Planting, breeding and caring for bamboo at home, photo

The houseplant bamboo is not a relative of bamboo, which grows in the wild. You can even see this in the photo. Bamboo, which grows in nature, is considered a herb, but it grows to an enormous height, about 40 meters. At home, we grow a variety of the famous flower - Dracaena (Dracaena Sander).

What does bamboo look like?

The plant is completely bare stem, only at the top there are several shoots and leaves. The trunk can grow straight, or it can begin to bend in a spiral from the very beginning. Most often, indoor bamboo is bright green, but there are also straw-golden species. If during the day the plant is under the rays of the bright sun, then its color will be dark green.

Bamboo is considered a plant that brings happiness and good luck. Many who adhere to Feng Shui try to have this kind of Dracaena at home. According to Chinese philosophy, the bamboo located in the southeastern part of the house will bring you good luck and financial stability, especially if there is a toad with coins nearby.

How to care for bamboo yourself?

Plants that bring good luck and healthIt is best to place the bamboo on a window that looking east... Avoid direct sunlight. The plant is light-requiring, but the constantly scorching sun can harm the leaves, burns will appear on them. Place on a window that you never open. Dracaena does not like cold air currents; ventilation in winter can lead to the death of bamboo.

Water the plant frequently in the summer, making sure that the soil does not dry out. In winter, moisture should be moderate.

If suddenly the plant begins to lose the lower leaves, you should increase the amount of light. Very tall bamboo is best planted in a large pot and put in a place where the light is diffused.

Try to keep the air in the room where the plant is located. When the air is dry, Dracaena Sander feels uncomfortable.

Correct fit

There are 3 ways how to properly grow Dracena Sander. Many indoor flower lovers argue about how to properly grow bamboo: in soil or in water. All methods are possible, but each has its own characteristics for flower care.

  1. Bamboo of happinessGrowing indoor bamboo in water... Rinse the roots thoroughly under running water. Check for any damage or scratches on the plants. If there are any visible violations of the roots, then at least 1/3 of the root can be removed. Water should be used only distilled and always settled. Place the plant in a glass container, secure the roots with beautiful stones (boiled) and pour water into the container. After 14 days, the water should be changed, but if it becomes cloudy, then this procedure should be carried out earlier. It is also necessary to change the liquid if the leaves begin to turn yellow. Once a month, the plant should be fed with fertilizers, which are produced specifically for dracaena.
  2. Planting bamboo in a pot... Choose a large enough pot for your home plant, it should not be cramped. Fill with special soil designed for growing dracaena. If you haven't found such soil, you can do it yourself: mix 200 g of clay turf and 100 g of peat and humus each.Transplant into a new pot once a year, and older plants once every 3 years. Remember to fertilize your bamboo houseplant 2 times a month.
  3. Growing in a hydrogel... So far, this is an uncommon way of growing Dracaena Sander at home. The plant is planted in a glass container filled with hydrogel and water. The hydrogel capsules gradually change their color and shape. Such cultivation does not require special conditions. 2 times a year it is necessary to fertilize Dracena. Periodically, as it dries, add clean water to the vessel.

Reproduction of indoor bamboo

Exists 2 ways to propagate bamboo:

  • Cuttings.
  • By dividing the root (rarely used).

When transplanting an adult plant, large shoots are separated and immediately planted in the soil, in a separate pot. At first, the shoot should be watered abundantly or rooted immediately in the water. A lot of sunlight is contraindicated for young plants.

Sometimes you can find bamboo seeds on sale, you do not need to purchase them. It will be a waste of both time and money. Growing Dracaena Sander from seeds is almost impossible.

Fertilizing bamboo

Plant food must be saturated minerals and organic matter... It is best to purchase a special fertilizer for dracaena in the store, which will contain just a lot of components necessary for the nutrition and development of the plant. In autumn and winter, feeding should be introduced 1-2 times. In warm weather, at least once every 3 weeks. If indoor bamboo starts to grow very slowly, this should be seen as a call for soil fertilization.

Diseases of bamboo and plant growing problems

Most often, the plant gets sick if it is followed by improper care.

  • Home plant bambooThe formation of spots and rusty spots on the stems. The shoot is affected by a fungus. It is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of fresh air to the flower; for this, constantly ventilate the room. Treat the shoot with fungicides.
  • Damage to the flower by pests. Most often, mites and aphids cause damage to bamboo. If you see these unpleasant insects on the plant, then remove the pest with a soft sponge. If Dracena is visibly damaged, remove the affected part, and treat the entire bamboo with a special solution that will destroy the pests.
  • Yellowness of the shoot and leaves. May be caused by direct sunlight or too hard water used for irrigation. If the plant is grown in soil, then the yellowing of the shoot indicates its rotting due to abundant watering. This problem also arises with frostbite of Dracaena, do not overcool the plant. Remove the yellowed shoot, and check the conditions of care and, if necessary, modify.
  • The bamboo has stopped growing. Dracaena lacks sunlight or does not receive nutrients. You should track how much light the flower receives during the day, and also fertilize with fertilizer containing the main minerals necessary for rapid growth. Top dressing should be done in moderation, since soil oversaturation can also negatively affect Dracena Sander.
  • The leaves crumble, curl, become soft. The plant is frozen. It is necessary to increase the heating of the room.
  • White pigmentation on the leaves. Most likely, this is not a disease, but a feature of the type of your bamboo. If you are still worried, then study the photos of plants, relatives of your home flower, perhaps everyone has the same spots.

Bamboo flower - very unpretentious plant... With the careful care of Dracaena Sander, it grows quickly and pleases with its bright color. If you are a lover of home flowers, do not disregard this plant.

Reproduction of bamboo at home
Description of bamboo plantWatering bambooPlanting bambooBamboo home careHow to grow bamboo yourselfBamboo of happinessBamboo care rulesBamboo plant appearancePlants that bring good luck and healthHow to care for bambooBamboo in the houseGrowing bambooConditions for growing bambooBamboo root systemWhat to plant bamboo inBamboo content

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