Growing and caring for fuchsia at home
Most flower designers are unanimous in their opinion that the most striking plant that can be grown from seed at home is fuchsia. Many people like this tree for its rich color palette, which is demonstrated by its flowers, which are distinguished by their original shape. She feels great not only in the garden, but also on the balcony, moreover, it is easy to clean. Therefore, if you receive information about the nuances of its cultivation, then the gardener will have a reason for joy, because he will be able to enjoy the sight of a plant grown by his own hands.How to care for fuchsia in winter
Jasmine gardenia care at home
The modern species diversity of flowers is represented by many groups, and in each of them there are extraordinary plants. Such in the Marenov family is the gardenia - a flower with extraordinary beauty and tenderness. Many growers cannot forget its beauty, and this is quite understandable, given that decorative green foliage is perfectly complemented by white double flowers.Jasmine gardenia
Caring for pandanus at home: varieties, photos
The most capacious description of the pandanus is its name, the spiral palm. It was first discovered in the tropics, so this plant thrives when provided with sufficient light, water and humid air. You can also grow pandanus in our latitudes, you just need to buy plant seeds and follow the rules of agricultural cultivation and care at home exactly.Caring for pandanus at home
Tradescantia - how to grow at home, types and varieties
Tradescantia is a perennial herb of the ampel type from the Hammelin family. It comes from America. In home and garden cultivation, this is one of the most common representatives, which is due to its unpretentious care and exotic appearance. Adhering to elementary tips, even an inexperienced florist can grow a lush flower from a single seed.
Dyschidia: varieties with photos, cultivation features
Dyschidia refers to the epiphytic representatives of the flora - parasitic plants that attach to other vegetation and subsist on their juices. The flower comes from exotic countries. It can be successfully grown at home with well-organized care, but not all species can be cultivated. This evergreen vine is prized by flower growers for its exquisite and graceful look. Any interior will be transformed with this decor.