How to plant an orchid at home: tips, photos

The orchid has been known in the world for many hundreds of years, and today a large number of its representatives can be found in various parts of the planet. Novice flower growers, as a rule, do not remain indifferent to this beautiful plant. The desire to acquire such a flower in their home makes them learn more about the features of planting orchids and the subsequent care of the plant.

Although there are certain difficulties in the process of conducting this event, this task is within the power of any person. Therefore, if you decide to replenish your green corner with an orchid, then at certain times you will still have to think about planting an orchid in order to get several of these beautiful plants instead of one.

Can orchids be planted?

Orchids are unpretentious plants, and various methods can be used to propagate them. As a rule, in order to achieve success in this business, novice florists take into account the recommendations of more experienced florists. Therefore, they try to find detailed instructions, which describe each stage, following which you can perform planting as efficiently as possible.

For planting a room orchid, a florist can choose one of the following methods:

  • seating with correctly formed bulbs;
  • planting cuttings of a room orchid;
  • seating by side shoots;
  • seating by dividing the bush.

In the latter case, specimens that are rather large in size are used for reproduction. However, regardless of which planting method you decide to use, you must take into account the type and varietal characteristics of the mother plant. Not all orchid species grow form bulbs, so you have to use other seating methods.

When is the best time to plant an orchid?

Soil for orchidsThe most favorable conditions for the transplantation and reproduction of orchids are created in the spring. It is at this time of the year that the plants come out of dormancy and begin to gain strength. In each case, the planting technique will be carried out in a special way, which is influenced by the chosen method.

If seating is carried out root division, then a mother plant with a large size is used here. First of all, this operation is needed for specimens that do not have enough space in the planting pot, as indicated by the visible bulb.

As a rule, the planting method by dividing the bush is applied to such species of sympodial growing orchids as:

  • "Cymbidium";
  • Cattleya;
  • Oncidium;
  • Miltonia;
  • "Dendrobium".

In other words, this method is suitable for those members of the family who have several growth points simultaneously.

Sitting by children

The most popular seating method that is practiced at home is the use of babies.

The planting process itself begins with carefully removing the orchid from the flower pot, after which it is necessary to clean the rhizome from the planting substrate with equal care.After that, you need to divide the roots of the plant into several fragments using disinfected scissors or pruning shears. As a result, each received part must contain 2-3 high quality and healthy bulbs.

At the end of the separation procedure, the cut site must be treated with powdered charcoal. This measure will help protect plants from disease. Next, the transplantation of seedlings into individual planting pots is carried out directly. From this moment, it is necessary to regularly spray, while watering should be rare. This should be the care of young orchid plants until the formation of leaves or new shoots.

How to plant an orchid at home?

How not to damage orchid rootsA particularly popular method used by many growers is to plant indoor orchids with the help of children. However, this method is limited in its application, as it can only be used for certain types of orchids, for example, "Dendrobium" and "Phalaenopsis". Such a choice is due to the characteristics of these plants, since in the process of growth they form children who perform the role of side shootsthat look like newly formed, fairly small plants.

The most active babies are formed at a high temperature in the room and the mandatory feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. The appearance of a baby on an orchid is the first sign that it is time to start regular spraying, which will help stimulate the process of root formation. A differentiated knife must be used to separate the lateral shoot from the mother plant.

Seating with cuttings

Plant species such as orchids "Dendrobiums" and "Epidendrum" reproduce quite successfully at home using cuttings.

After receiving the planting material, it is necessary to treat the cuts with powdered charcoal. Next, the resulting children are transplanted into individual planting pots, which must first be filled with a high-quality substrate.

In order to increase the chances of survival of indoor plants, it is recommended to transplant the seedlings into a substrate of a suitable composition, which must be covered with a layer of moss on top.

The most common mistakes

Features of orchid transplantChoosing any of the planting methods listed above, you can be sure that even a novice florist will not make serious mistakes, because of which the plant will seriously suffer in the future. However, when grown indoors by planting certain types of orchids, you can use grafting method only... First of all, this should not be forgotten by those flower growers who are going to plant in their apartment such plant species as "Dendrobiums" and "Epidendrum".

  • an important issue is the choice of the right time for planting orchids by cuttings. Experts recommend holding this event from the first days of March to the end of April;
  • Usually, orchids are planted every 2-3 years. However, when propagating orchids in this way, it is imperative to take into account the phase of plant development;
  • planting in this way is possible only after the completion of the flowering of a room orchid;
  • it is also necessary to wait for the plants to have new and fully formed leaves. The presence of these signs in a houseplant shows that it will be able to successfully transfer planting, as a result, after its completion, it will take root faster and continue to grow. Planting indoor orchids at the stage when the plant is most prepared for such an operation allows you to minimize the harm that this propagation method can cause.


Orchid care rulesGrowing orchids indoors is not so difficult today, given that this plant has been around for a long time. cultivated by domestic growers... Some difficulties may arise for novice flower lovers who do not always know how to plant an orchid. However, if they follow exactly the cultivation techniques, they are unlikely to be able to make gross mistakes when growing and caring for indoor orchids.

One of the important activities that have to be carried out for each room orchid is planting it. A similar need arises due to the lack of sufficient space in the pot, which does not allow the flower to continue to grow. Therefore, it is very important to determine in time this moment when it is necessary to carry out a transplant.

In order for the planting operation to cause minimal harm to the plant, and it can take root faster, it is necessary choose the right moment... It is undesirable to do this during flowering or before the formation of full-fledged foliage, because otherwise there is a high probability that after transplanting the plant will have to recover for a long time or due to stress it may completely die.

Orchid transplant
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