How to transport houseplants in winter so they don't die

Plants in the house are not only decorative. They purify the air, and some can even affect the well-being in the house. When moving to a new place of residence, plants must be handled with care, especially in winter.


Stop watering

2-3 days before transportation, completely stop watering and spraying the plant so that the soil is completely dry, otherwise irreparable damage may be caused to the roots. And during transportation, this greatly lightens the weight.

Carry in a cardboard box

For compact plants with short-term journeys lasting 10-15 minutes, choose a box of the appropriate size so that the flower can fully enter it without damaging the leaves and branches. If there are several pots, it is necessary to place them close to each other, and close the package tightly on top, this will keep warm and will not cause damage during transportation.

Insulate with bottles

We insulate the container with plastic bottles with hot water. This will allow you to maintain the desired temperature for a certain time. Additionally, bottles can be sealed with paper or sawdust. We close the box and carefully cover it with tape.

For long-term transportation, it is recommended to additionally insulate the box; both an old woolen blanket and any warm rags, burlap, etc. will do.

“Put on” in a linen / glued bag

We place tall plants in a pre-prepared bag or a bag made of linen, thick paper or polyethylene (preferably on a paper or linen basis). If there is no bag of a suitable size, you can make it yourself from scrap materials using scotch tape and a stapler. The main thing is that the product must be strong and reliable so that it does not break during transportation.

The packaging should exceed the size of the plant itself. Gently immerse the flower in a bag and tie it on top. Additionally, you can tie it with a rope along the entire plant according to the principle of Christmas trees and insulate with a woolen blanket or burlap during long journeys.

Cover with foam

For the transportation of thorny plants, we use thickened polystyrene (it will protect both the plant itself from damage and the hands from abrasions and scratches). Carefully put the pieces of foam on the thorns, fasten them with tape and place them in a box or bag. During transportation, it is advisable to hold the bottom of the pot and the trunk itself.

As soon as the plant is in place, it must be immediately unpacked and poured with warm water 25-30 ° C (it is not worth doing it warmer, because a sharp temperature drop is harmful to the root system). This will help to equalize the temperature of the cooled soil with the air temperature in the room as quickly as possible. Consequently, the plant will begin to consume water faster and adapt to the new habitat, which will reduce the degree of stress transferred from moving.

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