How to care for cacti in winter to survive the cold

Cacti are plants that decorate the room even on dark winter days. With the right care, they will feel great during the cold season. How to create conditions for these plants to survive the cold, we will tell in this article.


Place the flowers where they will receive the brightest light possible, enough to keep the plants comfortable during the few cold months. But don't place them too close to glass, they are sensitive to cold and drafts.


If you are growing cacti as houseplants, do not water them in winter. For sun-loving plants, a dormant period begins in the dark and cold season. Therefore, the summer watering regime can lead to root rot. In winter, watering should be kept to a minimum, just to prevent them from drying out completely. 1-2 teaspoons of water closer to the walls of the pot is the winter watering rate. Let the soil dry well between waterings. Cacti do not bloom in winter and stop growing.

Maintaining temperature

If there is a window sill in your house that does not have a hot radiator underneath, place the plants on it. Better the air temperature during the winter holidays was several degrees lower than usual. Some growers practice wintering in the refrigerator. To do this, gradually reduce watering, allow the soil to dry out and put it on the "warmest" shelf. You just need to remember that this method is not suitable for all species, there are thermophilic varieties, it is better for them to winter in a room. The period of cool dormancy should last 2-3 months, without which many cacti will not bloom in spring.

Top dressing

Feeding cacti in winter is not required. In cold weather, they strengthen summer growth and begin to form flower buds. The only thing they need is peace and coolness. By the way, it is not advisable to change the place you have chosen for wintering plants unnecessarily.

Compliance with these conditions gives the best care for cacti. The main thing to remember when it comes to caring for a plant is to try to recreate its natural habitat.

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