Agave is a perennial herb from the category of succulents, belonging to the genus Asparagus of the Agave subfamily. In nature, it grows mainly in Mexico and South America in arid areas, more often in mountainous areas. In Russia, this succulent is actively cultivated as a decoration for winter gardens, parks, flower beds. Low-growing representatives are raised at home. Despite the lack of flowering, the plant fits effectively into any interior. And caring for agave is simple, due to its unpretentiousness.
Pachyphytum, a miniature succulent from the jungle family, is common in the wild in Mexico and parts of the United States. The peculiarity of the plant is the fleshy leaves of an unusual shape, covered with a spectacular bloom, similar to powdered sugar. Russian flower growers grow pachyphytum as an indoor flower.
Bryophyllum is a succulent perennial plant from the Tolstyankov family. This is a native of South America and the islands of Madagascar. The genus is quite diverse, it includes flowering, decorative-deciduous and medicinal species. Bryophyllum is often confused with Kalanchoe, due to the similarity in appearance and medicinal properties. Due to its unpretentious care and resistance to the conditions of maintenance, the plant is especially popular in home floriculture.
Among indoor plants, cacti occupy a special place. These succulents with fleshy stems are the love of many growers. Astrophytum belongs to this type. Translated from Greek, the name means "star plant". Astrophytum earned this name for its characteristic shape. With a certain diligence, you can achieve the flowering of a cactus, which in itself is no small achievement.
Ferocactus (Ferocactus) is a genus from the cactus family, in which there are more than three dozen species. Plants are spherical and elongated. Stems are solitary or with a large number of offspring. The smallest representatives of the genus are only a couple of tens of centimeters. But there are real giants whose height in their natural habitat exceeds the height of a person.