Suddenly, these flowers bring love and happiness to the house

Everyone around you understands that you do not need to blindly believe in prejudice. But sometimes they still think about the wisdom of past generations. Some green spaces are strongly discouraged to keep at home, while others say that they, on the contrary, will bring good luck.


This plant is considered a symbol of passionate love. In India, Chinese rose flowers are placed in the bedroom of newlyweds so that the feelings between them do not diminish.

According to other versions, hibiscus attracts men, and if a woman puts it in her house, then her only and beloved will definitely come.

In some countries, on the contrary, it is believed that the plant drives away males. Hibiscus is also called the "flower of death". Allegedly, its untimely flowering foreshadows a severe illness or even the death of one of the family members.


This indoor flower from the genus of succulents is very similar to the money tree. It also belongs to the fatty family and is considered a tree of love. Perhaps because its leaves, growing, resemble a heart.

This plant is unpretentious - in nature it even grows on stones. But at home, if, of course, you want the flower to grow magnificently and bring love and good luck, you need to take care of it. Wipe dust from leaves, remove from the bright sun, spray. Elongated and dry shoots must be removed - it is believed that they interfere with the well-being of the owners.


This is the flower of understanding and harmony. He is only seemingly modest and nondescript. And its thin long leaves radiate energy.

The substances contained in them resist harmful bacteria and have a positive effect on the nervous system. It has been noticed that not only in the apartment, but also in the office where this flower stands, quarrels and disagreements decrease.

Having received a new home, put chlorophytum on the windowsill, and your home will become a cozy family nest.


For many peoples, myrtle is considered a plant that brings happiness. He makes marriage lasting, and if a flower appeared in an already established family, it will certainly bring good luck and peace.

Sometimes it is even given to those who are getting married. The very sight of blooming myrtle can bring peace to the soul. However, its name just means "balm".

Kislitsa (oxalis)

Delicate sour leaves look great in any room. A flower brings good luck, especially if it is presented by a loved one.

Oxalis radiates useful energy: it helps to recover during illness, strengthens the immune system, and even helps in love affairs. But the plant is delicate and capricious. If you pour it a little or put it in the bright sun, it can wither.


A very unusual flower that is considered a plant with endless possibilities. It will help its owner study well or find a job to his liking, receive a high salary, and communicate productively.

Energize arrowroot can not only one person, but everyone living in the house. His energy is enough for many. Large, dark green leaves with red veins are beneficial for mental and physical health.

The plant improves sleep, its phytoncides protect against colds and even help the resorption of blood clots. At night, the leaves rise up and curl up.


An amazing exotic plant will bring you good luck if you take good care of it.A weak plant portends problems in life, and if the dracaena blooms, then we must wait for a pleasant event. An interesting feature of this plant: it emits resinous drops that resemble tears. Perhaps this fact inspired the wonderful Aztec legend associated with the dragon tree.

One simple warrior fell in love with a beautiful girl, but his father did not want to give her to his wife. He ordered the soldier to pour water on a dry stick, and if it leaves the leaves, the young people will get married.

As it turned out, this stick was dracaena. And the girl became the wife of a warrior, as the stick was covered with green leaves. Since then, this unpretentious plant has been considered an example of perseverance and good luck.

Many plants have some kind of symbolism, and some people attach meaning to this. But, of course, in the end it all depends on you. Even indoor flowers require care and attention, otherwise they will not grow. And to believe or not to believe the signs - everyone decides for himself.

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