How to water a houseplant so that it blooms profusely

Home flowers should be fed regularly and more often than usual. After all, the feeding area of ​​indoor plants is limited to a small pot.

In order for the plant to bloom for a long time and abundantly, it is necessary to provide it with proper watering.

Sugar solution

The most affordable top dressing for residents of a home flower garden, which the hostess can find in the kitchen, is sugar. White crystals break down into fructose and glucose, it is she who is a valuable nutrient for green "sweet tooth" - it is a source of energy for the vital processes of flowers and a building material for the formation of complex organic molecules. To prepare a sweet fertilizer, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in 1 liter of water. Please note that if sugar is added to the soil, mold and rot may develop. Therefore, you need to feed your plants to sweets no more than once a month, for the best effect, combine sugar dressings with EM preparations.

Coffee grounds

Another fertilizer can be found at the bottom of the coffee cup. Don't throw away the coffee grounds, harvest them over several days, dry and feed the plants. After pouring the coffee dressing into the pot, be sure to mix it with the soil. You can add a small amount to the ground when replanting plants, the coffee grounds will make the soil looser. Please note that coffee acidifies the soil, it will please azaleas, roses, lilies, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and will prolong their flowering period.

Citrus zest

Citrus peels are also used to feed green pets. Preparation of "lemonade" fertilizer will require little effort: the collected crusts need to be crushed, put in a liter jar, filling no more than a third of the volume. Pour boiling water over the jar and leave for 24 hours. Strain the solution, bring to the original volume one liter with clean water and water the flowering house plants.

Aloe juice

A growth promoter for indoor plants can be found among indoor plants. If you have aloe on your windowsill, then its juice can be used to feed green pets.

To prepare a nutritious fertilizer, you need to choose one of the lowest sheets of aloe, cut it off, wrap it in plastic, and keep it in the refrigerator for a week. Grind the leaf, squeeze the juice from the green gruel. One teaspoon of juice is diluted in 1.5 liters of water. The resulting solution is well tolerated by plants and can be applied once a week when watering a flowering home garden, and aloe juice will also support weakened plants.

Using available home dressings, do not forget about the general rules: before fertilizing, it is necessary to spill the plants with clean water to avoid burns of the root system, weakened plants are fed with solutions of weaker concentration, it is necessary to fertilize domestic flowers during the period of growth and flowering: in spring and summer.

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