Orchid is a very beautiful flower that many dream to have. This delicate plant needs proper care. There are situations when a blooming orchid needs to be transplanted. But how to do it correctly, so as not to damage it, because during this period the plant is weakened. Therefore, let's try to figure out whether it is possible to transplant an orchid during flowering? Will not this process ruin such a wonderful flower?
When is an orchid transplant necessary?
Experienced flower growers do not recommend replanting the plant during flowering, since all his forces at this time are directed at this. Therefore, unnecessary loads for him are useless. When can you do this? Better time - after it fadesunless, of course, it is urgent. But there are circumstances when the orchid should be transplanted as quickly as possible and you have to do this during flowering. Basically, the Phalaenopsis flower undergoes this process, since other species then fall ill.
Florists highlight a number of reasonswhen a flowering orchid transplant is urgently needed:
the plant is sick or hit by a tick;
- the pot has become cramped due to the overgrown root system;
- poor quality substrate that prevents the culture from developing;
- due to waterlogged soil, roots began to rot;
- the leaves of the plant dry up and turn yellow;
- the root system has grown to a clay pot;
- the flower no longer fits in the pot.
Particular attention should be paid to the situation when the roots of the plant began to rot. In this case, the peduncle is cut off so that the orchid can take root. But this must be done with extreme caution.
How to choose the right pot?
In order for a plant to develop normally, it needs choose the right flowerpot... A transparent pot is suitable for such orchid species in which the root system is involved in photosynthesis.
For the normal outflow of water, the flowerpot must have holes in the required number. The plant should not be transplanted into a very spacious container, as it will not bloom, but will increase the green mass.
If the phalaenopsis orchid is transplanted into a ceramic pot, then the inside should be covered with glaze. This will prevent the roots from sticking to it and will help prevent injury. It is best not to purchase a glass flowerpot, since in such a container the root system will begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen.
Orchid pot should be on a small leg... In this case, the air will circulate freely and the necessary outflow of water will take place.
Soil preparation
It is necessary to prepare a new substrate taking into account the following points:
if the room is with low humidity, then the soil should have an increased moisture capacity;
- a good substrate should completely dry out in 3-5 days;
- the soil should be light, not caking after watering.
Blooming Phalaenopsis orchid prefers pine bark substrate and sphagnum moss. A little charcoal and peat are added to these ingredients.
The bark should be from a freshly cut, strong tree. Before use, it should be sorted out and boiled. After the bark dries up, it is divided into 2 parts. One is crushed, and the second is cut larger.
Moss is soaked in warm water for a day.Crushed peat and coal are added in small quantities, they will be necessary in order to feed the weakened plant.
The soil is soaked for 2 hours in a weak solution, which is prepared from any fertilizer for this flower. After that the substrate must be dried.
After drainage, lay out large pieces of bark in the pot, after which the orchid is carefully installed. Then, the finished substrate and another drainage layer are poured into the container to its middle, and the rest of the soil is poured onto it on top. Spread the bark on top, cut into large pieces.
Transplant process
Is it possible to transplant a blooming orchid and how to do it correctly? Such an event should be carried out with special care, since this is a strong stress for the plant. Consider the transplant sequence.
Shortening of peduncles
First, you need to shorten all peduncles by 2-3 cm. This improves rooting and allows new lateral shoots to grow.
Before how to transplant an orchid phalaenopsis, it should be watered abundantly. After that, they begin to tap the pot and take out an earthen lump. A ceramic pot is best broken up gently. The roots of the flower can stick to the surface and cannot be torn from the shards, since in this case the root system may die. You will have to transplant the orchid into a new pot along with the stuck shards.
Root processing
The root system must be carefully cleaned of the substrate, after which it is immersed in warm water for 30 minutes. The remains of the soil should be washed off under running water and the root system is carefully examined. Blackened or rotten areas are carefully trimmed with a sterilized knife. If you suspect the existence of pests, the root is dipped in an antimicrobial solution. All cut off places are treated with charcoal or activated carbon.
Planting a flowering plant
The new pot must be disinfected using a solution of potassium permanganate and dry well. Drainage is laid out at its bottom and roots are lowered. The plant is carefully covered with a new substrate, and a layer of bark can be put on top.
Key recommendations
When it becomes necessary to transplant the phalaenopsis orchid during flowering, you should adhere to the basic rules:
When the old substrate is removed from the roots and after washing them, the plant is dried at room temperature for about 7 hours. At this time, new soil is being prepared.
- The drainage must be boiled and dried. For him, pebbles or small pieces of broken brick are used, but not expanded clay. When combined with water, it begins to emit harmful substances that can destroy the orchid.
- If the plant is overgrown, it should be carefully divided.
- After transplanting, a more thorough care is taken for the flower.
By following these rules, you can be sure that the plant will experience minimal stress.
So, is it possible to transplant an orchid during its flowering period? Yes, but only in case of emergency... This plant is very delicate and vulnerable, therefore it requires careful attitude to itself and constant care. Transplanting during flowering for an orchid is a lot of stress. Therefore, following all the recommendations, you can keep her healthy and strong.