What to do to turn a bouquet of roses into a bush on a windowsill

Rooting stem cuttings is a very common way of propagating flowers, including roses. We will tell you more about this in our article.

Reproduction by cuttings from a bouquet

For this method, take cuttings from a healthy plant and remove any flowers or flower buds along the cutting. Flowers absorb most of the plant's energy - by removing them from the cuttings, we induce the stem to reorient its energy towards survival. You should also remove almost all of the leaves except the top two leaves on the stem, and then cut off the stem just above the top leaf. Removing excess leaves also helps channel energy towards root production. However, photosynthesis is vital to the stem, so one pair of leaves must be preserved until new roots are formed. Make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem and cut it into 4 slices.

Plant the cuttings in a tray or container filled with a mixture of coarse sand and vermiculite or special soil for growing roses. Cover the stalk with plastic wrap and water regularly. Root formation usually takes 2 weeks. A rooted cutting can be transplanted into a pot or garden as soon as new shoots begin to appear. It is important to dip the lower cut into a growth stimulator before planting the cutting. You can choose a stimulant at your own discretion, but it is desirable that it was a specialized solution for this particular plant.

Use of potato tubers

As in the previous method, first prepare the cutting by removing excess leaves and buds. Cut the edges lightly with a sharp knife at the base where new roots will form. Choose potatoes with a high moisture content, such as white or red. Prepare the potatoes by making a round hole in the center that is slightly less than the diameter of the cut rose. Place the prepared cutting into the potato, but do not push it all the way through. Plant the potatoes with the cuttings in the container of your choice, lightly compact the soil and water. It will be useful to create a microclimate for the plant by covering it with a film or glass cover. When rooting this way, also use growth promoters.

General requirements for growing roses

The methods for growing a rose from a cuttings are quite simple and affordable. However, in order for an admirable rose bush to grow on the windowsill, you need to follow some rules. However, domestic varieties are better suited for growing in our difficult climatic conditions. They are adapted for cultivation in any region, resistant to “local” diseases and insect pests.

During active growth in spring, as well as during the budding and flowering period, plants need feeding. Compost and natural fertilizers are ideal food for the rose. You can also use a banana as an extended release food. To do this, simply bury a black, soft banana next to each bush.

After the first frost in the fall, protect the plants from temperature extremes and cold gusts of wind. If your roses are growing outdoors, prune them, peel them off, and provide shelter. It can be agrofibre, polyethylene, geotextile or natural materials - spruce branches and straw.

The best place for wintering delicate heat-loving plants is a dry room with a small, but still "positive" temperature without drafts. Potted roses for the winter rest period should also be pruned and watering reduced.

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    1. AvatarNina Kulish

      thanks for the valuable advice

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