, and if there is a feeling of dry air, then it is better to refuse such flowers. A good way out of the situation is to purchase a moisturizer, which will be useful not only for plants, but also for people.

Humidity lovers:

  • aspidistra;
  • chamedorea;
  • epipremnum.

Moisture-loving plants can be poisonous.

Do you often leave for a long time?

Indoor plants, like pets, require regular care and maintenance. Complementary feeding, watering and airing are simple actions performed almost every day, with long trips they can result in a problem. Without proper and timely care, the plants will simply wither away. Therefore, if you really want to decorate your house with flowers, but long trips take place, there are certain ways out. It is worth paying attention to plants that can do autonomously for a long time, you can install automatic irrigation systems, or give flowers to friends or relatives during your absence.

The most unpretentious plants:

  • dracaena;
  • ficus;
  • asparagus;
  • cacti.

These flowers are ideal not only for both home and office.

Do you have pets?

If you have pets, plants can be problematic. And not always they consist in the fact that the pet can damage the flower or break the pot. Not all representatives of indoor greenery are safe for the health and life of the pet. Naturally, eating any leaves can cause an upset stomach, and this should not be allowed, but you should still choose initially harmless flowers that will not harm your four-legged friend.

Suitable options:

  • chlorophytum crested;
  • platizerium;
  • echeveria.

For special lovers of gnawing fresh herbs, special herbs should be grown.

How much space can you devote to the plant?

Many people mistakenly believe that home floriculture will require a lot of money and free space. Planters, stands, versatile shelves, even ordinary stairs and stepladders leaning against the wall - the design offers a lot of original ideas and solutions that will help you place flowers even in a small room. When choosing flowers, you should always pay attention to the size of an adult plant, how much it can grow.

Plants for large spaces:

  • monstera;
  • palm trees;
  • ficuses.

It is more appropriate to place large flowers on the floor or on a low stand away from batteries.

Residents of small shelves:

  • echeveria;
  • cacti;
  • succulents.

Most often, green "kids" do not like waterlogging of the soil.

Home flora is beautiful in its variety. Exquisite, bright and stylish compositions that can decorate every home are created from flowering plantings. If you are just thinking about houseplants, start by buying one or two options to understand and understand all the related issues. This will help you gain an understanding of which flowers are ideal for your home.

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