Varieties of indoor violets: photos, names of flowers

The catalogs of violets offered in stores today are distinguished by a wide assortment, where you can find a large number of different varieties of this wonderful flower. However, even with access to such a large amount of information, it will be extremely difficult for a person who is far from crop production to decide on a suitable Saintpaulia variety.

Types of uzambar violets

Every novice florist has probably seen a photo of these plants. However, the genus of violets is very numerous, so it would be correct to dwell on its types in more detail.

Given the wide variety of violets, for ease of understanding they are usually divided into several main groups... Therefore, acquaintance with the violet must begin by studying the following classification:

  1. Collectible varieties - these include large and exhibition violets.
  2. Variegated leaves.
  3. Varieties with fantasy paint.
  4. Industrial varieties.
  5. Ampel varieties.
  6. Mini varieties.

In more detail, each of the above types will be given special attention below.

Collectible varieties

The main feature is their small diameter, which is 5–7 cm. Due to their splendor, they are perfect for making bouquets. Large leaves provide them with bright decorative well as a rich color palette that ranges from vibrant crimson to deep blue.

Particularly noteworthy are the flower stalks of this variety of violets, which remain on the stems for an extremely short time. Representatives of this group of violets are among the whimsical plants, but the efforts expended in growing these plants are fully are compensated by the beauty that they delight during flowering... Violet petals look attractive thanks to their graceful waviness, fluffiness and doubleness. The leaves also show signs of waviness. Flowers of this variety can often be found at exhibitions, which is not surprising given their ideal external characteristics.

Variegated Saintpaulias

Photos of these violets immediately attract attention, however, live they look even more attractive.

Variegated violets look very interesting.Judging by the name of these plants, their main decoration is the unusually bright coloring of the leaves. What makes them attractive is the presence of many different shades on one sheet. They can have white or yellow edges at the same time., pink or lavender border, and the finishing touch of this beauty are snow-white droplets on a dark green background.

The last successful experiment of breeders was a new variety of violets, which has velvety large flowers of red and blue shades with red splashes.

In recent years, plants with a bright color of leaves have become more and more in demand among flower growers. Moreover, this applies not only to violets, but also to ivy, dieffenbachia, etc. The reason for this is simple - after all this design makes the plants extremely attractive and original at the same time.

Fantasy varieties

Crown variegation - what is it?Compared to other representatives of the violet groups, these flowers have peas, spots on flowers, stripes, strokes on petals as their main advantages. But, as practical experience shows, new generation of plants obtained by reproduction, unable to adopt the original color from the mother plant.

The uzambar violets of this species have gained great popularity due to their spectacular and original appearance. They often have large double flowers, complemented by classic leaves. A good solution is to add them to the composition of floral arrangements: pink specks look great against a dark blue background, and crimson dots perfectly complement coral petals. Often flowers unimaginable in their color can be obtained as a result of independent reproduction..

Industrial varieties

The peculiarity of these Saintpaulias is that they have little in common with the flowers of other varieties. In this case, we are talking about violets, bred mechanically on special plantations, from where they are delivered to stores as part of one-time bouquets. They are known to many under the name "Biedermeier".

Round and flat bouquets are often used to decorate tables during meetings and formal meetings. One of the advantages of these violets is long and abundant flowering.... These flowers have a classic design with no signs of doubleness. They look like fancy hats decorated with small leaves. Flowers of this subspecies are unable to boast of a bright and original color.

Ampel violets

By their design, these Saintpaulias strongly resemble African varieties: their flowers are rather small, grow on long stems, and have a uniform color.

They are represented by the following types:

  • creeping trailers;
  • trailers are ampelous.

Trailer violets are beautiful potted plants.Creeping violets are distinguished by high bushiness, from the shoots are formed plants resembling a rug, which regularly hangs in the direction of light from the pot. The most demanded are ampelous saintpaulias.which have a long stem reaching 50 cm. The advantage of these varieties is their lush flowering.

The peculiarity of these plants is that they are quite flexible, so a variety of flower beds can be created from them. The characteristic color of the leaves - variegated, flowers are rather miniature, but this does not prevent them from remaining attractive. If necessary, Saintpaulias can be easily propagated, very soon getting new attractive bushes.

Mini varieties

Violets of this group have rather miniature inflorescences. The diameter of the rosettes does not exceed 12 cm. There are types of violets whose diameter is less than 8 cm. It is customary to refer them to the category of "micromini-violets". Against their background common violets look like giants, considering that their rosettes have a diameter of 21–40 cm. As for the color coloration, the choice is quite wide: you can find plants that have variegated, creeping and fancy color schemes.

But such a large selection of shades of Saintpaulias became available to flower growers only a couple of years ago. You can create favorable conditions for miniature Saintpaulias by growing them in compact pots and providing them with wick watering. Otherwise, there is a high risk of drying out, and if they remain without moisture, then can dry out rather quickly and die... Violets of this variety tolerate propagation well and therefore take root faster than larger varieties. During flowering, they form a variety of attractive, bright and original inflorescences. Experience shows that it is best to grow them in containers filled with sphagnum moss.

How to choose the right violets?

If you have to grow violets for the first time at home, then you should proceed when choosing from the maximum simplicity in caring for the plant. therefore it is best to immediately refuse to grow large exhibition flowers in the apartmentwhich involve many complexities. For those who do not have much experience in breeding these plants, it is best to choose ampelous and mini-violets.

If your green space already has several representatives of violets, then you can replenish it with new ones that have the same requirements for care and cultivation. Then they will not give you any trouble in terms of providing optimal lighting, watering regime, etc.

Ampel violets are distinguished by pale pink inflorescences.For those for whom the decorative properties of plants are most important, fantasy violets are best suited. After all, they are the most original in design compared to all other types. but you should buy them only after you become familiar with all the features of caring for flowers of this variety... Otherwise, you will not experience the joy of their flowering, since they will quickly die in you, since you will not be able to create optimal development conditions for them.

A slightly different approach is used if you need plants that you will use for propagation. You should not immediately choose the flowers of the fantasy variety, since the "children" received from them do not retain the original shades and patterns. Breeding new varieties Recommended only for those growers who have sufficient experience in growing violets. After all, this process requires a lot of time and effort, so only trained growers can do this task.

What are the most beautiful varieties of violets?

Bright and colorful design is a characteristic feature of all large-sized exhibition saintpaulias. However, in this list, it is especially worth noting the variety Lions Spektecule: its main distinguishing features are large size and deep purple-purple color. Due to the fact that it stands out among its relatives for its impressive size, it has remained in demand among gardeners over the past years.

Interesting varieties of violets are the Agate Tulip and the Scarlet Mantle. About the first flower, a pronounced coral shade of large stars can be noted. It got its name not by chance, because with its design, it strongly resembles an opened tulip.

The scarlet mantle attracts attention with its bright red design, graceful shape and dark foliage.

Variegated Cenopoly - photos of plants.One of the favorite violets among fans is the Alaska variety. Its main decoration is flowers of a snow-white shade: wavy flowers in the form of stars, growing in diameter up to 7 cm, give it unusualness.

Within the group of variegated varieties of violets, indoor plants can be distinguished, which are considered the most attractive:

  • Vintage Vine. The plant is decorated with light leaves with a white border, which become darker over time. Over time, changes occur with the border, which changes its original color to lavender, sand or pink. The flowers of this variety are burgundy;
  • Pow wow. It is a plant covered with smooth green foliage with a white edging. Flowers can be maroon or lilac, not very large, formed at some elevation, resembling butterflies;
  • ApacheFreedom. The stem is decorated with leaves with a border, reminiscent of pinkish scallops, so this lacy variegated foliage is the main decoration of this variety.

If we talk about a group of fantasy violets, then it is difficult to single out the most beautiful plants in it because of their large variety. For example, the subspecies Galaxy Densin looks attractive thanks to its blue colors, decorated with white and pink spots... The variety Geguzhetta also has a lot of fans, which attracts attention with blue strokes that look spectacular against a pale pink background.

Among the group of industrial violets, it is difficult to distinguish flowers of an original color. Although in this list there are certain types that can amaze with their non-standardness.

The variegated violet got its name from the shade of the leaves.Variegated Saintpaulia wasp is a plant with greenish flowers.Violets can have leaves of different shapes and shades.Violets do not bloom at home as often as we would like, but when they bloom, they give a lot of joy.
  • Octavia.It is made beautiful by bright white flowers, which look great against the background of light purple petals;
  • Rachel. It looks like a plant with flowers of red or burgundy color, is a pronounced aristocrat;
  • Florence. What makes this variety unique is its white, very thin edging.


Violets are one of the most popular plants that many budding flower growers have heard of. Growing them indoors is a simple matter, you need to choose the right variety... However, novice growers should not consider varieties with pronounced decorative properties, since, due to the difficulty in growing, the likelihood that they will not live long is very high.

It is better to choose more unpretentious varieties that will feel comfortable in the apartment even with minimal maintenance. Having received the first experience on cultivation, in the future, you can proceed to breeding more complex varieties of violets.

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