Violets do not bloom in spring - what needs to be done

Violet is a small houseplant, considered quite unpretentious, but without proper care it can cause many problems. For some, Saintpaulia can bloom all year round without any hesitation, while others cannot get it to bloom at least once.


Violets may not bloom for absolutely different reasons. A mistake could have been made when planting or transplanting a flower. They are very sensitive to acidic compounds, so special soil for violets is sold in flower shops. Experienced flower growers prepare such soil on their own, which includes high moor peat and garden soil.

Another reason is lack of light. Violets are very fond of light, but not so that the sun bakes them directly. It is very easy to determine by the flower whether it has enough light or not. If the leaves begin to lose color, dry out and are directed towards the light source, then there is clearly a lack of it. And if some kind of "burns" appear on the leaves, then it is worth limiting the flow of light.

Watering can also affect flowering. If you do not take it with responsibility, then the flower can be dried out or overmoistened. There are several ways to properly water Saintpaulia. First, watering directly to the root. It is the most common because it does not require much effort. Secondly, it is to pour water into the pan and wait until the flower itself absorbs as much moisture as it needs, then the excess water is removed. And thirdly, when planting between the drainage and the ground, a string is laid in the form of a ring, the end of which is passed through the lower hole in the pot, then the pot is placed on a container with water and the string is lowered there. Thus, the flower itself receives water in the required amount.


Although violets are considered unpretentious plants, they nevertheless require compliance with the rules for their care. Saintpaulias require a certain temperature regime, they react negatively to cold. The optimum temperature is 22-24 degrees. Do not allow sudden changes in temperature, otherwise this can lead to the death of the flower.

Since in the wild, violets grow mainly near water bodies, at home they also need about 50% humidity. Such conditions are difficult to create in the winter season, since houses are constantly heated, it follows that the air becomes too dry.

Like any flower, Saintpaulias require a lot of light. On average, they should be exposed to light for 10-12 hours, and in the dark - 8 hours.


Since there are many varieties of violets, they all bloom in different ways. With proper care, any species will bloom regularly and seamlessly. If the change of flowers occurs imperceptibly, then all the stages of planting and growing are performed correctly.

Some species are characterized by the fact that they can bloom all year round. Basically, Saintpaulias bloom for about 8-9 months. After planting, they begin to bloom after about 8-10 months, while it is important to comply with the lighting and watering requirements.

Thus, the violet is the most common home flower, since it does not require complex care and lives for a long time. To do this, it is enough just to provide the plant with everything it needs and take full care of it.

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