Growing godetia from seeds - when to plant and how to care?

Godetia is an annual herb native to Southern California. The qualification of a flower was first studied by the Swiss botanist C. H. Gode, in whose honor the name of the plant originated. Azalea-like, beautiful silky flowers have taken their place in many gardens in Europe since the 60s of the 19th century.

They also have similarities with the plant of the Cyprian family - clarke. Godetia reproduces by seeds and has some cultivation features, which will be discussed in our article.

Godetia - description, variety and photo of the flower

Plant bushes are distinguished by an elongated or spreading shape and compact size. In length, they exceed no more than 20-60 cm. On the erect stems of the godetia bush, lanceolate leaves are alternately located, which, due to the lush flowering of the plant, may not be visible.

Cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 3 to 10 cm they can be four petals and be simple, or they can gather in a brush and be terry. Depending on the variety, short stalks are distinguished by white, purple, pink, peach, carmine, red or a combination of colors.

Types and varieties

Blooming godetia is very beautiful - large bright flowers attract attention.Dear godetia is a plant with smooth, erect, fragile stems 60 cm high. Its leaves are pointed, narrow-lanceolate. The shovel-shaped petals are collected in cupped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. They are usually painted in various colors of red and bloom from July to September. There are varieties:

  1. Crystal snowflake is a plant with white flowers and stems up to 75 cm high.
  2. Kirshkenigin is a bush with pink-red flowers.

Large-flowered godetia is distinguished by light pubescence and stem height from 20 to 40 cm. Brittle erect or recumbent stems by the end of the vegetative period they become lignified. Lanceolate leaves of the plant taper towards the base. At the ends of the shoots, leafy brushes with large bell-shaped or cupped flowers are formed. The diameter of each flower can be up to 10 cm, and their silky petals have white, crimson, red, pink, dark red, scarlet or lilac shades. Bloom lasts from July to October. Hybrid varieties of large-flowered godetia can be dwarf and tall. The most popular ones are:

  1. Variety Orange Rum is a branchy, semi-spreading shrub 40-50 cm high. Narrow-lanceolate leaves grow on its reddish-green shoots. The red-orange flowers consist of whole-edged petals and have a broad-ringed shape.
  2. The Weiser Schwann variety is a spreading shrub no more than 30–35 cm high. It is distinguished by green shoots in the upper part and brown at the base, whole-edged petals and satin-white cup-shaped flowers.

Terry godetia is hybrid variety of large-flowered godetia... In nature, this type of plant does not exist. Azalea terry godetia is represented by the following varieties:

  1. Godetia is grown from seeds, and seedlings are planted in the ground.The Bride variety is distinguished by white flowers, which can have a subtle pink tint.
  2. The Brilliant variety is a bush with bright red flowers, the petals of which are strewn with white spots.
  3. The Rembrandt variety is a hemispherical low shrub with a height of 30 to 35 cm. Its pink-green shoots have narrow-lanceolate leaves and double flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. Each wavy rose petal of the variety is cut along the edge and has a red spot.
  4. The Sherwood variety is compact and stunted. Lanceolate leaves and semi-double flowers grow on green-pink shoots up to 30-40 cm high. The pink-salmon petals of the variety gradually brighten from the middle to the edge.

Godetia: growing from seed

When to plant godetia depends on how the plant is planted. In open ground, seeds are sown in April, May, or before winter two weeks before frost. Sowing for seedlings should take place in March.

Outdoor cultivation

Before planting seeds for half an hour kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate... This procedure will help to protect seedlings from various diseases. It is necessary to take care of the preparation of the bed in advance, which must be dug up, cleaned of debris and weeds, fertilized and watered.

Since godetia seeds are very small, they are spread on the surface of the bed and lightly sprinkled with earth. For sowing convenience, the seeds can be mixed with a little sand or earth.

Godetia bush during floweringEach the bush must have enough space and located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Otherwise, the godetia will bloom poorly. But it is not possible to place small seeds at the right distance at the right distance, therefore, densely sprouted seedlings are thinned out.

Seed care consists in constant moistening of the bed, which is regularly carefully watered with a watering can with a strainer. The first seedlings from seeds planted in open ground will appear in 2–2.5 weeks.

Growing seedlings at home

To get a beautifully blooming flower bed from the godetia in late May - early June, you can use the seedling planting method. The plant does not really like transplants, so planting and caring for seedlings in this case will be difficult.

So that as possible less disturbing to the root system of godetia, for sowing seeds, you can purchase special seedling cassettes or use disposable plastic cups that are easy to cut. Several seeds are placed in each cell or glass, the soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene. In such a mini greenhouse, the seeds will sprout together and caring for them is much easier.

Gordetia sprouts in the ground - planting with seeds.Godetia in a flower bed is a real decorationGrowing godetia - choosing seeds.Godetia is an undemanding flower, it does not need special care.

Seedling containers are placed in a warm place and until the seedlings sprout, the soil must be ventilated every day and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

As soon as the shoots appear, the glass is removed, and the seedling containers are placed in a bright place. Caring for them consists in careful watering and feeding.

If the seeds are sown in boxes, then when the seedlings have two or three true leaves, they will need to be sorted into separate containers. Three seedlings are planted in each pot. In this case, they should be dug out very carefully, and too long roots should be shortened.


Seedlings that have reached 5–7 cm in late May - early June are planted in open ground... About two weeks before planting, home-grown seedlings must be gradually hardened by exposing them to the balcony or garden for this.

The godetia area must be sunny. Plant Godetia can be grown from seed, but planting directly into the ground will be successful only in the southern regions.loves neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil... The flower garden is dug up and fertilized with humus at the rate of 5 kg per sq. m, wood ash and mineral fertilizers.

Planting godetia should take place in cloudy weather or in the evening after sunset... The distance between the seedlings depends on the height of the future bushes and can be 20 cm or more.Each sprout from the container is very carefully taken out along with a lump of earth, placed in prepared holes, sprinkled with soil and watered well.

Features of godetia care

Special conditions for growing godetia are not required, however, in order to get a lush and long flowering, you must follow some care rules:

  1. Planting the plant should take place in well-lit places, since in partial shade and shade, the flowers will be small, and the flowering itself is moderate.
  2. The soil around the bushes is regularly weeded and loosened. Such procedures will eliminate unwanted neighbors and provide the roots with air and room for growth.
  3. Godetia likes regular watering, but it is not recommended to fill it.
  4. Supports are tied to high stems.
  5. Every month the plant requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, which are low in nitrogen. This will ensure its timely and abundant flowering.
  6. Each bud blooms for only three days. Therefore, in order for new flowers to form as quickly as possible, wilted ones should be removed in a timely manner.

After flowering on a bush seed pods are formed, in which seeds ripen within 30 days. As soon as the capsules darken, seeds can be collected from them, which are dried and planted the next year.

Unpretentious garden plant godetia with proper fit and care will decorate with its beautiful flowers not only a flower garden, but also borders, lawns and flower beds. The plant is widely used for landscape design.

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